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The 2006 GCSE Thread


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Evil. Pure evil. :mad: Although I somehow got full UMS marks on the exam :D


Yes...yes it was...just had it today...I think I managed to scrape an A though, but I had about 2 hours of sleep last night and I'm pretty deadbeat right now...

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I think the rule is if your exams add up to more than 6hrs in one day, you can take some a day later, but you have to go spend the night at a teachers house and they basically have to keep an eye on you so you don't ring anyone up/communicate with the outside world.




Spend the night at a teachers house? Thank god that didn't happen...

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Cheers Fiercey, I really can't wait till the summer.


I haven't been doing any revision since breaking up from my last one so really need to get back into the habit of doing it.

Is anyone here doing Graphics [AQA]? If you are do you have the preparation sheet about wind power, and understand what we're suppose to learn :hmm:

I'm so shite at Graphics, the subject I'm most likely to fail.

And about the English Language papers, they're like analysing media + writing to argue/persuade...right?

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Guest Stefkov

yeah english language, according to this sheet my teacher gave me, is reading non-ficion, and do stuff with that, write to rgue, persuade or advise.

then my second language exam is poems from other cultures, like that crappy limbo one, and then write to infrom, explain or advise.

i love all those explain and stuff, i just write random hings :D the one i did in a mock got me an A. oh yeah i musnt have mentioend, but actually in the mock, one exam was to write about someone you admire, and i actually did it on Miyamoto, i coulndt think of anyone, so i did him and got an A!


also a thing thrown in, i ned to get this thing done for college by next monday, and im wondering, i wantt o go into computers ad such, like games etc, so will i need maths? ive got a chance to maybe change one of my subjects (psychology?!?) which could be changed maybe, if i dont need it then...i dont know.

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Is anyone here doing Graphics [AQA]? If you are do you have the preparation sheet about wind power, and understand what we're suppose to learn :hmm:

I'm so shite at Graphics, the subject I'm most likely to fail.


I'm on OCR for Graphics, but how does windpower even come into play with Graphics? Maybe if you're designing the packaging for it :wtf:


Anyways, I'll be lucky to have scraped a D in my Eng Lit exam, miracle to get a C, hopefully the English Language will go a bit better.


I took my ICT exam back in january and got an A bordering A* (>_<) in it, and i definately got an A in the coursework, so thats at least one A. Graphics, i got an A in coursework (95/105), and i'm gonna be revising like hell for my exam at the end of June.


Whoever was asking about Maths, i personally thought it was piss easy (took it in year 10) and i got an A in it. I'm looking forward to my statistics exam, as thats basically another guaranteed A.


French, meh, can't really be bothered with it, hopefully i'll get a C so it's another A-C on my record thing :/


At my school we do the Double Science award which really sucks, since it means i don't get as much physics in my week as i'd like, (taking it A Level). And the fact the biology part will probably take me down a grade :(


Music i did crap in the coursework, though i'm fairly confident my exam went OK. Though the music they gave us this year was pretty shite.



Oh yeah, Art, I'm not gonna talk about me Art work :D


Edit: How is it i can write 250 odd words on random crap, and not be able to focus my writing in exams :(

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I'm on OCR for Graphics, but how does windpower even come into play with Graphics? Maybe if you're designing the packaging for it :wtf:

It seems you have to design a postage stamp, with the theme being Renewable Energy - Wind Power


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What are we meant to revise for the two English Language exams? I take it they are on analysing media/writing to argue or persuade etc. Can't really revise for it...

iIve mainly been revising Biology, what with there being so many irritating words that are easy to forget.

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What are we meant to revise for the two English Language exams? I take it they are on analysing media/writing to argue or persuade etc. Can't really revise for it...

iIve mainly been revising Biology, what with there being so many irritating words that are easy to forget.

For one English Language exam, you'll be questioned on something you've been reading in class (to my knowledge). I'll be doing a test on the latter 6 short stories from the book "Other Worlds". The other English exam is essay writing and such, which is something that you can't really revise for.

Sciencewise, I've been revising Physics more, I find it to be the hardest of the three science subjects.

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Well in the English Lit exam I answered the question on the book I've been doing in class..

I find Chemistry the most difficult, but have been doing Biology revision mainly as its the closes science exam. Physics is what I'm best at science wise.

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Guest Stefkov

ive got maths coming up on monday, i cant wait itll be fun, doing higher when im only meant to be really doing intermediate cos im in the 2nd set.

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The grade boundaries for Higher maths are suprisingly (and awesomely) low. Of course this means the questions are pretty taxing but even so, its preferable.

Well for last years paper it was like:

19% - C

40% - B

55% - A

67% - A*

I hope for at least a B personally, although an A isn't impossible.

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I've also got Maths as well on Monday. It's Non-Calculator so I might get a decent mark, although my ability with compasses is second to utter shit.


Whenever I have had a SAT/Mock/GCSE exam, in the first exam, the headmaster has come in and said that his son is somewhere doing exactly the same as we are. He's said it everytime without fail.


*subject change* Speaking of my headmaster, you should've seen him when Liverpool won the Champions League. He put the message on screens all over the school, and he came in to school wearing a Liverpool hat. My drama teacher also wore a Liverpool shirt underneath his shirt. My PE teacher, however, gave a lad in my year who supports Liverpool a detention, for wearing a Liverpool shirt in PE. I swear he did.

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Guest Stefkov
The grade boundaries for Higher maths are suprisingly (and awesomely) low. Of course this means the questions are pretty taxing but even so, its preferable.

Well for last years paper it was like:

19% - C

40% - B

55% - A

67% - A*

I hope for at least a B personally, although an A isn't impossible.

yeah the teacher who teaches higher in my schoool and taught the class of set 2's to do higher gave us the 'hardest paper he'd ever seen', i havnt looked at it myself yet, but it probably had the lowest pass mark for a maths paper.

in all honesty i would like and not like a hard paper,

hard paper = hard questions im not great at maths...

however hard paper = low pass mark meaning get a few right and youve got yourself a C. im hoping for an a or a b at least hopefully. changed psychology to maths aswell for college

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i'm doing higher and I had one day during term I was had sneaked into the intermeidate class and they were doing an a practice paper, it I have to say it's probably one of the easiest exams I've ever seen. The questions were ridiculously simple. Just adding and substracting in premise.

However, I got in the high ninties yet the highest you can get with an intermediate paper is a B.


My oh my, I woud love if the higher paper had simple questions like the intermediate one. I mean look at this, this isn't even Maths FFS, it's just looking at a graph.



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WOW that maths paper doesnt look difficult at all ur rite it doesnt look lik maths at all... i had some of that in my science mock ... im only in year ten but the coursework is piling on mostly cos i cant be bothered english i do bother doing cos i went from a level 6 in year 8 to a level 4 in year 9 ive been getting steady b's and a's in english the mock exam we had was horrible it wasnt hard just i wish heyd allow me to bring my ds or sumthing or a little book but they are really a suspisious bunch. That ict mock was very easy and everyone finished in under half hour except one girl but she takes her time on everything outta 300 students she was the only one left. The first ict cw i found easy and got A* but now the spreadsheet and database ones i dunno wat to do :(.... im in higher for science but im failing these modules i kno this is lik the worst excuse but i swear its my teachers we hav two teachers for science biology and the other ones in one teachers subjects im getting B's and in anothers im getting E's (u decide if my excuse is valid):hmm: and does anyone know how many modules there are all together???



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Honestly people, the maths papers are soo simple.


On the non-calculator paper, a lot of it is just simple addition/subtraction/multiplication/division. Even the calculator paper wasn't all too difficult last year :/



I'm worried about English at the moment, 'cos i haven't even looked at the short stories in the anthology yet ^_^



Edit: to the guy above me, there's quite a few module papers, though keep in mind that they only count for like 2.5% each :/ (assuming your with Edexcel). coursework and the Written exam is probably the main things you should be worrying about.

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of topic but how do u lot get those little piuctures up the side there??? (avatars???)


thnx for the advice, i forgot how little there worth but our teachers stupidly over pressure us.:(


This is the end.... my only......

no more posts??:'(

i complain too muhc :)

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Lol, Laguna, that looks like a foundation physics paper to me...


Maths non-calculator (piss for me) and Physical Geography (goddamn case studies-who gives two shits about what happened at mount St Helens just over 26 years ago???) tomorrow. Wish me luck!

And of course, best of luck to everyone else doing them!

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Lol, Languna, that looks like a foundation physics paper to me...



It's a Maths one, trust me, I got it from the bitesize site you love so much (I presumed that as your have their little iconic fish as your avatar)

And it's Laguna, NOT, Languna. :)

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I'm just curious, what year is this exam from?


Looks like year 6 to me :wink:, but that's just because I'm good at physics and therefore am an arrogant fuck, when it come to other people being not as it good as I am.

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Had maths today and went O.K.,


However, I'm not one of these people to come out of exams claiming it was "piss easy" or "a peice of piss" or "it was sooo easy and I had sooo much time to spare" etc.

I just hate people like this when you've had a hard exam, and also, I feel these cocku arrogant fellows are setting themselves up for a fall.


Back on maths, glad I did my revision. It was good they had a histogram question as I find them fine to do and they give lots of marks

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