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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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An aspect of the game people are complaining about and for once, it hasn't come from my username, i'm concerned with the actual game, don't care for a disk that'll be either in its case or the system anyway, REMEMBER this is the Japanese version of the game, the boxarts also crap which explains why the disk art is also average. We may receive different disk art in the US and Europe/Australia, but if not, doesn't matter, not really fussed by it.

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Gamepro inteview


GamePro contributor Bones got a few hasty minutes with Nintendo Senior Vice President George Harrison, and revealed a few Twilight Princess secrets in the process.


Note: this is a rush transcript based on hand-written notes.


GP: How long is Twilight Princess?


Harrison: There are 70+ hours of gameplay -- it's significantly longer than Windwaker.



GP: What sorts of online features are you looking forward to in the future?


Harrison: Downloadable content, such as additional levels.



GP: Any plans for any type of post-release online component for Twilight Princess?


Harrison: I haven't heard of anything yet. I think everyone is still busy trying to make sure the game gets out correctly.



GP: What sorts of differences are there between the Wii and GameCube versions?


Harrison: There is very little difference in the graphics, although the Wii version supports 16:9 displays. In the GameCube version Link is a lefty, as he has traditionally been. All the fighting and puzzles are reversed because of this, and the game basically mirrors the Wii version -- even the cinemas are flipped.


The story is the same and it's basically the same game, except for the big difference in control schemes.



GP: How much will both versions cost?


Harrison: Both will retail for $50.



GP: Will the GC version only be available for sale online as rumored?


Harrison: No, it will be available in retail stores.



GP: When will the GC version release?


Harrison: December 11th.



GP: What do you say to the Wii's critics who attack the hardware specs?


Harrison: Wii is trying to expand the gaming audience, and Zelda will provide the "wow factor." The Wii isn't a Lamborghini, but we'll sell more units. This console launch has more licensees on board than ever before, and developers are attracted to the unique gameplay possibilities of the nunchuku.

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Not the Zelda:TP but other games on Wii.


GP: Any plans for any type of post-release online component for Twilight Princess?


Harrison: I haven't heard of anything yet. I think everyone is still busy trying to make sure the game gets out correctly.

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Guest Stefkov

I like the disk art, very Zelda styled.

Bought a Zelda sweatband in Gamestation today.

Looks very nice, just has th triforce and the design around it, wearing it now.

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maybe now it's the midna tuner instead of the tingle tunner.


(please dont use to many ruppees)


basicaly u could control midna outside the tr with a ds and she cou'd drop bombs or something


(like this will ever happen)


No one but Tingle robs link of so many hard earned Rupees... that was my biggest gripe in Wind Waker... it wasnt the Triforce hunt ... it was paying Tingle all those god damm Rupees... especially when you didnt have enough and you had to spend half an hour looking for them.

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( dose anyone know how long it takes to cross OOt field on horse?)


OoT's field? On horse it takes less than a minute. On foot, about 2 minutes if I remember correctly. And you can run (yes, run, no horses involved) from Lake Hylia to the top of Death Mountain in less than 5 minutes. And you have to do it (well, not really have to, it's a side quest) in order to deliver the eye drops the mad cientist makes to Bigoron. So basically, that's crossing the entire OoT world in less than 5 minutes by foot.



EDIT: I guess we have at least one reason to thank Nintendo for not having HD: I don't even want to imagine Tingle in HD!! Or that giggle in 7.1 sound!!

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Guest Stefkov



also from Matt's 48 hour test

If you're running and you tap the A button, you'll roll, and you can roll as often as you want without ever breaking the momentum of your motion. Meanwhile, in what I consider to be a fantastic new addition to the series, you can now run and swipe your sword at the same time. As your running, you simply gesture with your Wii remote and Link will pull out his weapon; do it again and he'll swipe. Imagine a giant field full of grass. In previous Zelda games, your momentum would come to a grinding halt every time you slashed at a patch. But now, you can run around the entire field, gesturing with the Wii remote and cutting down patch after patch without every stopping. It sounds like a miniscule inclusion and for most it might be, but in practice it's a lot of fun in the same way that being able to run and dive without losing momentum in Mario 64 was.


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Yeah, that picture is awesome. I am quite happy with those graphics, no matter what anyone else says. I'm 25 and I play games since 1989 and it kind of saddens me how shallow the younger gaming audience is today, all they care about is the graphics. Reading the System Wars forum on Gamespot for instance is very disheartening. But kind of amusing at the same time. :D

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also from Matt's 48 hour test

If you're running and you tap the A button, you'll roll, and you can roll as often as you want without ever breaking the momentum of your motion. Meanwhile, in what I consider to be a fantastic new addition to the series, you can now run and swipe your sword at the same time. As your running, you simply gesture with your Wii remote and Link will pull out his weapon; do it again and he'll swipe. Imagine a giant field full of grass. In previous Zelda games, your momentum would come to a grinding halt every time you slashed at a patch. But now, you can run around the entire field, gesturing with the Wii remote and cutting down patch after patch without every stopping. It sounds like a miniscule inclusion and for most it might be, but in practice it's a lot of fun in the same way that being able to run and dive without losing momentum in Mario 64 was.


I could run and cut grass in LTTP. Good fun it was too. Think I needed pegasus boots though

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