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What The Hell?? Nintendo Wii!!??


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After red steel another great night. Only nintendo to manage all this. Well see you all tomorow, it's late now.


Oh and just try nintendo.com but the server is crazy....


oh and.... WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ! :bouncy:



Ps: Whenn will we see wii-europe? I hope with the change of site the revo foruns won't start from begining. I hope....

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Nintendo allways do something like this.


I hope it doesnt change peoples mind about the console.

That's what really makes it Nintendo isn't it?


Taking risks isn't a bad thing... if they weren't willing to take them we wouldn't even be seeing a console with a controller like this one.


As for the others... it's clearly a name made for marketing, if nintendo uses it like it should, marketing it intensively (unlike gamecube) it can result on raving sales in the english speaking countries, and we know that nowadays that's what drives the sales in other developed countries.


It's all in the marketing, I might add.

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If people are afraid of the name Wii, then the same people should also be afraid of the PEE ASS PEE!


So there are two piss-related gaming devices?


The Wee and the Pee Ass Pee...


No really. The name will grow on you guys and eventually when you see the thing in all it´s glory, you´ll forget this letdown of yours.


(I think)

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Ah, so I'm small-minded for being overly-dramatic in a letter, one that is intended to make a point? As I told my brother, earlier, after trying to explain the new name without laughing too much, I will almost certainly be buying this system, whatever it is called. The way of playing with it is why I want it.


At the end of the day, however, I will be 36 this month and I do not relish having to go into a shop, on launch day, and asking, "Can I have a Wii please?" I never thought the PlayStation was a dumb name, I thought the Xbox to be kind of pretentious and Xbox360 to be just stupid; Wii, however, just comes across as meaningless and overly contrived once it is explained. It has no impact other than the wrong one, as far as I am concerned.


The system name should have automatically evoked something of the system's spirit; having to use corporate-/marketing-speak, to justify your decision, just comes across incredibly badly. I hate corporate culture with a passion, everytime my employers have come up with their latest motivational buzzword campaign I just sigh and wish there were people who actually realised how ridiculous they sound, out there. Sadly, too many people buy into their own hype.


All I know is, I've been gaming for about 30 years; I wanted this system to succeed, because it introduces new gameplay to the market, one that is starting to bore me most of the time. I now fear that it is going to be ridiculed, instead, and I want Nintendo to stop that from happening.

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i get on the forum after 1 day, and all of a sudden there is a thread that is 18 pages long about wee... (uhh... wii)


well. to be honest. i dont know what to think. but im sure that nintendo is gonna get a lot of attention with its name which im sure NOBODY will forget....


just wait until the next system though... the 'Nintendo Pu"

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are those real logos? if so, i'll be very happy.


they look awesome.


shock and awe from Nintendo. they sure know what they are doing. perfect timing before E3 also. Let the name settle, get everybody talking, and thrill them somemore.


Full of surprises is Nintendo, that's why I love them so much

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are those real logos? if so, i'll be very happy.


they look awesome.


shock and awe from Nintendo. they sure know what they are doing. perfect timing before E3 also. Let the name settle, get everybody talking, and thrill them somemore.


Full of surprises is Nintendo, that's why I love them so much


their fan made I think.

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Wow, I just came on here and saw 'wii discussion' and thought wtf? This can't be the new name, please god no.


Then I saw this topic and my first reaction was to fall about laughing in hysterics. This cannot be serious. But as I read on I realised this wasn't a joke and now I just feel very disappointed. Yep, way to go shaking off that kiddy image Nintendo, picking a name which the majority of people associate with urine and 5 year olds. Yes, I know, I know, some of you say it sounds new, original and if you think about it and it doesn't mean that in other parts of the world, but I think you haven't thought of the general depravity of the general public. I cannot see anyone over the age of 10 looking at that name and thinking 'My god that sounds awesome' in the same way as revolution would have. I think Nintendo have just put a huge handicap on this console being as successful as it should in the West and I pray they change the name for Westerners, they can keep it in Japan if they really want.


I case you can't be bothered to read this whole post I'll summerise, I hate the name, seriously what were they thinking.


Ok, ok, I've had time to think about this and I'm starting to think that perhaps it might not be a huge disaster, but I'm still not over the moon about the name.

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i woke up ten minutes ago, and i find nintendo pissing themslevles in the pants.


wtf wii ...... wtf is that, wii how can they market that to the western world. got no problem with a univisal name, but a name that makse everyone laugh and make fun of ...big no no


nintendo what have you done ???

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i woke up ten minutes ago, and i find nintendo pissing themslevles in the pants.


wtf wii ...... wtf is that, wii how can they market that to the western world. got no problem with a univisal name, but a name that makse everyone laugh and make fun of ...big no no


nintendo what have you done ???

Think off the possibilities and come back in like... 10 hours :P please, like you said you just awoke...


let it grow on you, Wii!

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At first i hated (really hated!) the name, after knowing it for half an hour i saw my girlfriend and told her about the weird name.... her reaction was nothing like mine, she giggled and said she liked it! Now after i've calmed down i do actually think i like it too!


It's so different to the other systems, after seeing some of the slogans on the possibly real ads it grows on me even more..... i dunno if i will be saying to my mates "can't wait to play that on my Wii" i might end up saying "can't wait to play that on nintendo" who knows thou!! :)

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