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Xbox 360 Console Discussion


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I got a 360 today. So far finding it really good though it seems pretty noisy. I got a pretty good deal for Game and then picked up GoW from Asda. I've got PGR3, GoW, Arcade Unplugged and Tomb Raider...


I'm kinda disapointed by how it looks on my monitor. I'm guessing VGA will be a massive leap over composite.


My gamertag is Blind Kira if anybody wants to add me :D

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I keep getting stuck with punks on Lost Planet who either quit or just plain suck. I have played around 10 matches now and still no win :nono:


Also the level 8 boss was a nightmare, took me a few attempts to bring him down.


Don't you get a win if they quit? Sounds like Mario Kart DS all-over again.

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Guest Stefkov
Karl + 360 = Reunited!!!!



w00t w00t.



How have people found the time to get that 100 online matches achievement and the 100 won, on Pro Evo?!?

I've one like 18 and its taken me ages.

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w00t w00t.



How have people found the time to get that 100 online matches achievement and the 100 won, on Pro Evo?!?

I've one like 18 and its taken me ages.


I'm almost at 50 wins at pro ev online. I'll get to 100 eventually. A lot quicker when I start playing Dan at it.

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Guest Stefkov

Haha, I think it would be good if we could get a forum tournament of pro evo, see who is the best at it. Plus if you did ranked it woudl get somones wins up quicker.

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Oh shit, I think my 360 is faulty. :( I was playing PES6, and it made weird noises like scratching or ticking, a few minutes later, disc read error. FUCK! Look at the disc, slight circle around it. It doesn't make that noise for the other games but it appears that the other games do have a slight circle around them. Tell me thats normal and its a one off. Otherwise me and Microsoft will have a fun conversation tomorrow.


Edit - To be fair it always has just made more noise for PES6, and it appears to be reading it now.

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At least I'm not alone. The circle if it is a scratch, then its very feint. I can barely see it, so I'm doubting whether its a scratch. And the game booted fine after, but in fear I've shut the beast off. And I'll probably let it be until tomorrow.

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Guest Stefkov

I remember seeing a video a long while back, when I didn't know anything but nintendo, where a 360 owner had their console vertical, put in a disk and turned it horizontal. He took the disc out and there was a visible ring. I thought that maybe there was something loose scratching it. Maybe the same is with you ramar?

Something loose catching the disc.

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I remember seeing a video a long while back, when I didn't know anything but nintendo, where a 360 owner had their console vertical, put in a disk and turned it horizontal. He took the disc out and there was a visible ring. I thought that maybe there was something loose scratching it. Maybe the same is with you ramar?

Something loose catching the disc.


I've seen that video, though my console is horizontal and I never move it when its turned on. The scratch is barely visible, unlike that video. :-\ I think I'll see, if it continues then I'll get on the blower. I could just be over reacting.

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Just finished Zone of the Enders erm I mean Lost Planet :) Seriously though, it did all go Z.O.E at the end didnt it? Great game with some awesome boss battles and like Dead Rising it is short and sweet but with lots of replay value and an awesome online mode which I have been enjoying alot more than GoW to be honest purely because it doesnt take a half hour to get a game shorted.

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