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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)

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hmm ill be 16 by the time the game and rev comes out. so ill just try and get a job in GAME or something. then i might get a dicscount on the game and rev, and i would get to ply it a couple days early maybe in the back rooms.

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hmm ill be 16 by the time the game and rev comes out. so ill just try and get a job in GAME or something. then i might get a dicscount on the game and rev, and i would get to ply it a couple days early maybe in the back rooms.


You gotta be 18 to work in a games store! As you have to sell 18+ games!

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Well.. by then i'll be 15.. not much open for me.. i've already got my paperound. I'll jsut become a hitmat or something.

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In the interview with Reggie, he says that TP doesn't have Revolution control capabilities...


'SpikeTV: So what will there be, will there be an add-on. Will we have a sword fight on Revolution or anything?


Reggie: You know, it's a great idea. We should talk to Miyamoto about it but, you know, right now the focus is really getting it out on GameCube.'


Hopefully he's just teasing us?

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Thank you very much Nintendo, I will NEVER get to play this game now as I', joining the navy. This game was meant to be my last hurrah in the gaming world. Im gonna miss out on so much cuz theres no decent jobs around here.

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ha ha ha ha.. well no worry.. ther are tons and tons of good games out for the GameCube untill then.. well maybe one... thanks god for my xbox.. and ps2.. otherwise it would be a long wait

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You gotta be 18 to work in a games store! As you have to sell 18+ games!

damit..... well ive got to find another way of getting money then.

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I was right! I said Sept/October for it to be released, and Autumn it is!


Im a little gutted that im right though, wouldv'e been great to have it sometime in the summer, would be perfect timing too as i'd have finnished Uni and have no work in the way of playing. Nevermind, the wait continues.

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You gotta be 18 to work in a games store! As you have to sell 18+ games!

No you don't. That's rubbish.

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No you don't. That's rubbish.


I think you may need to be 18 to work at GAME, but not sure about selling games on general, would have though it would be allowed.

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I thnik you may need to be 18 to work at GAME, but not usre about selling games, would have though it would be allowed.

He said in a games store though. I know you didn't have to be 18 to work in Game about a year ago or so, so their practices must of changed if that's the case now.


And it's fine to be selling 18+ games/dvd's when you're not actually 18 yourself. Although in other parts of Europe I don't think they allow it, I could be wrong though.

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So do you think there will be a Revolution part to it? I wouldn't mind if there wasn't, but I think they should release on the GameCube the same day they release Revo console and include a sword-fighting demo game for the Revolution with it to show off the capibilities of the Revo.

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^ I've just preordered a UK version. However i purchased it for Revolution not Gamecube. I now have in my mind that it is a Revolution launch title for me :smile:


Hopefully it will come out 'really' close to the Revolution launch date so i can just wait and play it on that. Otherwise i hope to god it works with my freeloader and will play on my USA cube. :shakehead

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Frankly I can't see a GC game suceed when next gen consoles are so close. It's quite possible that this game will sell poorly... Not to mention that we have to wait a lot...

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This was posted today it seems.


Has the release of Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess been pushed back once again?


No, it has not. We have gone on record that we are launching it in 2006 on GameCube and that is still the plan.


Not sure what that validates, but he didn't mention Autmn (or 'Fall') in that answer, it's interesting to think about. Though, I'm still going to say it'll be out in Autmn, or Winter (here at least, where Autumn is Aug-Oct).


Bit of a contradiction.

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He said in a games store though. I know you didn't have to be 18 to work in Game about a year ago or so, so their practices must of changed if that's the case now.


And it's fine to be selling 18+ games/dvd's when you're not actually 18 yourself. Although in other parts of Europe I don't think they allow it, I could be wrong though.


The last time my mate asked for an application form in GAME they said he had to be 18(that was when he was 16).


Fact is, why do most gamers wanna work in a game store, I think that is the geekiest part of a gaming fanboy


'ooh, I like games, first i'll work in a gamestore, then I'll make games when I'm older'.....you know what I mean.


Jobs in places like GAME, HMV, Virgin.....are very popular, so unless you are expereinced and such, or the best of the best, you ain't gonna get it for a first job.

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i think one reason youd want to work in a gamestore is the discounts you would get on the games. alsobecasue you work there youd get to play the games early becasue the shop woudl get them in stock a day before or something. the only place i know that doesnt get a staff discount is Costco.

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Thank you very much Nintendo, I will NEVER get to play this game now as I', joining the navy. This game was meant to be my last hurrah in the gaming world. Im gonna miss out on so much cuz theres no decent jobs around here.


Well that's your own fault. Not theirs, if you want a 'normal' 'free' life, then you shouldn't become property of the state :heh:

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Well that's your own fault. Not theirs, if you want a 'normal' 'free' life, then you shouldn't become property of the state :heh:


Its not really a choice since there are no jobs available to me that will give me a decent career. I dont want to be living at my dads til Im 30. As for 'free' life, thats crap. We pay taxes and get monitored, its almost slavery. Work all day so poloticians can drive mercedes. Sorry bout that.

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i think one reason youd want to work in a gamestore is the discounts you would get on the games. alsobecasue you work there youd get to play the games early becasue the shop woudl get them in stock a day before or something. the only place i know that doesnt get a staff discount is Costco.


Not in all instances, a couple days before Half Life 2 came out, I picked up Paper Mario, and somehow it came up in conversation about how he couldn't wait for his break as he was gonna go play Halo 2. I laughed saying 'I just sold my Xbox to repurchase my Gamecube and such to buy this game' Both he and the manager screamed Blue murder.


I lol'd at them, and said the only FPS I want right now is Half-Life 2 anyway. The manager then said 'Yeah, should be great, too bad we have to keep it under the desk till Thursday though...just got my new rig in as well'

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