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I would like to see both RE5 and an exclusive RE on the Rev. BUT for the love of GOD i hope any exclusive RE is NOT along the lines of Gun Survivor of Dead Aim. NO damned RE FPS on rails please.


With the Rev being a lot like the GC, and Capcom being so familiar with the GC from RE4, REmake and RE0, i don't see why they wouldn't try make RE5 for the Rev.


I don't think the whole technical thing makes a good argument, as said before RE4 was designed on the GC to GC specifications and was still able to appear on the PS2 (dispite Mikami-san saying it would never be on the PS2, else he'd cut off his head...i'm still waiting... god or not a deal is a deal). And the controller can't possibly play a factor in it, cuz it would work so well with a Resi game. Capcom and Nintendo have a good relationship and if RE5 wasn't gonna be on the Rev, i'm sure there will be one in some form and i'd also place good money that Mikami-san will work on it since he would prefer that RE be on Nintendo systems only and if he works on a Rev game and not RE5 it's pretty much certain that the Rev one will be the better of the two.


Hell for all we know RE5 (or a least "A" RE game) could already be in the works for the Rev, but due to Nintendo wanting to keep things quite as long as possible they could have slapped Capcom with an NDA till E3.

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I agree with what Nintendork has said. I'd much rather have Resi5 than some exclusive.

I've got a soft spot for Resident Evil, and after bringing all the main storyline to the Gamecube, it would be a big letdown not to have Resi 5 on the Revo.


It's not like they wouldnt be able to scale down the graphics and as Zombie Fan has now realised, the Revo controller could work well with 5 (if the controls are more-or-less the same as Resi 4).


Capcom said they're going to try other games before they make a Resi game for the Revo (to make sure they can get it right for Resi i assume). They've had quite a while to do that now, and get used to how the Revo works (the dev kits are more or less Gamecube which helps).

So hopefully, very much hopefully we'll see Resi5 for the Revo and an exclusive or two...If not, then damn!!!

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I think it'd be rather easy for Capcom to tune up the Resident Evil 4 engine and make a new Ressie, like someone said before. Resident Evil 5 stuff is unworkable for Capcom, it's too much for the machine and won't give them half the result they would with an exclusively developed version.


An alternative version doesn't have to mean it's completely different from the PS3 and 360 versions. They could do the same story, or have half the story told in the PS3/360 version and the other half in a Revolution version.

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They couldnt split the story between consoles, the fans would murder them. Couldnt they just make the same game but with gfx built from scratch on rev? As people said theyre used to the hardware so it could end up looking better than a downscaled version.

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I'd be happy with a remake of 1, 2 or C:VX with RE4 style controls and camera.

But 5 would be rather nice.


I don't think we need a re-make of C:VX because its already a great looking game. What I would like to see is a re-make of Resident Evil 2, or 3. Of course I want to see Resident Evil 5 on the Revolution, but if it does not happen its not the end of the world. Ether way the Revolution will have some kind of Resident Evil game.

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Of course I want to see Resident Evil 5 on the Revolution, but if it does not happen its not the end of the world.


Yes it will be:woops:


I don't think RE2 and RE3 will get remade ala REmake, when they were making REmake for the GC they had planed to do the same with 2 and 3 but then decided to just port them cuz it would take took much time and resources. So i doubt we'll see them remade next gen.


I really just want RE5 on the Rev so that i maintain a full collection of RE on Nintendo home consoles:hehe:

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re4 was the first resident evil game i enjoyed i didn't like 1, 2 was average i didn't play 3.


from what i heard re5 is going back to be more like resident evil 1 im hoping if capcom makes one for the revolution it will be more action/adventure type like re4.

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Ok guys. Im sorry for making the "end of the world" comment.


Someone's apologising on a message board? *Dies of shock* ;)


I think there have been enough remakes of Resident Evil games. I've lost count of the number of remakes of the first game.


RE4 took the series in a new direction. I'd like to see RE5 be as radically different to the series as RE4 was.

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re4 was the first resident evil game i enjoyed i didn't like 1, 2 was average i didn't play 3.


from what i heard re5 is going back to be more like resident evil 1 im hoping if capcom makes one for the revolution it will be more action/adventure type like re4.


Really? I thought from the street scenes and stuff that it looked a lot more like RE3... Pah, doesn't really matter though.


Most imporant thing for me in this game is going to be using the knife with the FHC. I always disliked how difficult they made it to use in a lot of the games. We all know how important it was to go for the legs with the knife but it took so ling to be able to aim down.

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