Hero-of-Time Posted August 26, 2006 Posted August 26, 2006 OBLIVIONSeriously. OVERRATED! Just kidding, I can see why many like it but it just aint my kind of game. I have been playing DOA again and I Forgot how cheap that last boss is. Also the AI on that game is just stupid, I demand an easy setting on the next one!
DiemetriX Posted August 26, 2006 Posted August 26, 2006 Pictures?Link? Something? Anything? Battlefield: Bad Company Screens and info: http://xbox360.qj.net/Newest-Batch-Of-Scans-For-Battlefield-Bad-Company/pg/49/aid/63304
KKOB Posted August 26, 2006 Posted August 26, 2006 im putting oblivion on in ooooohhh, an hour or less anyone wanna try and play Poker with me later? tried to play last night but the server gods werent in my favour i have since sacrificied several maiden virgins-should do the trick.
KKOB Posted August 26, 2006 Posted August 26, 2006 ouch thats not good for anyone still on dial up!!! looks great though btu i think it might get repetative fast!
That Guy Posted August 26, 2006 Posted August 26, 2006 FFS now I can't defend the 3rd shrine in Kameo. Anyone like to tell me where the fucker even is? I'm even looking on a guide and where it tells me to go isn't where the fucking thing is. I plan on burning it.
rokhed00 Posted August 26, 2006 Posted August 26, 2006 New screens of Lost Planet http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/1369/1156573374.jpg http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/1369/1156573373.jpg http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/1369/1156573172.jpg http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/1369/1156573171.jpg http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/1369/1156572239.jpg http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/1369/1156572238.jpg http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/1369/1156572237.jpg http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/1369/1156571571.jpg http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/1369/1156571570.jpg http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/1369/1156571355.jpg http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/1369/1156571354.jpg http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/1369/1156571175.jpg http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/1369/1156569736.jpg http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/1369/1156569735.jpg http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/1369/1156569197.jpg http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/1369/1156569459.jpg http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/1369/1156568564.jpg http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/1369/1156568392.jpg http://media.teamxbox.com/games/ss/1369/1156568030.jpg Battlefield: Bad Company Screenshots Not working, post some links instead.
KKOB Posted August 26, 2006 Posted August 26, 2006 Battlefield: Bad Company Screenshots you are THE news hound!!!!!
Owen Posted August 26, 2006 Posted August 26, 2006 LOVING the look of Lost Planet, quite enjoyed the demo! I want it more like a Icey Resi 4 though! Nintendinosaur, if you could wait a little under a week i would say have a go at Saints Row, it isn't for everyone, but you may be surprised. Or Dead Rising which comes out September 8th. That game is going to be superb, i could tell just from the demo! Games out now? Try Oblivion or Condemned. Condemned is superb, and scary, i haven't actually completed it yet because i'm a nervous wreck...i don't think i'm anywhere near the end...may play that tomorrow actually!
KKOB Posted August 26, 2006 Posted August 26, 2006 LOVING the look of Lost Planet, quite enjoyed the demo! I want it more like a Icey Resi 4 though! Nintendinosaur, if you could wait a little under a week i would say have a go at Saints Row, it isn't for everyone, but you may be surprised. Or Dead Rising which comes out September 8th. That game is going to be superb, i could tell just from the demo! Games out now? Try Oblivion or Condemned. Condemned is superb, and scary, i haven't actually completed it yet because i'm a nervous wreck...i don't think i'm anywhere near the end...may play that tomorrow actually! i know what you mean about condemed! i cant even finish the bloody demo its that scary-i get 20 mins in and i have to turn the evil off!
stev2604 Posted August 26, 2006 Posted August 26, 2006 SAints Row is Region free: http://www.videogamesplus.ca/default.php?cPath=446_470&sort=2a&&page=3 Its the list of VGPs region free games. Saints Row is the second one down. And: http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-dw-49-en-70-1ij3.html Only €31/£21
That Guy Posted August 26, 2006 Posted August 26, 2006 i know what you mean about condemed! i cant even finish the bloody demo its that scary-i get 20 mins in and i have to turn the evil off! I sold it lol. Got Burnout instead which I'm enjoying quite a lot so far. I got 1000 points And that bit in Kameo was piss easy... As for what game you should buy, I would definitely wait for Dead Rising, as its going to be great. Or Oblivion which I'm hoping to spend the next 2 days playing.
KKOB Posted August 27, 2006 Posted August 27, 2006 yay!!! Mark Cullinane took me down on burnout soo many times but i managed to beat him in the end in a race mind that is all :p
KKOB Posted August 27, 2006 Posted August 27, 2006 Lost Planet and a new BF?I came. shit i thought for a second BF meant BoyFriend lmao sorry but it would fit in with you cuming! anyway . . . i'm stuck between lost planet and N3 as my 'brainless kill things' game for the 360 ah well only time will tell which i will buy (probably both) night all
Bren Posted August 27, 2006 Posted August 27, 2006 shit i thought for a second BF meant BoyFriend lmao sorry but it would fit in with you cuming! anyway . . . i'm stuck between lost planet and N3 as my 'brainless kill things' game for the 360 ah well only time will tell which i will buy (probably both) night all brainless kill things game is lost planet or N3? Have you forgotten about Dead Rising? Thats the brainless kill things game to have on the 360.
Hero-of-Time Posted August 27, 2006 Posted August 27, 2006 For those who are interested Ghost Recon (GRAW) is now £24.99 on play.com
BeerMonkey Posted August 27, 2006 Posted August 27, 2006 just been watching "gamer tv" and they had a review of "test drive unlimited" on there (4/5 stars) i was very impressed by it and looks like my sort of game....im actually comtimplating getting a 360 mainly for that game. it sounds bloody awesome gunna ave a look around net see how much i can get a premium 360 for im not missing out on that game no way
KKOB Posted August 27, 2006 Posted August 27, 2006 brainless kill things game is lost planet or N3? Have you forgotten about Dead Rising? Thats the brainless kill things game to have on the 360. no, you have to save people on that to progress the story, so its not brainless enough for me lol. just been watching "gamer tv" and they had a review of "test drive unlimited" on there (4/5 stars) i was very impressed by it and looks like my sort of game....im actually comtimplating getting a 360 mainly for that game. it sounds bloody awesome gunna ave a look around net see how much i can get a premium 360 for im not missing out on that game no way Gamer.TV give EVERYTHING 4/5 as long as it isnt the wrost game ever. in 3 shows worth of the series every bloody game reviewed got 4/5. was that on this morning? what time? i forgot
KKOB Posted August 27, 2006 Posted August 27, 2006 was on at 11am on bravo cheers-tried to find it on Bravo +1 but i think i was late :S
KKOB Posted August 27, 2006 Posted August 27, 2006 I like Gamer TV. Thought i just let you know..... well its a damn sight better than other gameshows of the recent past, the only thing that fucks me off about it is how it panders to the mass market '18-30 year dold street talking need for speed loving' fool. i mean sam delany knows feck all about games IMO he cant pronounce most of the names of the games for starters!
Hero-of-Time Posted August 27, 2006 Posted August 27, 2006 Well this sucks, on Oblivion I couldnt go to sleep as everytime I did I got turned into a Vampire but one of my missions requires me to rest so I now Im gonna have to look for a sodding cure.
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