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New rumors just appeared...possible true


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It's more likely to be SSB: Mahem really. Total Chaos sounds like two thing: 1. a Sonic spin off and 2. a Playstation game.


Plus it is TC which among me and my friends means Tactical Chunder. Generally employed half way through an extremely heavy night of drinking to dump some cargo.


It's more likely to be SSB: Mahem really. Total Chaos sounds like two thing: 1. a Sonic spin off and 2. a Playstation game.


Plus it is TC which among me and my friends means Tactical Chunder. Generally employed half way through an extremely heavy night of drinking to dump some cargo.

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Most of these 'rumors' just like logical guesses to me. Shock horror Prince of Persia and Soul Calibur 4 on the Rev, I never expected that. Blimey.

Could Total Chaos be a hint to the Revs actual name?


or perhaps Icarus is a hint and it will be called the iNintendo?

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CS on the rev, if only...

If Valve were to bring Half-Life 2 to the Revolution, it'd be a shame if they left out Counter-Strike, wouldn't it?


I think chances are that HL2 will appear on Revolution, so CS shouldn't be far around the corner.

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It's too close to E3 to warrant discussing this.

With regard to the console shipping with 2 controllers I still think that's unlikely despite what Harrison said.


Mayhem sounds a lot like Melee (in America they pronounce it Maylay not Mellay) I dunno if that title would run well in the US simply for being too alike.


I liked my idea- Smash Bros. and Co because everyone wants to see Sonic and some other mascots in there.


Rockstar.. hmm, I don't care if they're there or not- yes Rockstar ship a lot of consoles.. but I don't care how many systems Nintendo sells, as long as they make a profit.


CS and HL2? ahahahahahahahahahaha.

I think you are all smoking something.. I am highly skeptical Valve will bring either to Revolution. It'd be nice but I still doubt it.

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I liked my idea- Smash Bros. and Co because everyone wants to see Sonic and some other mascots in there.

Sonic dares not step in the shadow of the Nintendo franchises.


I would hate Nintendo if they put characters like Sonic and Megaman in the next Super Smash Brothers. It's a Nintendo game, and those characters don't fit in the game.

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The purists of you want to preserve the heritage but it will widen the appeal of the game to people who only played Sega/Sonic > Mario/Nintendo.


I don't care, I always play as Luigi anyway.. Even if Sonic was in the game.. would it matter that much? It's not like anyone is forcing you to play with Sonic- you could just not play with him.

They'd be fools not to, but there has been no indication at all that they will do otherwise.

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The purists of you want to preserve the heritage but it will widen the appeal of the game to people who only played Sega/Sonic > Mario/Nintendo.


I don't care, I always play as Luigi anyway.. Even if Sonic was in the game.. would it matter that much? It's not like anyone is forcing you to play with Sonic- you could just not play with him.

It screws up the game. Sonic sucks bad. Who still wants to see Sonic days? Who will buy a fighting game because you can fight with Sonic? Sega fans are smarter than that, and quite frankly, they don't adore Sonic quite as much as they used to do. It's Sega's bloody own fault - they made horrible games like Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog.


Sonic would mean Sonic trophies, Sonic levels, possibly characters like Knuckles and Shadow (*shudders*). It doesn't fit in Super Smash to have those.

They'd be fools not to, but there has been no indication at all that they will do otherwise.
There has been no indication otherwise that you're not wearing a pink tutu at the moment either.
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DCK if you read what I typed you'd see that I said "there has been no indication at all that they will do otherwise" with regard to not adding Sonic into the game.


Which if anything means I am agreeing with your points against Sonic being in the game. [i refrained from harassing you]

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The game would be boring without thrid party characters because Nintendo don't have that many left to put in the game.


Unless you want all 387 Pokemon in it!?


And don't say playing online will make people by it, not everyone plays games online.

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I don't need any persuading on this game. I keep tooing and throwing weather it would be a good idea to put in some non-nintendo characters.

Whatevers happen the only real hitch with this game is if Nintendo try to double up on character moves again. why would Ganondorf have the same as Captain Falcon when he lives centurys before him. Am I go too far in depth there?

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The more characters they add, the harder it will be to balance them all equally against each other.

I think to make it a balanced fighter less characters can be a good thing sometimes.

The main selling point of the game is the variety.. but I don't think overkill is the answer just because it's a new platform.

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I don't think Nintendo should go all out and fill the game with characters from other developers, but putting Sonic in it would finally bring an end to the Sonic vs. Mario debate that anybody who's been playing since the Mega Drive vs. SNES era knows needs settling. I wouldn't like to see him start cropping up in Mario Kart etc. though


For Smash Bros as long as they remove some of the crap characters, remove the clones (give them all individual abilities, its not hard!) and add a few characters who belong in it (Especially Wario!) then I'll be happy with the character list.


Add in to that improved single player and huge online tournaments and it'll probably be the best fighting game any of us ever play. I want them to keep the format though, not change it to a powerstone syle format - Powerstone is Powerstone, Smash Bros is Smash Bros. It should stay that way.

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