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If theres a spot left tonight then invite me, finished work early and just got to set up the wireless adapter. Using the username NumbDiagram rather than Phee2 at the moment though so i can get another month of free Live

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Guest Stefkov

I could host again. There was only that one momentary lapse in signal in the second game, which is why most people left.

Thing is I don't have some of the people on here. So if you dont have me then add me and I'll invite/you can join the match.

Thats if I'm sdetting it up.


Is it still for 8?

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Dont think i will be able to make tonight guys, sorry for pissing you's about 2 nights in a row, just wish me becoming Staff and everything ive had some stuff to do.


Ill come online about quater to 10 but that will be to late.

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Guest Stefkov

Caris is staff now?!?

You havnt always been...Anyway well done mate.

We had some good games.

It doesnt matter just whenever you're on I'll join in if you want.

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Guest Stefkov

I say we do that more often. Raven down let the matches down a little bit. Its such a small map.


I've still not played Worms online. Is that tournament still happening?

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Those were some pretty sweet games. That was only the 2nd time i'd played Gears online, so i was a bit shitty. Starting to pick up techniques and that.


You where pretty good, especially for only your 2nd time playing it online.

Mansion was probably the most fun, but the game seemed to lose some of it's pace after Takeo left.


I say we do that more often. Raven down let the matches down a little bit. Its such a small map.



I'll host again probably, seeing as I seem to be the only one who can be arsed to do it and send invites...

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Those were some pretty sweet games. That was only the 2nd time i'd played Gears online, so i was a bit shitty. Starting to pick up techniques and that.


what the hell. you were pretty fucking great! i was so crap tonight-sorry :(

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