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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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I reckon the Animal crossing character is simply the character you play with (whatever he/she is). It will have a generic name for the fact you assign the name to the character in the actual games and would have moveset that incorporates activities you do in the games such as fishing, digging, furniture/postage smack perhaps etc.


It could clash with having Miis characters though...

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What are trophies? These are solid objects that appear as prizes and offer explanations of characters!


You can check out the poses and learn the backgrounds of a variety of characters.




Characters in solid form, complete with explanations!




You can view them from a variety of angles. Whirrrrrreeee...


You’re going to get a lot of these, so we’ve added images of them to the list to make them easier to identify.




You can arrange them by series.




And you can line them all up. This can’t be outdoors, can it?


Take a look at these, for example, if you want to learn more about a character you saw in the background in Smash. Or when your interest in a particular character’s back-story has been piqued, and you want to learn more about them.


Having trophies that explain your characters is quite useful.


And, in a bonus mode, you can even create something like this.




Choose several trophies and place them however you like!




You can even change the background. It’s all up to you.


Since we’ve gone to the trouble of gathering all these universes together, I hope you’ll enjoy gaining a deeper understanding of these characters. It’s with that intent that we’re all working so hard.




Again a great update. :D

I was hoping trophies would be back again and now they're confirmed. I liked collecting them a lot in Melee and they seem even more improved now. Maybe there are even more than in Melee. I like how you can see Snake hiding under the box. :p

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I was surprised how glad I actually became when I saw today's update. I loved collecting trophies in Melee, but since the stickers were announced, my hopes had gone down. This just made my day.


Now we actually have three different collectible items in this game: Stickers, CDs, and trophies. This game is definitely going to be the game of the year for me (even if it isn't coming out till next year).

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Cell shaded tingle, actually, directly from wind waker... So... I'm thinking Wind Waker Link could be in the game indeed.


That doesn't really mean anything though. Wind Waker Link could just be a trophy as well. I don't think they'll add Wind Waker Link to be playable, I think it would be too similar to Link. Maybe a costume change could be possible.

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Once again, another cool character that gets announced during my absence.


Snake is awesome. Using different weapons for smash attacks is awesome. Just ask Mr. Game and Watch (also awesome).


That pic with Ike is priceless. Sleeper hold + Neckbreaking skills = win.


The music is good. Didn't expect to see MGS 4 music here.


The trophies update is also cool. Great to see them return.


By the way, it seems that Tingle and Slippy have been deconfirmed.



Cel shaded Link would be a cool character.

Him and realistic Link are completely different. Cel Link can't use the Gale Boomerang, but he can use the Deku Leaf, the Gust Jar, among others.


EDIT: Does that banana got eyes? What game is that from?

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Best collectibles ever are back!:yay:


By the way, it seems that Tingle and Slippy have been deconfirmed.


It means nothing. Playable characters have also trophies and, in Melee, each character have a trophy based on model from another game. Thinking like that, we also can say the enemy from Pikmin confirm Olimar.

I still doubt Tingle and Slippy will be playable characters, even if after playing Tingle RPG I really wouldn't mind Tingle as a PC (and it will piss off many people :D). Maybe there's a Tingle Tower stage.

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It's an banana alien from Donkey Kong Jungle Climbers.




What the...?

That is one of the freakiest baddies I've ever seen.


It means nothing. Playable characters have also trophies and, in Melee, each character have a trophy based on model from another game. Thinking like that, we also can say the enemy from Pikmin confirm Olimar.

I still doubt Tingle and Slippy will be playable characters, even if after playing Tingle RPG I really wouldn't mind Tingle as a PC (and it will piss off many people :D). Maybe there's a Tingle Tower stage.


Yes, I know playable characters have trophies, but don't you find it weird that they would reveal those characters through this update?


I wouldn't mind Tingle as a PC (specially since he has his own game now), but I just think it's weird that he would be revealed this way.


The tower stage is not a bad idea at all.

But isn't there any original stage in the Tingle RPG? A stage from a different game is always welcome.

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Best collectibles ever are back!:yay:




It means nothing. Playable characters have also trophies and, in Melee, each character have a trophy based on model from another game. Thinking like that, we also can say the enemy from Pikmin confirm Olimar.

I still doubt Tingle and Slippy will be playable characters, even if after playing Tingle RPG I really wouldn't mind Tingle as a PC (and it will piss off many people :D). Maybe there's a Tingle Tower stage.


I, personally, doubt they would show Tingle and Slippy as trophies if they are going to be playable characters. And I hope they're not playable cause I much more prefer Krystal and Midna for Smash Bros!


Well, anyway the update is great, even though it wasn't that much of a suprise.

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