Hero-of-Time Posted December 12, 2007 Posted December 12, 2007 just tryed then not working still Sorry man, looks like its died on you. Phone Microsoft and PRAY that you get someone that can speak english!
BeerMonkey Posted December 12, 2007 Posted December 12, 2007 LOL!! just rung now the ladie was pretty good at english the xbox is indeed fucked..having labels sent by email...then have to get it picked up in a brown box. grrrr xmas of all times
McPhee Posted December 12, 2007 Posted December 12, 2007 Bad luck! Isn't your console under a year old though?
Hero-of-Time Posted December 12, 2007 Posted December 12, 2007 It's 3 years now anyway for the 3R Yeah but if its under a year old he could have just took it back to the shop rather than having the hassle of sending to microsoft. When I got my Elite from GAME I made sure I could take it back if it busted in the 1st year and they said they had to by law.
Charlie Posted December 12, 2007 Posted December 12, 2007 I can't connect to Live for some reason.... The connection test works fine but when I try to sign in it says it can't connect....
Hero-of-Time Posted December 12, 2007 Posted December 12, 2007 I can't connect to Live for some reason.... The connection test works fine but when I try to sign in it says it can't connect.... Can you access the Xbox.com website and sign in there? If not Live is probably down but if you can then I havent a clue.
khilafah Posted December 12, 2007 Posted December 12, 2007 think my 360 has died also today anyone know of good independent shops/guys (near london would be great) who can fix the red lights problem. My machine is modded so I cannot send it to microsoft.
Guest Stefkov Posted December 12, 2007 Posted December 12, 2007 Ooooh shit. I've just turned the 360 on and loaded up Halo. It was on a black screen for about a minute so I turned it off then on. When it was turning off the power light went off but the light to say a controler was connected stayed on for a bit. I turned it back on and a really loud, not overexagerating, a really loud whirring was being made from it. I opened the tray and the disc wasn't spinning. Took the disc out for safe measures but it's still making the noise. Turned it off and on and it still made the noise. I'm gonna try again but I'm expecting the worst. Edit: Jesus that gave me a right scare then.
Hero-of-Time Posted December 12, 2007 Posted December 12, 2007 What the hell this is crazy! Everyones 360 knacking up at the same time!! Methinks its a merketing ploy by Microsoft so you go buy a new one at Christmas. I dont wanna switch mine on now.
Guest Stefkov Posted December 12, 2007 Posted December 12, 2007 I've had mine since last year April. It's my first and only 360 I think. If it ever dies and I have to send it off I may just sell it.
BeerMonkey Posted December 12, 2007 Posted December 12, 2007 Bad luck! Isn't your console under a year old though? the last time my 360 broke was november last year...brought mine off ebay last september. On 3rd xbox already...hmm..prob make this my last xbox console (next gen gunna get next nintendo...and maybe convert to the sony side)
Guest Jordan Posted December 12, 2007 Posted December 12, 2007 The XBOX is an unreliable piece of shit, but at the end of the day it has by far the best games going on it.
Eddage Posted December 12, 2007 Posted December 12, 2007 Just finished King Kong, only lasts about 4 1/2 hours which is pretty disappointing, oh well easy 1000 gamer points! Also whats the deal with NHL 2k6 being Pal-50 only? Does that mean I can't use it with a VGA cable?!
CoolFunkMan Posted December 12, 2007 Posted December 12, 2007 What the hell this is crazy! Everyones 360 knacking up at the same time!! Methinks its a merketing ploy by Microsoft so you go buy a new one at Christmas. I dont wanna switch mine on now. Yeah, it's mad! I'm too afraid to go on my 360 after reading all these comments, lol. Although I'm too busy with Umbrella Chronicles on my Wii atm.
Hero-of-Time Posted December 12, 2007 Posted December 12, 2007 Yeah, it's mad! I'm too afraid to go on my 360 after reading all these comments, lol. Although I'm too busy with Umbrella Chronicles on my Wii atm. I really wish I could get into that game. I have only finished the ZERO section and havent went back to it.
Guest Stefkov Posted December 12, 2007 Posted December 12, 2007 Thinking about the boxes screwing up. It's not good really, having your machine break around christmas. Some games coming out, games being bought by family members for your presents then you won't have a machine to play it on resulting in pissed off customers. Ah well.
Hero-of-Time Posted December 12, 2007 Posted December 12, 2007 Thinking about the boxes screwing up. It's not good really, having your machine break around christmas. Some games coming out, games being bought by family members for your presents then you won't have a machine to play it on resulting in pissed off customers. Ah well. Is yours working then Stef?
Guest Stefkov Posted December 12, 2007 Posted December 12, 2007 Yeah it is now. I left it for a while, turned it back on and the loud whirring stopped. I played a few games of Halo and everything it still fine. I thought I messed it al up, the plug, through an adaptor, wasn't in the wall socket right. There were blue sparks so I thought that had damaged the power supply. Thankfully not.
Guest Jordan Posted December 13, 2007 Posted December 13, 2007 POINTS. POINTS!! Also, slightly hooked on Carcassone. EDIT: Just got to shock and awe on Vet, nearly finished the first very long chapter. Then 2 to go! I wanna get all 1K on CoD4.
Letty Posted December 13, 2007 Posted December 13, 2007 I just got the achievement on BomberManLIVE for collecting all the costumes
Mundi Posted December 13, 2007 Posted December 13, 2007 Just one more room in Castlevania and i got all of the achievements! Now to find that room... EDIT: HAH! Found it. 100% Castlevania got! My first Arcade game on 100%
AshMat Posted December 13, 2007 Posted December 13, 2007 I like how the last 3 posts are about achievement getting. C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!!
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