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Motion Sensor Also in Nunchuck Attachement?


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It's not Bluetooth, the wi-fi Nintendo uses can support up to 16 people (at least, that is what my DS box claims.


He wasn't talking about WiFi, you need to be careful as you're getting confused. The controllers use Bluetooth, which has been confirmed by Nintendo, and Bluetooth only supports 8 devices in the local "group" network, with the base station counting as one of them. The PS3 has the same problem, it supports up to 7 controllers.


This is why the Nunchuck, which should be noted was coined by Nintendo, is directly connected to the FHC rather than having it's own wireless connection.

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The analog controller is connected to the FHC so that it doesn't need a transmitter. That means that it will use less power, and more importantly it also means that you use less of the available RF-bandwidth.

If you only have the bandwidth for, let's say 7 devices*, you can either use 4 FHCs and 3 analog controllers, or, with the wired analog controller, up to 7 FHC+analog controllers.


BTW : I really HATE that everybody calls the analog controller the Nunchuck attachment. The analog controller, when attached to the FHC, gives THE WHOLE some resemblance to a nunchuck (and not a great one at that), the analog controller on its own is just that : an analog controller. I guess we have IGN to thank for this.



* 8 devices is the limit for bluetooth, but as the base station is a device itself, you're left with 7 devices - note:I'm not claiming Wii uses bluetooth, it's just an example.



The nunchuck controller attachment name came from nintendo themselves at the TGS speech when they announced the wiimote.

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Yeah, Miyamoto nicknamed it. Anyway, I love Nintendo for doing this. EA's Madden team already are using a very good idea to use the accelerometers for dodging. I think the motion detection of the nunchuck is perfect to be able to put real reflexes in games.

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Just thought of something, not sure whether it's been mentioned before. There are going to be attachments made for the 'Wiimote' but, you can't have two attachments in at the same time, so you're either going to have a cool gun attachment and not be able to move around or the nunchuck attachment but not cool looking gun.... Hmm...

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Just thought of something, not sure whether it's been mentioned before. There are going to be attachments made for the 'Wiimote' but, you can't have two attachments in at the same time, so you're either going to have a cool gun attachment and not be able to move around or the nunchuck attachment but not cool looking gun.... Hmm...

A gun like that could have another port in which you can put the nunchuck. If Nintendo designs the input system good enough there should be no problem with that.

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you can't have two attachments in at the same time

Is that confirmed? Technologically I reckon it'd be possible to have more than 1, but I don't know.


About the so called 'accelerometer'. By the sound of it, it detects acceleration right? In other words it can't detect a constant motion. So, I guess it'll be like having many extra buttons, except you can only 'hit' the buttons and can't 'hold down' the buttons. Like, a quick jerk in a certain direction is equivalent to hitting a button?


As for the built-in rumble feature speculation, it sounds right. The way FHC and Nunchuck are designed seems like an external rumble attachment will be unlikely. I'd be surprised if Nintendo got rid of rumble pack after all these years. That makes me believe that rumble feature is built into both FHC and Nunchuck in the first place.

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Is that confirmed? Technologically I reckon it'd be possible to have more than 1, but I don't know.


As Shadow said, there's only 1 port for an addon. Unless it was wireless or the addon had an addon port in it in which you could attach the nunchuck at the same time....

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dont think there was any need for the attitude before but meh.


I was actually wondering how precise you can be with the nunchuck gyro type tech. Dodging and puching dont seem to answer the question really, i wouldn't call them precise movements. is that ok for me to ask??

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Snes had 2 controller ports, but you could expand that with a splitter. So, TO ME, having just 1 port doesn't confirm there will only be 1 attachment, but I understand this is opinionated.


BTW, about the nature of accelerometer in the nunchuck, the following article on Wii Madden (american football game) confirmed it for me:

IGN Wii: Perfect. Could you just for clarification purposes give us an idea of how a typical play might work using the controllers?


John Schappert: So, you take the [nunchuck] controller, jerk it up to snap. Quarterback now has the ball. Your passing icons are now up. Take the wand controller and you'll see that the four directions on its D-Pad represent four of your receivers; the A button is your fifth receiver. Point to one of those receivers that you want to receive the ball and with your hand gesture a throwing motion to pass. Now, the harder you throw, the more that's going to be a bullet pass. The softer and the more you lob a throw, the more that it's going to be a lob. When you receive the ball, you run with the analog stick on the nunchuck and if you want to juke, you use the nunchuck to gesture it. And if you want to stiff-arm, you use the wand.

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The other night I played House of the Dead 4 in an arcade, if you haven't played it then you may not know that to reload your gun you shake it up and down as opposed to pressing a button. Assuming the motion sensor in the nunchuck is true and its certainly looki that way then I think its quite likely it could be used in such a way which'd be pretty damn cool :D

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More importantly why the hell would you want a second FHC accesory plugged in at once? Wii is about simplifying games.. that's why it only has A and B buttons on the main FHC.


Do you have 3 arms or something? Otherwise your argument is pretty lame. Of course it's technologically possible.. look at the internet, millions of computers linked together like magic.


Doesn't mean the Wii controller should be Flaight.


Hellfire is correct A. we don't know the wireless technology that Wii will use and B. we probably wont ever know because Nintendo has no intention of releasing specifications.


If it works it works.. that's all as consumers we need to know (and also how we shouldn't put it next to a life support machine or a microwave)

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Flaight is correct about if it is an accelerometer rather than the same technology as the FHC. It muct only detect fast accelleration however, otherwise you wouldn't be able to 'recenter' it very well if you get what I mean.


With this acclerometer business, it gives me more reason to wonder if the not-so-FHC will be used for Smash Bros.

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More importantly why the hell would you want a second FHC accesory plugged in at once? Wii is about simplifying games.. that's why it only has A and B buttons on the main FHC.

I agree Wii is about simplifying games. But I can't see why that should kill off the possibility of future expansion. For that, the hardware itself must be built to support it in the first place. It's crazier to assume that Wii is trying to forbid devs who would want a more traditional setup (or even more complex). To me, Wii's simplicity and mainstream complication are not mutually exclusive, but rather, inclusive. It's more reasonable to assume that Nintendo's strategy is to "bring in all" in the end.


Nunchuck itself is a testimony to this, in that it is "theoretically unnecessary" to have it from the point of view of simplification - use a bit of imagination and FHC is perfectly good by itself - only that it could bump into awkward situations particularly when it comes to supporting the more mainstream gaming community.


The wonders of "add-ons" like Nunchuck is that Wii controller can become as simple as just FHC, or as complicated as anything you connect to it. I don't think this idea is lost on Nintendo. Afterall I should think they do want the mainstream games to come over to Wii and for that, simplification can be detrimental. Nintendo needs some ways of ensuring they can "keep up" with the added complications future mainstream games may introduce, even if that means using FHC as the means to integrate multiple peripherals.


Do you have 3 arms or something? Otherwise your argument is pretty lame. Of course it's technologically possible.. look at the internet, millions of computers linked together like magic.


Doesn't mean the Wii controller should be Flaight.


I think you missed the point there, Nintendork. The whole thought-experiment revolved around whether Nintendo has left the possibility of multiple peripheral connections to the FHC. I wasn't debating about whether we should have 3 arms or any specific accessory. I can give examples of where multiple connections would be useful, but I won't since it's only indirectly relevant and it would make this post longer unnecessarily. Besides, the possibility is endless and there is no need to be bogged down with few certain examples.


The point still remains - Having a single port in itself doesn't say much about the technology it accomodates. It's perfectly reasonable to think that Nintendo would want it to be robust. I for one think it's very likely Nintendo will leave that possibility in the hardware, so they have the CHOICE to add more later on if they come up with good ideas. This is a perfectly rational point of view, rights and wrongs of it aside.

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It wouldn't be terribly hard to add a third attachment. Just have them daisy-chain together- have a male and a female port on one attachment, plug it onto the Wiimote and plug the nunchuck into this new attachment. If it is something small like a microphone or just something rather cosmetic that adds extra buttons/ergonomics to the FHC (light saber mod) you could have that and still use the nunchuck. You don't need three hands for that.

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isnt the remotes wireless technology the same as the one used in the Wavebird? i doubt they would use Bluetooth for it (expensive license fee for a start). If thats the case then theres no reason why more than 7 devices cant be connected at once


i'd rather see them get rid of the wire between the 2 parts than make the analogue motion sensitive though (even if this will make it easier to control mellee weapons)

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Blah blah blah. Yes I am a child.. why do you need an extra port to connect multiple things.

It's pointless.. It isn't what Nintendo wants.


I'm sure the port will support a generic input from any piece of hardware designed to be used with it.. and then route that the software being run on the Wii.


So if there's a microphone.. the FHC will route the audio to the Wii, and then to the internet for voice chat games.


There wont be a specific standard protocol set up- Nintendo won't say "all FHC add-ons must use Z1, Z2 and the analogue stick because that defeats the point of having it.


We've heard about 2 fishing games in development which will presumably have a reel for the FHC.


The idea of connection 2 is just ridiculous.


It's an open platform, if a developper 'needs' extra buttons or interfaces the FHC will (hopefully) handle them within the limitations of the bandwidth that the FHC operates on.


I think it's ridiculous and overly complicated.


If you explain to me a hypothetical situation where a developper might need this I'll gladly listen.. I'm sure you have something in your mind that is fueling this idea.


One port, the developper designs the add-on and provides it at the lowest cost possible to the consumer. Hopefully in many cases offering the add-on with the game inclusive of the price.


Design the add-on later, the protocol handles it, routes inputs to the Wii system and it is handled from there.

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