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In summary - the aiming in PDZ is fine. Absolutely perfect. If you don't like that style (which, funnily enough, almost all PC FPS games use) then thats a different matter.

Corrected. (Incidentally, I always turn auto-aim off.)


My qualms with the aiming aren't anything to do with the fact that you have to be pin-point, it's the fact that aligning the sticks is so... loose. Halo has good weight behind its analogue control as if you're pointing the weapon, whereas in PDZ it feels much more like you're waving a gun on a stick.


This is why almost all close quarters gunfights result in players rolling around on the floor for about a minute until someone gets lucky. And I play ranked games.

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Why not turn down the sensitivity then? I honestly can't see a problem with it!


Are you sure it's not just because you're not very good? :)

I'm not very good, no, but you don't have to be to notice the badly calibrated sticks.


I've muddled with the sensitivity settings for ages, but I know it's not just me who's having issues: everyone I play with has confirmed that the analogue control is unwieldy — one of the better people I've often played with has his settings on 5 for both X and Y axes to avoid flailing.

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I know! I suppose I should have used a smilie, but they're super camp.


So, yeh, Amped 3 anyone? Any good? I was all excited about Quake 4 before the launch, but then I played the demo...


Also Ridge Racer 6! I've pretty loved them all, but I played it in Game, and, I hate to be a 'graphics-whore', but it looked shocking compared to PGR3. All the models are nice and stuff, but it doesn't seem very flashy. PLUS, I've got loads more to do in PGR3, so it'd be silly me getting another racing game.

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Amped 3 is a really fun game. Don't be put off with so called "bad reviews". I've seen places giving it 7 or above which is more than average. The game will last you a while as once you've finished the story mode there are 200+ challenges to get gold medals on to totally finish the game. If you like snowboarding games you should like Amped 3.


I think people just slacked it off because it doesn't look all that next gen. When you play it you notice great textures and things like that which couldn't be done on this gen.


In the end the game is about its gameplay and great presentation. It will certainly make you laugh for sure.


Ridge Racer 6 plays nothing like PGR3, it's nearly at the opposite end of the spectrum. RR6 is nearly up there with the best of the series, Type 4. :)

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Halo 2's "auto aim" is more of an aim assistance than automatic aiming. It slighty reduces the sensitivity of your "reticule"/crosshair when you're over a target. Works damned fine, too. There is an auto aim in Perfect Dark and it can be turned on/off in the menu. Not that it makes much of a difference, it's still too hard to shoot anyone because of the shit aiming/speed at which players move.


As has been observed before, this is a problem with overplaying Halo more than Perf- Aw, fuck it. Perfect Dark Zero sucks. I'd just like to add that the aiming in Call of Duty 2 is brilliant, and that doesn't use an auto-aim to my knowledge.


[Edit] Just wanted to add this on to my post so I'm talking to certain members of the community on their level:




Perfect Dark Zero doesn't suck, your not allowed to dislike it, you haven't played it long enough to give a opinion, have you played it over live? perhaps you haven't gave it a chance?! Are you sure? Maybe your being a bit to harsh?


;) (oh god, i used the smiley i'm on a certain level or either gay as smileys are so camp these days) :indeed:






:laughing: (shit i used another smiley)

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I have yet to get my 360 (my local video store, just had them back in) but I will get it sometime today.


Please explain how to obtain disc or update?




Well if your going onto Xbox Live then you can just update your 360 to make it play the B/C games, theres a update somewhere (Jordan knows about live updates etc..)


However if your like me (who hasn't got live yet) then you will need to buy a B/C disc from http://www.xbox.com, or you can burn your own copy (which didn't work for me).


It costs £2, and it will arrive in about 2 weeks, i got mine today (to play Half Life 2). I believe you slot in the disc before you put in the games disc (a little bit like a freeloader although i could be wrong, i'll have to read up on it) or it will save something to the hard-drive to save you keep doing this.


It looks really professional actually, something which comes with a new Microsoft PC.


Hope that helps. :smile:


Link: http://www.xbox.com/en-GB/games/backwardscompatibility.htm

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FFXI got me hooked :| And every time i play it say to my self. This game would be so much better if it was like WOW... But do i go to my PC and play WOW... No.. I can't put the controller down. I had 3hours of sleep last night because off it.. And I wanna go home and play more :cry:

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Perfect Dark Zero doesn't suck, you're not allowed to dislike it, as you haven't played it long enough to give a opinion. Have you played it over Live? Perhaps you haven't given it a chance?! Are you sure? Maybe you're being a bit to harsh?


;) (Oh God, I used the smiley I'm gay as smileys are so camp these days) :indeed:


:laughing: (Shit, I used another smiley)


You're right. I'm not allowed a negative opinion on a game you like. I'm very sorry, I'll be quiet from now on. Just to clarify here, you haven't played it over Live either, right?

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You're right. I'm not allowed a negative opinion on a game you like. I'm very sorry, I'll be quiet from now on. Just to clarify here, you haven't played it over Live either, right?


My post was a joke, i'm surprised you didn't see it as that!


Your reply kinda wraps up exactly what happens to me alot of times on this forum but i normally keep quiet. I wasn't allowed a opinion about Halo 2's multiplayer without being attacked, and i stated i was too harsh on it to keep peace! I dislike Halo 2's multiplayer and i doubt playing with real people will help that, actually it probably make it worse considering all the immature people i seem to come across, no-one will change my mind about that, i find it funny that no-one commented that you should of elaborated on why you hated PDZ so much like they did me!


I would post a smiley here to show i'm not annoyed with you or angry, or upset or anything to be honest, but of course posting smileys are seen as 'camp' and make you on a certain level now, which was clearly a stab at me earlier as i'm the only one who uses them alot.


I'm clearly baffled at why i wasn't allowed a opinion, just like you are with me however i was joking in that post!


Anyway! Tomb Raider has now got a late April release (official) and Top Spin 2 is set for 7th April.


I'm definately getting Fight Night Round 3 now considering my 360 games in March are slowly all being delayed!

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