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isnt there already escape from LA/New work?


thats not metal gear...


but he got the idea of the character from there



I think a MGS film could actually be pretty cool and the story could work quite well on the big screen too - as long as Uwe Boll isn't directing :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead


i can see this as an action thriller, it will last around 140mins or so, as a lot of story needs to be put in, obviously snake would be the main character, who else will it include?


i would like to see an adaptation of either MGS1 tbh, because i cant see how they could make a totally new story featuring metal gears and ocelot, who is an integral part of the main storyline.


It could be good, but alot of what makes mgs what it is needs to go- namely alot of the encounters with FOXHOUND operatives. they could easily reduce them to Liquid, Ocelot and say....Sniper Wolf?



oh, and lots of bauer style martial arts please. I love them =)


Personaly, MGS series story is too far fetched to be appealing to the main public especially MGS3. So it will probably be kinda crappy.


But if they have to do it, they should base it in the story of MGS1, at least there's no bee controlling, or lightning shooting super villains.

Personaly, MGS series story is too far fetched to be appealing to the main public especially MGS3. So it will probably be kinda crappy.


But if they have to do it, they should base it in the story of MGS1, at least there's no bee controlling, or lightning shooting super villains.


if they make it with the public in mind, it may turn out to be crap,


mgs = for fans


always will be


and no one shoots lightning, its a railgun.


with the length of cut scenes in the games for caracter speeches any MGS movie would have to be made from the start with a to be a trilogy in mind at least, to do the games justice, if it was just the one movie it could end up being a bog standard action film that is lacking in story and character

I'm pretty sure Kojima wanted to be a director for films and ended up in games. chances are if a MGS movie was to be made he'd do it himself so as not to ruin it.


yes spot on, i mean when he gave a different company to make snakes revenge he disliked it so much, he remade it.


I strongly dount he will give it to someone who will piss over the franchise, im pretty sure its gonna be a film with hidden meanings and perhaps answers to questions raised in the games.


each of the main games had a theme, like:


mgs1 was about love

mgs2 was about passing onto the next generation

mgs3 was mainly about patriotism i guess.


also regarding film length, i can certainly see them fitting in a 2 and a half hour time slot, i mean personally, LOTR trilogy would of been longer to do the books justice.

It depends on what the film will be about.

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