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MGS4 Real Time Demo


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Anyone in denial about the real-time nature of Konami’s Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer should watch this older, but recently YouTubed video demonstrating the attention to detail and graphical clarity of the MGS4 engine. In it, the narrator plays around with the demo on a PS3 dev kit, covering all the neat graphical tricks Kojima’s team uses, including uber-high polygon counts, depth of field, and high dynamic range lighting. It also has pee jokes. Fascinating stuff.
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I like the self shadowing, that has been long over due in MGS for a long time. The things I am concerned about are this:


1. The Dev geeks spend so much time refining the graphics that no original thought goes into the game or level design. MGS4 had a pretty cool story and I liked SOME of the characters but others were damn weak. There were no memorable new game features, it all felt like MGS with better graphics and a different story. The corridoring sucked and the boss battle designs were horrific throw backs from 1990s game design. Formulaic to the max.


2. This title will enforce the image that the best games are interactive movies. This just increases the stigma that games are the entertainment media waiting to replace the movies. They are a valid a form of entertainment but they are completely different!

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Thing about the MGS4 footage is, yes it was realtime, yes it was in game footage, but it was still a cut scene. Admitedly MGS always uses the game engine for the cut scenes, but actual gameplay is still pretty much what it has always been, the overhead view. Let's see some actual gameplay footage and see if it's any different.

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Thing about the MGS4 footage is, yes it was realtime, yes it was in game footage, but it was still a cut scene. Admitedly MGS always uses the game engine for the cut scenes, but actual gameplay is still pretty much what it has always been, the overhead view. Let's see some actual gameplay footage and see if it's any different.


it will incorporate the camera used in MGS3 subsistence, also apparently, you will have a choice, you can use the classic view or the subsistence view. which is nice.

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On that MGS video page, look at the BIA3 vid-I know it's never going to look that good on the Wii, but, apart from the grenade throwing, it looks so realistic in all the movements and the smoke etc.


Good thing I'm getting myself a new PC soon, this game is going to be a top priority for me after getting a Wii.

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it will incorporate the camera used in MGS3 subsistence, also apparently, you will have a choice, you can use the classic view or the subsistence view. which is nice.


What's subsistence view? Third persom, first person?

Either way, neither will look as good as the cut scenes that've been shown. Just looks like Konami are pulling a Sony, not to the same degree as the Killzone video, but still making the game look better than it really will.

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What's subsistence view? Third persom, first person?

Either way, neither will look as good as the cut scenes that've been shown. Just looks like Konami are pulling a Sony, not to the same degree as the Killzone video, but still making the game look better than it really will.


Well, the new camera is 3rd person, apparently like splinter cell or something, u can rotate the cam around snake full 360 degrees and stuff


and im pretty sure that is how the graphics will look, the reason why sony are prone to bullshit is because they do it time and time again, when mgs2 was first unvieled no one believed it, it wasnt gameplay footage, yet it was real time, and that was the finished product.

have faith in Hideo.

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