Fanelia Posted May 16, 2006 Posted May 16, 2006 Link stretshes his arms and yawns. Link rearranges his belt. Link taps the points of his shoes on the ground. Link show-swings his sword. (when sword is out) Link sneezes (when in non-dungeon underground, such as a grave) Link looks around. Link loosens up his shoulder of his shield-arm. (when sword is out). Link looks around, sitting on his horse. Link strokes/taps Epona, sitting on his horse. Link shivers in cold temperature. All things link does when the controller is left idle, yet the game on, in OoT. Depending on the surroundings link acts differently. I had lot's of fun discovering these amongst many things that link does when left idle. I hope they all return, and much more of them, in TP. It's in the details where a game excells. Please help complete the list, if any are left out.
DCK Posted May 16, 2006 Posted May 16, 2006 It's amazing how much thought they put in games like that, isn't it
The Peeps Posted May 17, 2006 Posted May 17, 2006 It's things like that that make the game more realistic
Tellyn Posted May 17, 2006 Posted May 17, 2006 Is the Hyrulian Knight's shield alive? It looks like it has legs...
Fanelia Posted May 17, 2006 Posted May 17, 2006 Tellyn888 said: Is the Hyrulian Knight's shield alive? It looks like it has legs... My bathtub has legs aswell. Four. It's pretty not-alive though. On the subject; it looks like pretty large and too heavy a shield to keep it at proper height with one's own strenght. I have the same problem with my bathtub.
Tellyn Posted May 17, 2006 Posted May 17, 2006 PLease tell me I'm not going crazy, it's stood up by itself, has legs. When was the last time you saw Link's shield go for a stroll? It seems the guy's halberd also has a foot.
Fanelia Posted May 17, 2006 Posted May 17, 2006 Tellyn888 said: it's stood up by itself Perhaps the laws of gravitation don't apply in a sketch. I is just jokin' aaight. So maybe the shield is alive. It wouldn't be too practical for the soldier when his equipment goes arbeit-union on his ass.
Jamba Posted May 17, 2006 Posted May 17, 2006 Err the pics have gone all funny. Can someone repost them pleasE?
Konfucius Posted May 18, 2006 Posted May 18, 2006 I didn't notice the legs. I assume the shield will protect the knight independently. The knight can fully concentrate on attacking (yeah I know that AI doesn't have to concentrate) while the shield blocks enemy attacks.
Stocka Posted May 18, 2006 Posted May 18, 2006 I don't know what to do about my GC pre order at Gameplay I've had since last June I mean I will probably buy the GC version as well as the Wii version (Nostalgia reasons etc.) but I don't think I can afford to buy it straight away as there's already too much to buy in Q4 this year. That part in the E3 trailer at 00:25 with the two girls and one running away is so cinematic its beautiful.
Hero-of-Time Posted May 18, 2006 Posted May 18, 2006 Just been spending alot of time on newgrounds and found these Zelda related "shows". Misadventures of 4 Swords ( hilarious ) Epsiode 2 and 3 the 1st sucked. Also you may think it ends pretty quick but its just the opening credits Link Vs Zero ( very cool ) Legend of Zelda: We are the champions. NOTE: If mods dont think this is the best thread for this feel free to move it.
Nintendo Fan Posted May 18, 2006 Posted May 18, 2006 ShadowV7 said: I like it when little things like pictures and masks appear of other nintendo characters,it's cool. You can find a potrait of Mario, Luigi, Bowser and (i think Peach) in Hyrule Castle when you first meet princess Zelda. when she tells you look through the window to see Ganon, look for another window look through it (change the camera angles) and there should protraits of mario,luigi,bowser (and i think peach).
Stocka Posted May 19, 2006 Posted May 19, 2006 I'm suprised no-one has mentioned the news. Quote According to director Eiji Aonuma, quoted in US magazine EGM, the Twilight Realm section of Zelda: Twilight Princess will no longer be stylised all in black and white. Instead the team is re-creating it to make it hazy and full of colour, with a different distinctive approach being taken. Hm, if you go to 00:35 on the E3 2006 trailer you can see this 'distinctive approach' and it looks wonderful
Tellyn Posted May 19, 2006 Posted May 19, 2006 It was mentioned last week Stocka, everyone was up in arms.
DCK Posted May 20, 2006 Posted May 20, 2006 I doubt it'll make much of a difference. They'll put all kinds of blur effects to screw up the Twilight World so it'll look stylished anyway. Aonuma wouldn't do it if it didn't improve it.
ShadowV7 Posted May 20, 2006 Posted May 20, 2006 The Twilight Realm news is pretty old.I started moaning about it
Dante Posted May 21, 2006 Posted May 21, 2006 Some IGN board user has analysis the zelda:tp e3 06 tralier. It can be found here. Also Zelda:TP boss demo music is the same song of Zelda:Oot Volvagia song Cube said:
DCK Posted May 21, 2006 Posted May 21, 2006 Dante said: I found these pictures on IGN boards. Were some IGN user has analysis Zelda:TP e306 tralier. Seems to look really good to me. The blur effects are better for such a 'confused' world than the black and white.
Hellfire Posted May 21, 2006 Posted May 21, 2006 I wonder how the GC version will look like in GC... I mean, GC can't do bloom lighting... Maybe it's in balck and white :P
Dante Posted May 21, 2006 Posted May 21, 2006 Hellfire said: I wonder how the GC version will look like in GC... I mean, GC can't do bloom lighting... Maybe it's in balck and white :P Its the gc tralier and if you had played re4 when going to the chief house the area had a orange with red tint glow.
wackman Posted May 21, 2006 Posted May 21, 2006 Hellfire said: I wonder how the GC version will look like in GC... I mean, GC can't do bloom lighting... Maybe it's in balck and white :P someone posted this image from EGM magazine in another topic.
MunKy Posted May 21, 2006 Posted May 21, 2006 My main grievance with TP is that they took out the music thing when you fight. It was in WW, when you got consequtive(sp?) hits in it would do a musical scale thing. I dont know if thats the right way to say it or if it was the right word even, I forgot a few things because of E3.
Hellfire Posted May 21, 2006 Posted May 21, 2006 RE4 doesn't have any bloom lighting, I'm pretty sure. Could be wrong though, but I don't think so.
pedrocasilva Posted May 21, 2006 Posted May 21, 2006 Hellfire said: RE4 doesn't have any bloom lighting, I'm pretty sure. Could be wrong though, but I don't think so.All the images we've seen of TP were gamecube-rendered, the trailer even has the GC HUD at places (and never the Wii HUD), so all we've seen is Zelda TP pushing the cube to it's limits. Quote Bloom (sometimes referred to as Light bloom) is a computer graphics shader effect used by computer games. In high dynamic range rendering (HDR) applications, it is used when the necessary brightness exceeds the contrast ratio that a computer monitor can display. A bloom works by radiating, or blooming, the high intensity light around the very bright object, so that the bright light appears to be coming from around the object, not only from the object itself. This gives the illusion that the object is brighter than it really is. It can be used without HDR rendering to represent a surface that is being illuminated with an extremely bright light source, and as a result, is often mistaken for a full implementation of HDR Rendering. Source: Bloom is not HDR, gamecube technically speaking has shaders, so it's possible to do it, it should take some hit though. But as Nintendo could (and should) have inputed that directly into the GPU's programable ISA through ASM I really don't know how much hit does that equal to... Although I know for sure that Xbox GPU would crap it's pants doing it. technically speaking... I think bloom is generally only thought possible at good speed on Pixel Shader 2.0 compliant cards (DirectX 9 cards) but GC doesn't have shaders fitting in that compliant category, so it's really a matter of what code do you input directly in the programable ISA around the fixed T&L.
DCK Posted May 21, 2006 Posted May 21, 2006 Is it bloom lighting though? It looks like effects I've seen in Metroid Prime 2 really.
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