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I can't understand Nibris, everything seems fake and wrong, but that DS playthrough of ROTR just makes you have to believe they're real, right?


I'm honestly not going to think about Sadness until we get a real reason to believe it, but in truth I'm going to say its just a real company who fail at planning ahead.


Has fogstudio's ever done anything before? Or is it just another convinient appearance of a company from nowhere?


I suppose at the end of the day they are an indie developer, with some big ambitions. Hats off to them for that, but they have a lot to learn about public relations. They revealed Sadness way too early, and could possibly be biting more than they can chew. Hence all of the elongated development times.


I think there lack of English skills has hampered them too, as there press releases do come off as being very unproffesional. But I guess we can't expect too much in that respect based on the country they're based in, who knows how much a decent translator costs there.


I think if it was someone trying to fake us out, they would be doing a better job of it. So I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt for now, but I hope this new publisher will improve there PR.

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I suppose at the end of the day they are an indie developer, with some big ambitions. Hats off to them for that, but they have a lot to learn about public relations. They revealed Sadness way too early, and could possibly be biting more than they can chew. Hence all of the elongated development times.


I think there lack of English skills has hampered them too, as there press releases do come off as being very unproffesional. But I guess we can't expect too much in that respect based on the country they're based in, who knows how much a decent translator costs there.


I think if it was someone trying to fake us out, they would be doing a better job of it. So I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt for now, but I hope this new publisher will improve there PR.


I have now said this about 5 times in the thread but this game has about as much chance of shenmue 3 coming out......

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What on earth have they done to recieve so much attention?


They were the first third party developers to announce specific Wii-exclusive games (at the time, loads of developers had said quite simply that they HAD titles in development for the Wii, but not which ones), and they were first to show screens of a Wii game, allthough it allready then was clear that they were rendered on a PC, since they didn't have devkits.



Also they have claimed that they are Nintendofans, and therefor have the strict line of only releasing their games on Nintendo platforms.


As time has passed, I've grown to forget about Nibris. RotR never impressed me, and no news of Sadness ever showed up.

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  • 1 month later...
Assuming that Sadness does actually exist, id rather Nibris spend forever on the game, rather than releasing a substandard title. Wii needs more mature titles.




Another title they spend forever on :D

But I get what you mean. Still I think at some point there must be a line where you set a concrete date and have to get it done - otherwise as long as someone is stuffing you with money there's always reason to improve a game.

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Another title they spend forever on :D

But I get what you mean. Still I think at some point there must be a line where you set a concrete date and have to get it done - otherwise as long as someone is stuffing you with money there's always reason to improve a game.


Just a tad too late...

There's a new DNF trailer out, and it feels quite probbable it'll be out within the next year.


But it's just weird the way the game's been pushed forward for the last decade. Hope it'll be out soon, and in a Wii version.

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Just a tad too late...

There's a new DNF trailer out, and it feels quite probbable it'll be out within the next year.


Yes but there was a DNF trailer out in I think 1999 that showed much more and game mags wrote that they estimate a release within the year...

That teaser is little more than an engine demo.

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I looked on Duke Nukem Forever's wikipedia page earlier. The game's creator isn't supporting the Wii because he thinks it's going to come a distant third place in the console race, and it will be Nintendo's last console. ;)


That's funny considering they were making it for GC.

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Just a tad too late...

There's a new DNF trailer out, and it feels quite probbable it'll be out within the next year.


But it's just weird the way the game's been pushed forward for the last decade. Hope it'll be out soon, and in a Wii version.


Look, there have been trailers and teasers before, anyone remember the cop with the tentacles? Yep.


That's funny considering they were making it for GC.


And the N64! I think this game has gone over three generations now!

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That's funny considering they were making it for GC.


They never did make it for Gamecube in the end. A while back, a thread was made in the 3D Realms forums asking about it, and 3DR said that they wouldn't make it for the Gamecube. The reason? They said that the GC wasn't powerful enough to run it, they even said that it wasn't powerful enough to run Max Payne (yes, the first one.)


Of course, I thought that was complete bullshit, and I started a thread on the Cube-Europe forums, bitching about how stupid 3DR were. Of course, everyone agreed. Ah, the memories. :heh:

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