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Resident Evil 4 Most Gory Game Ever?


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Hey, what is your imput on resi 4, Is it one of the most gory games ever, one if the most fun games ever, or a big waste of time. Also, are the resi games more of a playstation, or gamecube geared product, and witch does it play better on? My friend says PS2:heh:

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I think if a game is optimized for one console it's always working very well. I think RE4 is a GC game. It really pushes the GC and the controls feel very natural.

The camera, the graphics, the enemies, the places, the storyline, the save system, the weapons - I like pretty much everything but what I'm really glad about is the shoulder perspective, I therefore never played any other RE.

About the gore, it adds some "fun" to the game and that these plagas pop out of the heads, however, I think killer7 is a really gorey game, not only because of the amount of blood but rather how it's used and that you can shoot off limbs to get more blood.

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Most gory game ever? Far from it I'm afraid - Its no more gory than your average action game. Soldier of Fortune (and its sequel) are what I'd call gory games. However, Resi 4 is probably the best 3rd person action game ever developed. It doesn't do anything unique or new but what it does do it does beautifully. It basically takes the genre as it exists and refines it so much so that its almost flawless.


Which versions best? Well I owned the cube version until I bought a PS2, it seemed senseless to own both games and I wanted the extras of the PS2 version. Overall, the PS2 version is not as nice graphically although its not terribly noticeable most of the time, its only certain times where things such as steam/gas effects are used that it really stands out. The new Ada missions are perhaps more enjoyable than most full game releases, and a decent length to boot - If you haven't played them through then you really haven't seen all of what Resi 4 has to offer, they're outstanding.


Regardless of which system you own it on its definitley an incredible title.

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The GC version is better no doubt, the extra ada missions on the ps2 version are not worth it. And Jay, I don't remember heads exploding and stuff in SOldier of Fortune.


They did, and you could shoot chunks out of people if you were that way inclined. Postal 2 is a pretty brutal game too, although the graphics are slightly cartoony.


Also I don't understand how the Ada missions aren't worth it but slightly better graphics are - The fact that you can still get about £20 for the gamecube version on trade and pick up the PS2 version for £15 makes it even better. I wouldn't recommend buying a PS2 just to pay it, or paying any extra but the Ada missions add a lot to the overall story and the graphics are still amazing.

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Definitely not close to most gory, might be in the top 20 though since some deaths are really nasty, like the melted face.


For gore Soldier of Fortune proabably does reign supreme, but that's pretty much the only interesting thing about those games.


Indeed, they have to be amongst the most drab and dull FPS games ever created.

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Resi 4 is an 18 under the pegi system, my mass speculation is that the bbfc want to crontrol the entire rating system for the Uk and so offer companies lower ratings than pegi to get control of it. So outside of the uk under the pegi rating it is an 18. Unless a country specific rating system was used.

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Resi 4 is an 18 under the pegi system, my mass speculation is that the bbfc want to crontrol the entire rating system for the Uk and so offer companies lower ratings than pegi to get control of it. So outside of the uk under the pegi rating it is an 18. Unless a country specific rating system was used.


interesting theory. though i think some companies want the 18 certificate to keep the chavs interested. Not sure what bbfc were thinking. Killer 7 is an 18 with cartoon violence though I have not had the interest to play through it yet.

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