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What The Hell?? Nintendo Wii!!??


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Now I believe the name will be cause of jokes and a little more but that was exactly what happened with FHC right?? And now almost everyone is saying the controleer is great.Just wait for final and racional opinions and you'll see why nintendo took this way (an hard way surely but that the way it need to be done so wii can see a revolution in gaming)

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I'm saying is that there are a lot of people who aren't going to get it just because of the name.



And those are the proud few with the intellect of a door nail.


Also, how the hell do you know people are no longer going to buy it; psychic or something? I'm guessing you're ASSUMING it right?

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And those are the proud few with the intellect of a door nail.


Right now, Nintendo needs all the fans it can get, even if they do have the intellect of a door nail.



Also, how the hell do you know people are no longer going to buy it; psychic or something? I'm guessing you're ASSUMING it right


For a start, I've already seen posts from a number of people saying they won't buy it because of the name. And yes, I'm ASSUMING that there will be others - I already said why in my last post. I'd say it was a pretty strong assumption, and I'm not the only one.

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Some people are clearly overreacting.


I will admit that when I saw the new name I was a bit stunned. I wasn't sure what to think. I even giggled at some of the toilet humour.


But now that I've mulled it over in my head and actually created a wallpaper with the new name, I can say that Wii is growing on me. It shows how Nintendo is taking the social side of gaming very seriously. There's also the Wi-Fi service they're creating for Wii (Wii WiFi?).


I think it's just silly to refuse to buy a console just because of its name. As people have said, it's the games that matter. Wii is also more appealing to a broader audience than "Revolution" would have been. It has that trend feel about it. There's also the factor of worldwide appeal just as others have pointed out.


I loved Revolution, but I'm liking Wii. Looking forward to E3!

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It is starting to grow on me...a bit. It will take time, I didn't like DS at first either after all..


I have to say, it's grown on me majorly. I was shocked initially, but now I don't want it to be called anything else. In terms of uniqueness, it doesn't get more freakily weird than Wii. And I wouldn't expect anything less from the New Nintendo. Also, Wii is so memorable, and this backlash is damn great! It's being reported everywhere in the UK - BBC, Guardian, CNN. I bet you it makes the papers tomorrow, smack bang in front of the most important Gameshow of Nintendo's entire history. Nice.


Also, the urinating on the competition thing is just brilliant.


We've been shocked by the controller, we've been shocked about the graphics, we're shocked about the name... How amazing is Wii already and it we haven't even seen any Nintendo games. I bet you this thing is going to blow our minds at E3, seriously.

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Only short minded people can't get wee out of their system. seeing you lot are all kinda Nintento fans, you should be more open than this. We don't think of the word 'WE' as 'WEE' so we won't with 'WII' either.


The media hype this has generated is amazing. Like it or love it now, everyone will know what it is as they discuss it in their households. People will joke with it, but so what, when we see how cool and slick the system and marketing is, it will banish all reservations and negative image that people have with it.


Truth is Revolution was not as accessible, easy to say. WII can become a really cool name, if they get the marketing right. It's all about their marketing, and I think with this the opportunity is there to reach a much wider audience.

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For a start, I've already seen posts from a number of people saying they won't buy it because of the name. And yes, I'm ASSUMING that there will be others - I already said why in my last post. I'd say it was a pretty strong assumption, and I'm not the only one.


Who the fuck cares? seriously. If Nintendo cannot prove that there console is worth playing to these people who have turned their attention elsewhere just because of a name, then they should just quit the industry now.


Nintendo have been. and always will be about the games. The games are what will make think people think 'hey, this thing mightn't be that bad, even though it has a shit name'. The day Nintendo stops attracting people with its software, is the day they will call it quits.

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Oh please. I think I've seen the reason why people call Nintendo "kiddy". It's because a lot of you guys are so immature !!!


Forget for a moment about how Wii sounds, and what that sound means to you. Graphically it's quite pleasing, and I wouldn't mind having it in a large font stamped into the metal across my console.

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I agree that the name looks great graphically. Great potential marketing wise. I have to say I absolutely dig the name now. So unique, and beautiful. The W and the I looks perfect next to each other.


I reckon Nintendo are going for the cool, slick, clean, unique, new, different approach. They sure have balls, you got to hand it to them. No thick idiots coming up with the idea of slapping a number/numbers on the end of a name that they used previously.


To those that say they will not play Zelda or Mario because they are embarrased with the pronounciation of a name, not even the spelling, I say get a life, because it is definitely too short.

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i'm slightly interested by what the logo's gonna look like, I assume that it will have one and won't be just the name?!


I'm guessing its the logo we've seen, it has the same minimalistic, techy sort of look Nintendo seem to be going for. Very apple-esque.


Smeg Fridges. Siemens Mobiles. Virgin Trains. All succesful despite having strange connotations in their names, I see no reason why Wii will be any different if marketed correctly.

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This whole thing reminds me of the day when they unvealed Wind Waker as cell shaded... for god's sake people... if you guys continue acting like "I won't buy it because of the name" you're being no better than them... to be honest you're being equal, and not buying it because of that is not the "mature" thing to do when it really doesn't matter...


I take it as your being fans of the company and wanting the best for it, but right now the best for Nintendo communities is to stick together... the name won't change just like the graphics for wind waker didn't, but questioning it so much may damage the sales... just like Wind Waker sales got damaged... you guys might argue that it was Nintendo's fault just like it is now... but they never failed in the important matter, and that is... the games.


And yes, I too agree with masaki86 for once, that is... get over it people...


[but I'm glad they revelead it before E3, I can't even picture the scenario if they did it there in the conference]

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