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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)

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They aren't even porting the game judging from what they said on E3... it's the GC game with support for the Wii controller. it'll only be a Wii game in the sense that it pushes... the controller.


Zelda Wii will come later on, also... they must have had a idea back then of where do they want the Zelda Wii game to take place... where to fit it. planning stages is also development and that could have indeed already began for Zelda Wii. Just don't expect them to have a masterplan set in stone, probably just some loose ideas.


Also the game wasn't delayed because of this. I'm sure of that

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I find it funny that people on other fourms are bashing the new design of the twilight and saying black and white would be better than the new colour one. ::shrug:

  Dante said:
I find it funny that people on other fourms are bashing the new design of the twilight and saying black and white would be better than the new colour one. ::shrug:


Some nintendo fans can be pretty weird.

  McMad said:
Some nintendo fans can be pretty weird.
it's not like it turned twilight into a color saturated theme... still looks dark and moody, and I think it'll look better in action than the older one did.
  Tellyn888 said:
Does everyone realise that no matter how much we're looking forward to Twilight Princess, there will not be a Zelda Wii (a proper new storyline anyway). We had the hints before. Shigeru Miyamoto lied to us! I love Shigsy, I worship him for bringing Mario, Zelda and enjoyment to my home, but he said last year, early on that Zelda Revolution (it was called that then) was well into development. OF COURSE IT BLOODY IS! Zelda Wii IS Twilight Princess! How dare they port a game in development for years and call it a new game! We will not see Zelda Wii until the end of the Wii's life if we want a good game, then it will be delayed again because Shigsy has new ideas...

I actually think we'll see footage of it next E3 already. I have no doubts Zelda Wii is already in development, possibly for several months.


Zelda just was a too good chance to strengthen the launch. It's a logical move.


About the Twilight World, I agree with Pedro.


Who says I'll like Sadness? We know nothing about the game. Even if it is black and white it could be higly stylized and it's supposed to be a odd disturbing game, unlike Zelda.


I'm sure Zelda Wii will be an MMORPG (not that I really want it to be but it could be amazing)

Miyamato's comment about TP being the last of its kind, well we know he wasn't referring to the control scheme now so what else could it be? Surely teh GENRE


I higly doubt Nintendo will make a MMO in the near future. They're expensive, require maintenance and player fees. It totally goes against Nintendo's philosohpy

  Hellfire said:
I higly doubt Nintendo will make a MMO in the near future. They're expensive, require maintenance and player fees. It totally goes against Nintendo's philosohpy


If they were going to make one then surely Pokemon would be first in line.


Note no Pokemon games have been announced for the Wii. We'll probably see an MMORPG next year.


I really hope they don't make the Zelda series an MMORPG. The reason I love Zelda is because it's just me and Link battling the forces trying to retrieve the Triforce. I love going through dungeons and spending weeks stuck on a specific part, and I'm always blown away. I'm happy for another team to work on Zelda MMORPG, because it would be a good game, but Shigsy needs to work on Zelda Wii.


I think a Zelda MMORPG wouldn't be special. It removes all magic that comes with being Link. I don't see why people would want it, as it'd probably end up being some World of Warcraft clone.

Guest Stefkov

i know that the wii version wil have the new controls, but ihtink it shouldnt have, what is there to look forward tofor the next Zelda if there on the Wii if there is any?

theyve done the control scheme already on the latest one, how do you improve on that?

i think that ninty should have left it for one final blow on the cube, people could buy it with the Wii and use their cube controllers, then we woul dhave something to look forward to, a new zelda with these controls.

im still getting it anyhoo.


If you look at the second generation of xbox360 games, they are actually amazing. Infact, Gears of War and Mass effect are tempting me to get a 360 aswell. Now, Nintendo have been very clever so far because it is likely that their second generation of games will be the 'big hitters' so to speak, with the likes of Pokemon, an Online Metroid (nintendo NEED an online FPS like Hunters), Mario Kart and F-Zero (like excite truck but faster), and they could still show off a new Zelda next year. There WILL be another Zelda for the Wii, it's pretty much certain.

  Tellyn888 said:
Does everyone realise that no matter how much we're looking forward to Twilight Princess, there will not be a Zelda Wii (a proper new storyline anyway). We had the hints before. Shigeru Miyamoto lied to us! I love Shigsy, I worship him for bringing Mario, Zelda and enjoyment to my home, but he said last year, early on that Zelda Revolution (it was called that then) was well into development. OF COURSE IT BLOODY IS! Zelda Wii IS Twilight Princess! How dare they port a game in development for years and call it a new game! We will not see Zelda Wii until the end of the Wii's life if we want a good game, then it will be delayed again because Shigsy has new ideas...

oh no! like we didnt see it coming anyway!

ohhhhh the world is a terrible place!! damn that shigsy to hell!


  wackman said:
yeah, i already heard that the horse would be improved. But seeing is believing. Wow, and that's just the tale we can see properly... The movements should be improved to, but is hard to tell from this footage
they were improved, you can really see that, the horse went from just a few animation frames into a perfectly animated one, it was rigid at first and now the animation is so soft and natural.


They've been doing motion capture with horses, I believe.


Still, it's not that I didn't notice the improvement throughout the videos and images, way way back. Yeah I'm kind of a graphics whore when "graphics evolution" comes into the development lifespan of a game.

  pedrocasilva said:
they were improved, you can really see that, the horse went from just a few animation frames into a perfectly animated one, it was rigid at first and now the animation is so soft and natural.


They've been doing motion capture with horses, I believe.


Still, it's not that I didn't notice the improvement throughout the videos and images, way way back. Yeah I'm kind of a graphics whore when "graphics evolution" comes into the development lifespan of a game.


exactly, motion capture. Nothing wrong with great graphics. It doesn't have to be high polygons all the way. Nintendo is very creative in making great graphics. Zelda will be so enjoyable to watch and play i think. I can't wait to play it.

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