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What The Hell?? Nintendo Wii!!??


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relax people... the name takes time to get used too... do I love it? not really, but maybe it will become more clear at E3....


Also I like the idea of a word not being in the dictonary... and lot of successful products ( vaio, google, yahoo, playstation..) have taken that path. A good reason is so the product doesn't become dated... the name "revolution" would sound dated after 1 year.


Lets have this chat after e3 and see where it stands after.

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I blame the poor sales on the picky gamers.


What poor sales? Got anything to back that up?

"The game also met commercial success, propelling sales of the GameCube console" - according to Wikipedia


Sure, I don't know the total amout of Wind Waker games sold, but I think it sold over 400,000 in it first week.

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I think you're all missing the point to be honest. The name may not matter to the majority of you, but that's because you're all Nintendo fans, are you not? Of course you're all going to buy it.


However, Nintendo need to sell consoles to the average guy on the street. They already have a tough task, up against two well established, immensely powerful brands, and a majority of the public are/will be sceptical about the unauthodox hardware Nintendo are trying to sell. Up until yesterday, they were doing all the right things - a super sexy, sleek console and a codename that really showed what the console was about. 'Revolution' would have sold consoles. 'Wii' will not. And it is particularly sad that Nintendo have spent millions on this when anyone who knows his head from his arse could have given them a better one for free.


And please, can we stop making comparisons to Google, iPod, etc.? Unusual names, yes, but I don't believe that those words are popular slang for 'urine' in any significant part of the world.


Flame me if you want, it's what Nintendo fanboys do best. And we'll have this conversation again in 5 years' time, when Nintendo are occupying exactly the same place as they are today in the console market: last.

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I'm shocked that nintendo would call their console wii. I have no problems with new words, words are constantly being made and added to the dictionary, but honestly, naming it a slang word for piss?:nono: This is a brainless idea for a English speaking countries.


Obviously the name will make no difference to the quality of the console but I can think of many people who will actually think the name is too stupid and will be instantly turned away from buying one.


At least iPod, Yahoo and Sony don't sound like human waste.

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I think you're all missing the point to be honest. The name may not matter to the majority of you, but that's because you're all Nintendo fans, are you not? Of course you're all going to buy it.


However, Nintendo need to sell consoles to the average guy on the street. They already have a tough task, up against two well established, immensely powerful brands, and a majority of the public are/will be sceptical about the unauthodox hardware Nintendo are trying to sell. Up until yesterday, they were doing all the right things - a super sexy, sleek console and a codename that really showed what the console was about. 'Revolution' would have sold consoles. 'Wii' will not. And it is particularly sad that Nintendo have spent millions on this when anyone who knows his head from his arse could have given them a better one for free.


And please, can we stop making comparisons to Google, iPod, etc.? Unusual names, yes, but I don't believe that those words are popular slang for 'urine' in any significant part of the world.


Flame me if you want, it's what Nintendo fanboys do best. And we'll have this conversation again in 5 years' time, when Nintendo are occupying exactly the same place as they are today in the console market: last.


You had a good post up until the part i put in bold.

Explain to me how "WE" is slang for urine. You are looking for "wee" which is a totally different word altogether.

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Flame me if you want, it's what Nintendo fanboys do best. And we'll have this conversation again in 5 years' time, when Nintendo are occupying exactly the same place as they are today in the console market: last.


That really depends where you're talking about, Nintendo are second in Japan console-wise, first handheld-wise. Just because it's slang for piss in the UK, doesn't mean it is everywhere else, in the big run of things the UK doesn't matter whatsoever. Siemen's is a big brand name, I think semen is a little bit worse name than wee. No?

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Flame me if you want, it's what Nintendo fanboys do best.

You people annoy me to no end. In order to try and sound unbiased you imediatly catalogue everyone Nintendo fanboys. What about Sony fanboys and Microsoft fanboys? There certainly are a lot more of those. Not to mention that most of the "Nintendo fanboys" actually accept and play other consoles and games. Do you understand that people can and should have a favourite, but that doesn't mean they're blind? And everyone can have an opinion, as far as I know.

The importance you give to a name is astounding. Do you understand that we're all just spectators that like to throw in ou "expert" opinion, while Nintendo actually did studies about the name? They're risking something, because they think it's what goes best with their philosophy. I think that Wii looks good on a box, on a poster, on the TV... It's very easy to remember and it gets my attention. Not to mention that Nintendo already got a huge level of brand exposure for free. Do you honestly think most people will stop buying a console that they think it's cool, just because they don't like the name? They're not selling the name, nor advertising the name alone, the name is just a mean to an end. I'm not saying I like the name itself, but it looks good and does what a name is supposed to do.

Forgive me my fanboyish opinion and carry on.

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What poor sales? Got anything to back that up?

"The game also met commercial success, propelling sales of the GameCube console" - according to Wikipedia


Sure, I don't know the total amout of Wind Waker games sold, but I think it sold over 400,000 in it first week.

It sold 4 million worldwide and completly destroyed Gamecube's reputation as a adult's console for the mainstream public, I'm afraid...


it's not a sucess as it sold less than nintendo expected... it sold as much as Majora Mask did (a little more) but MM was for a dying console and launched in the say PS2 launched... WW was for a brand new console who was in the beggining, it was a big, major blow.


that's the game that gave the advantage for Microsoft to step over for second place in Europe and US if you had a Twilight Princess right away it wouldn't happen that way... anyway I don't blame Nintendo one bit.

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I think you're underestimating the name's importance to be honest. But anyway, like I said, we'll talk again 5 years down the line after 'Wii' has been a commercial failure.


You had a good post up until the part i put in bold.

Explain to me how "WE" is slang for urine. You are looking for "wee" which is a totally different word altogether.

I don't know if this has occurred to you, but 'we', 'wee', and 'wii' are all pronounced the same.

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You had a good post up until the part i put in bold.

Explain to me how "WE" is slang for urine. You are looking for "wee" which is a totally different word altogether.


Explain to me how 'wii' = 'we' and not 'wee'. You can't really. We and wee are pronounced THE SAME WAY, except that 'we' is never used as a noun and 'wee' is.


Gah, will people stop being in denial about the fact that 'wii' is more similar to 'wee' than it is to 'we' - in the way it looks, is pronounced, and used as a word.

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I think you're underestimating the name's importance to be honest. But anyway, like I said, we'll talk again 5 years down the line after 'Wii' has been a commercial failure.



I don't know if this has occurred to you, but 'we', 'wee', and 'wii' are all pronounced the same.


But are we and wee the same word? Like i said earlier in a different thread, Nintendo has said that this name will be pronounced "we" NOT "wee".

It doesn't even matter if we say it out loud, the word in question is still we.


And about the name's importance: I think the Nintendo DS was not a great name. I even disliked it. But of course, you're right. That was a commerical failure too. ;)



Explain to me how 'wii' = 'we' and not 'wee'. You can't really. We and wee are pronounced THE SAME WAY, except that 'we' is never used as a noun and 'wee' is.


Gah, will people stop being in denial about the fact that 'wii' is more similar to 'wee' than it is to 'we' - in the way it looks, is pronounced, and used as a word.


Um, it came right from the horses mouth- Nintendo themselves.

Go check the home page of this website. It IS pronounced We.


The way it looks: It's not meant to look like another other word. That's part of the beauty of it. Part name- part logo, quite abstract really.

Pronounciation: We and Wee might be pronounced the same, but they are NOT the same word. Like sure and shore, red and read.

Used as a word:...its used as WE. We meaning us.

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I don't know if this has occurred to you, but 'we', 'wee', and 'wii' are all pronounced the same.
Wow! he said "We" ahahaha that's so lame... urine? ahahahaha...


Seriously... it's a normal word and it's going to stand up and read like "we" in the marketing campaigns not "Wee".

Well 4 million is hardly poor sales, but it could have sold better.
Not a failure for sure... but still not a success although nintendo never admited it, we all know that it would sell more if it wasn't cell shaded, a lot more to be honest. it was the ticket for the gamecube to sell less though, as IGN stated, after Zelda WW unvielment the cube section was never the same again, most of the ip's who used to go there went straight for Xboxsection and then some for PS2 side...


I'm afraid the public gives too much important to the overall aspect, sadly...


but like I said "We" has potential, they just have to market it.

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Um, it came right from the horses mouth- Nintendo themselves.

Go check the home page of this website. It IS pronounced We.

Oh dear. Nintendo might use the word 'we' on their website to describe the pronunciation, but this does not change the fact that 'wee' sounds exactly the same. You don't appear to have quite grasped that concept.

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Oh dear. Nintendo might use the word 'we' on their website to describe the pronunciation, but this does not change the fact that 'wee' sounds exactly the same. You don't appear to have quite grasped that concept.


And you don't appear to have grasped the concept of "CONTEXT."


For example:

"we are going out."

"i'm going for a wee."

The We/wee sounds the same, but it is NOT the same word. It has a totally different meaning.


In the "Wii" case, the meaning is the same as "we". Not urinating and NOT "wee".



Introducing... Wii.


As in "we."


"While the code-name Revolution expressed our direction, Wii represents the answer. Wii will break down that wall that seperates videogame players from everybody else. Wii will put people more in touch with their games... and each other. But you're probably asking: What does the name mean?


Wii sounds like "we," which emphasizes the console is for everyone. Wii can easily be remembered by people around the world, no matter what language they speak. No confusion. No need to abbreviate. Just Wii.


Wii has a distinctive "ii" spelling that symbolizes both the unique controllers and the image of people playing it. And Wii, as a name and a console, brings something revolutionary to the world of videogames that sets it apart from the crowd"


Urinating, eh?

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Oh dear. Nintendo might use the word 'we' on their website to describe the pronunciation, but this does not change the fact that 'wee' sounds exactly the same. You don't appear to have quite grasped that concept.
do you think of piss everytime people talk in plural(we)?


like in, a group of girls you're with, those who always go together to the bathroom... say:

"we are going to the bathroom"?


... and you burst out laughing and saying "you naughty, naughty girls!" ?


it's a common word, and it can be used as a common word, that's the point.


I mean... We have pretty perverted people out here in R-E, I never thought the name final name of revolution would make me realize that...

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