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Furthermore, I present you with this extract from Owen's catalogue of past quotes. Those with a keen eye will verify that is it authentic, for it contains several grammar errors. Those sickened by emoticons will be happy to know I've left them exempt from my findings.




You little greedy. You may not have done it, but the intent was definately there.


*Quote may have been modified to better reflect user's greedy intentions








I'm done with this now. Let's get on with our lives.


(If i did end up having that one for sale) I actually was trying to help people out on this forum? I wanted a small profit, yes, but like everyone else who has done it. Note the 'Hope that helps anyone who cannot get one' part?


It doesn't matter now, most of you hate me so your right, lets just end it.

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News from Rare regarding Kameo online co-op:


"Co-op over Live is currently in the last stages of debugging and should be available very soon. And there are firm plans to release more downloadable content soon after - details of which will be made available soon. Watch this space..."


Looking forward to this, the 360 needs a decent online co-op game that doesn't suck.

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I had one at home, another preordered which i gave to my dads mate. I never sold any on ebay and i don't know where you got '3' from.


It isn't my fault that you either preordered past the deadlines, not at all or at the wrong place.


oh and you obviously have 'something' against me because you wouldn't of bothered posting this.


Owen, I was trying to be nice to you and explain why some users are being sarcastic and uncaring. If that's how you're going to react to someone trying to help you then don't go crying in the first place.


That is my final say.


EDIT: And Kameo online co-op would force me to buy.

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Owen, I was trying to be nice to you and explain why some users are being sarcastic and uncaring. If that's how you're going to react to someone trying to help you then don't go crying in the first place.


That is my final say.


EDIT: And Kameo online co-op would force me to buy.


I apologise if you were trying to be nice, but in my temper i believed what you had written was too the point and quite nasty.


I apologise if you were generally trying to explain something to me.

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It also seems alot of you have the total wrong impression of me, perhaps i shouldn't care but i generally do.




I think your a canny lad Owen, i had 2 360's but done a good deed and instead of putting it on Ebay like i could of, i sold it to "chuck" i think hes called on this board for what i paid for it.


And the only reason i have made snide remarks is becasue it comes across that you have very little value of money, you seem to want everything now, instead of thinking "hang on ive alreayd got tons of games to play, so its no big deal if it gets delayed"


And yes i would post on here if my 360 broke.

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I've been playing tons of Kameo lately, I got to the Water Temple before Christmas but put it down. It kept nagging me that I never finished it, so I picked it up again, only to find it was more entertaining. It's got great music :)

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The game was terrible, thankfully didn't take as long to uninstall as it did to install. I'll have those five gigs back please, Square-Enix.

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Just got my HDTV! I had decided I was gonna get the Samsung one, but was recommended the Panasonic TX 26LXD1 over it. Read a load of reviews - apparently it's got far superior visual quality.


Lucky me, Currys have slashed the price from £999 to £699! With a little bit of staff discount, I got it for £629! Lovely stuff :)

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I really want a HDTV now, its not fair, they're so expensive :'( £700 smackers.. hmm.. how much is the other Samsung? I reckon id go as far as £500.. which probably wont get me much.. and i guess if you're going to do it you may as well do it well.. Who knows, it would be my student loan paying for it so, when the time comes with my next installment we'll see if my want wins over sensibility.

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You're NOT gonna get anything near good for £500. Honestly. If you find one for that much, I guarantee that it'll have shit contrast and a terrible refresh rate.


They're still selling the Samsung for the original price. The Panasonic one has been reduced because Panasonic have a new range coming out, and this lot have been discontinued.

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Seeing as the 360 Collector's Edition of Oblivion is exclusive to game, I thought people might want a voucher to knock £10 off the cost: XBD36050.


The voucher runs out on the 26th, so you'll have to pre-order before then, but it's better than a kick in the nuts. Or Perfect Dark Zero, if you'll excuse the tautology.


[Disclaimer: I didn't post this in the Bargain Board because it's only really useful in regards to preordering CE Oblivion — it only works for full-price games, apparently, and 360 titles are £40 everywhere else anyway. Plus it's half three in the morning.]

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