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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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Aint no way in hell it's better looking than RE4.
well... this is not the thread to discuss this, but RE4 takes place in closed spaces even as they are "loaded" by zones... In TP you have so much more going on, for one thing the wind isn't fixed, and it's applied to pretty much everything in the game, like in WW... the clouds are free roaming in hyrule there are more people on screen and it has a pretty nice physics engine going on as well. it has big portions of water in there oh... and a bigger range of moves possible, also there's no "transparent" air to be found, every place seems to have real particle effects going on, while RE4 uses a alpha texture blended in for those... Zelda TP really pushes more out of the cube, It's not even a contest.


But you are free to like the RE4 graphics best, the cutscenes with voice overs and lip sync won't be touched by TP, nor the bump mapping nor the polygons on the characters (10 000 for Leon)... :) but they are not superior nor do they push the cube more.

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3 good things about Titanic: Kate Winslets boobs, Leo DiCaprio dying and the sinking scene. The rest sucked more than a prostitute on the job for over 40 years. As for TP, it will be an amazing game, no doubt about it. But perfect? Close maybe but nothing is perfect.

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I hate the word perfect. Its so badly used. Well no-one can ever use it without people disagreeing.

well, I understand what miamoto meant to say... If I was to develop a game I'd like to launch it only when I think it's "perfect"... as in: "there's nothing else to add, i'm satisfied" that might be the contrary of "rushing" the game.


Also a game might be perfect to it's creator as to be proud of his own creation, as stated in another thread Sega's Yuji Naka stated that NiGHTS is perfect, he isn't saying that the game is flawless but that it is his masterpiece and it's perfect, for him, as in "I don't know what more to make (or add) after that one".

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i am just like so WHATEVER ed towards you guys right now...and that totally didn't make any sense at all! lol
Whatever ::shrug:



Interview with clover studio:

Can you describe the team’s reaction when Nintendo first announced that Link would be able to transform into a wolf in Twilight Princess and that it would feature predominantly into the gameplay?


Inaba: Yeah, actually I was at E3 myself and I saw that live with my own eyes. And to be honest, at first I thought, “Those sons of…. What are they doing?” Had we announced it very much prior to that then I would have felt really disappointed as if they were ripping us off, but I think that the timing shows that they may have had that idea before. I don’t think that they’re directly trying to rip us off or anything. As a creator, I’d prefer that they didn’t do that because it kind of takes away some of our thunder. But no hard feelings. I really like Zelda games so I’m cool with it.

Source: http://www.gameinformer.com/News/Story/200603/N06.0308.1629.19628.htm


Ahahahahaha :laughing: that made me laugh... and let me say this... Then just give to us Okami then, that one shouldn't be exclusive for PS2...


Rather than stealing the thunder Nintendo might have opened the path for Okami to sell pretty good on Nintendo systems, Capcom would be stupid not to port it over for revolution, I mean... Zelda is gonna be Revo Compliant, what better reason to market their game on Revo do they need?


Anyway, I'm sure Nintendo didn't rip Clover Studio, even the guy speaking thinks so (and the idea was pretty along implemented when they showed it, it was not something thought of overnight.

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The site hyrule.net reports to us that the magazine Nintendo Power contains an interesting interview with Makoto Miyanaga de Nintendo which forms part of the team of development of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on GameCube. The person in charge gives us indeed some details on the advance of the project, and more particularly on the transformation of Link into wolf in this new episode. Makoto Miyanaga declares thus 'We developed a system gameplay which makes it possible to make move the wolf in a very natural way, the player will have truly the impression which displacements of the animal are made naturally. It remains us more than some small improvements to be carried out and the wolf will be playable at the time of E3.'.
Nintendo seems to put much efforts on this new gameplay of Link in wolf, Keisuke Nishimori de Nintendo in load of the modeling and animations of the characters of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess declared a few months ago in this same magazine that several technologies, such as Motion Captures with animal truths, were employed in order to obtain a good dynamics of the movements 'the prospect for the system of control of the wolf strongly influenced our direction of development. In a traditional play Zelda in 3d, a sight with the third nobody implies forcing which the glance of the player focuses on the back of the character that it controls. But Mr. Miyamoto incited us to reflect more on that would imply for a wolf: if we use the same solution, the player would look at the tail of the wolf constantly. Tedious. And it would be difficult for the player to know exactly in what a direction evolves/moves the wolf, with in more the tail and the hips of the animal which would block the sight! Thus... To have Midna on the back of the wolf helps us to solve these problems [... ] Another thing, us never gave the possibility to the player of controlling intensively a character with four legs before, it is thus difficult to find precedents to know if our solutions correspond well to the Zelda spirit. How can I use a wolf to make things which stick to the Zelda series? A wolf cannot push blocks or climb a scale! But on another side (and it is where the things become interesting), a wolf can make very specific things, and we never had this situation in a play of Zelda before. Whereas a wolf cannot really use objects, another strong property of Zelda, it has nevertheless the power of a wild creature.'. We will know some certainly more about The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess at the time of the conference of Satoru Iwata in Game Developers Conference which will be held on March 23 of 10h30 with 11h30 standard times (19h30 with 20h30 in France).
Makoto Miyanaga (Nintendo): 'We' ve got the Wolf moving around quite naturally in gameplay, and the player' S feeling of moving have the Wolf is incredibly natural. Just has little fine-tuning, and the Wolf will Be ready for playable premium time At E3.'


My greatest fear about this game is that the wolf parts aren't well done, because there aren't many games where you control a 4 legged creature, so I hope this turns out great.

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It's quite different, you don't control the horse directly, so he just has to run and automatically jump. The wolf however, has to perform a lot of actions and is smaller, so it's probably harder to get the feel right.


I understand what you're on about. I wonder how it will feel. I'm sure they'll pull it off.

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dont diss navi


jeeze whatever happened to her?




ok i may have forgotten but didnt navi fly away at the end of OoT? and then in MM link went back to find her but never did? I never quite new what that cryptic message at the begining meant but i assumed he went to find Navi... but he never did! so what happened to it?

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There's several theories going on. One is Link went to look Navi but had the Majora's Mask adventure while on the search. Some say the friend he was looking for was actually Skull Kid (he's in the Lost Woods in OoT and gives you a Heart Piece for playing Saria's Song to him).

Unless we get a direct sequel to Majora's Mask we'll never know though :sad:

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OMG awesome! you guys I bet this is a direct sequel to Wind Waker! it uses the WW style Link!! :D and yeah I hope they don't come out on the same day either cuz I'd like to have two seperate release dates to look forward to. Like I can play TP over and over to hold me over to this game. :) I'm pretty sure this game will be out in 2007.

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