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Katamari Creator views on the Rev control


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Katamari Creator Snubs Controller Hype



In an interview with the Game Developer magazine, Katamari Damacy creator Keita Takahashi has given his opinion on the Nintendo Revolution Controler. "I'm not really interested in it ,I don't think a controller should have that much influence on the enjoyment of games."


Takahashi elaborated, "I see what [Nintendo is] trying to do, but they're putting such emphasis on the controller; 'Woah, this controller lets you do this!' and I'm thinking - are you messing with us?" He concluded on the subject of Revolution when he said "there's nothing I really want to do with it right now."





Well this is a shock.Discuss.

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What a shock, he made his game.. and he moved on.

He's not interested in computer games anymore, he wants to make childrens playgrounds.


I can totally dig what he's saying.. but you have to understand, he's like Miyamoto in ways. His job is to make people smile and from a fundamental point of view he probably thinks the idea is more important than the technology.


Kudos to him.

He made a great game and I have much respect for him for not giving into the interviewers invasive questions about how 'everyone' will want him to make a game for the console. If he's not interested he's not interested.. no big deal.

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What's funny is that I can see the Rev controller being great for the Katamari games!


You reckon he was saying the same thing when Nintendo stuck the analogue stick on the N64 pad? Controller is very important, how can he not realise that?!

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Exactly like that comic, but I didn't bother to find it ;)

The more I think about this, the more ridiculous. Not abandoning Katamari that's cool, but a creator that clearly wants to innovate that abandons a controller because it's innovative. wow, that makes a lot of sense. It seems to me he's


b)Sony fanboy

c)being pressured

An yeah Namco forced him to make Katamari2

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You know whats the saddest thing about it is that if Namco didn't force him to make a sequel, thus feeling less pressurized then he would of:


(A) wanted to stay in the games industry


(B) May of had some cool other games designs, and stuff


Plus a friend let me play the origonal import version Katamari Damacy as I haven't yet goy my *cough*modded PStwo*cough* And it was a mighty fine game.


Shame, another one has bitten the dust so to speak

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the thing that pissed me off was that EA just released the second one, why couldn't they do a bumper pack with the first included, cause the first had better music and a strange "I feel it" girl in the cut scenes. Having said that I'm glad they did actually release one of them!

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Every person who called him a fanboy or anything along those lines is a cock, this includes the following people.


Hellfire and the3rdchildren.


ZeldaFreak he wouldn't have stayed.. he made one game and that was it, he was out of ideas and felt that he had accomplished soemthing he could really enjoy telling his grandchildren one day.

Capcom did pressure him, and due to the financial success said that if he wasn't interested they would develop it anyway.

Being true to the fans who would be possibly laying down their money for a poor game he agreed to stay on for We <3 Katamari and Me and My Katamari for PSP. They have agreed that now he is done they will let the series rest and he is not bound to them again.


He was probably angry because he was being interviewed by a cock who knows nothing about him.. If I was interviewing someone like that I would probably Google him and read for a few minutes, I understand the point of an interview is to learn something about someone but there is just being plane ignorant.


He was acting agressive because he doesn't want to make games anymore, and probably doesn't want to talk about them anymore.

If someone says "so are you going to make one for Nintendo's Revolution" i'd be pretty pissed off too. The media has now interpretted it as he hates Nintendo now.


I would rather see peeople like Keita brining their original ideas to the games industry once rather than them being shunted off because their long term financial contribution is not as good as the likes of Fifa and EA games.

What Keita hasdone is quite pioneering.. someone with no gaming experience just an interesting point of view on the world and transferred his skills into a game.


We should thank him more than anything.. his success has no doubt influenced Iwata's Blue Ocean strategy heavily.

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Every person who called him a fanboy or anything along those lines is a cock, this includes the following people.


Hellfire and The3rdChildren.


No, no. I just don't care about Katamari at all. I was merely posting an equally negative statement to accompany Katamari man's one (I can't be bothered to find his name out). He's clearly pissed off or bitter about something there.


But hey, you said I'm a cock and I definately am. I just want to go public here stating that everything that falls out of Nintendo's ass -is- gold and that I can't wait to buy several Revolution consoles to construct an elaborate throne upon which I plan to sit and play my remaining Revolution console. I will be a gigantic cock playing my Revolution.


Ya know, I'm just going to throw a little more fuel into the blazing inferno here and outright state that I think that Katamari man is a fanboy. He is the greatest of fanboys, in no great way. His status as a fanboy is an established fact and this could go on forever but I'm going to stop rambling.


I'll see you all in the banished lands. Bring extra controllers.

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Every person who called him a fanboy or anything along those lines is a cock, this includes the following people.


Hellfire and the3rdchildren.


ZeldaFreak he wouldn't have stayed.. he made one game and that was it, he was out of ideas and felt that he had accomplished soemthing he could really enjoy telling his grandchildren one day.

Capcom did pressure him, and due to the financial success said that if he wasn't interested they would develop it anyway.

Being true to the fans who would be possibly laying down their money for a poor game he agreed to stay on for We <3 Katamari and Me and My Katamari for PSP. They have agreed that now he is done they will let the series rest and he is not bound to them again.


He was probably angry because he was being interviewed by a cock who knows nothing about him.. If I was interviewing someone like that I would probably Google him and read for a few minutes, I understand the point of an interview is to learn something about someone but there is just being plane ignorant.


He was acting agressive because he doesn't want to make games anymore, and probably doesn't want to talk about them anymore.

If someone says "so are you going to make one for Nintendo's Revolution" i'd be pretty pissed off too. The media has now interpretted it as he hates Nintendo now.


I would rather see peeople like Keita brining their original ideas to the games industry once rather than them being shunted off because their long term financial contribution is not as good as the likes of Fifa and EA games.

What Keita hasdone is quite pioneering.. someone with no gaming experience just an interesting point of view on the world and transferred his skills into a game.


We should thank him more than anything.. his success has no doubt influenced Iwata's Blue Ocean strategy heavily.


No offence but it was Namco not Capcom sorry

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Woah just read the news. Shocking indeed. I was thinking that he was probably gonna praise the innovation of the Revolution and not critisize it. Oh well. I can see his point though.


BTW, there is alot of beef in this thread. Calm it down lads.

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