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To be honest, chap, if you've got it on the PC, there's no point in buying the stuff to play it on your 360. It hasn't got voice-chat and it doesn't actually use Live (it uses Square's own server thing) so you don't get any of the lush things that we associate with 360 online gaming.


this is beta remeber...

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got DOA4 today, so far im pretty chuffed at it, grpahics aare nice, and i can see it as a game i want to get good at. Went online to look at the lobby thing, and its alright i suppose, seemd a bit laggy wen actually fighting, that cud just be the game i was in though.

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got DOA4 today, so far im pretty chuffed at it, grpahics aare nice, and i can see it as a game i want to get good at. Went online to look at the lobby thing, and its alright i suppose, seemd a bit laggy wen actually fighting, that cud just be the game i was in though.


aye m8 has happened to me sometimes aswell make sure u check the status of ppl when you go into a room. if they have got yellow bars get out of the room its laggy as hell but if all are green you hardly have any lag just a lil bit now and then

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To be honest, chap, if you've got it on the PC, there's no point in buying the stuff to play it on your 360. It hasn't got voice-chat and it doesn't actually use Live (it uses Square's own server thing) so you don't get any of the lush things that we associate with 360 online gaming.

I do know this, im at least getting the beta (which i JUST found yaaay) because im a huge Final Fantasy fan. And playing on my TV would be alot more cushty than sitting by my PC.


The mouse really isnt needed at all on the PC one, i dont mind paying for a game and a keyboard to play in style (e.g. in my bed lol)


mines downloading now. i think its at the point where the game is being ripped from the CD? its taking a good hour to do :mad:

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got DOA4 today, so far im pretty chuffed at it, grpahics aare nice, and i can see it as a game i want to get good at. Went online to look at the lobby thing, and its alright i suppose, seemd a bit laggy wen actually fighting, that cud just be the game i was in though.


Doesn't help that hardly anybody in europe has it either.

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I just completed Kameo icon14.gif


I used 40 below and the snowball wrecker move for Thorn, made life so much easier!


Great game, yet looking back I always thought it was building up to a huge epic adventure(e.g. the start) yet it felt like I had only just begun. Hopefully Rare will give us a sequel :awesome:


By the way, I still personally prefer Starfox Adventures.:heh:


All i want is another joypad, i can't find them anywhere.

Gameplay have got them back in stock, I got one from there a couple of days ago(wireless). :smile:

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I'm getting my 26'' Samsung HDTV tomorrow! (hopefully, if argos don't let me down...which they might)


However i'm still a little concerned. How in gods name can Dead Or Alive 4 get any better in appearence then what it already is on my 32'' Philips Standard tv? My picture quality is actually really fantastic on that, extremely sharp and colourful, i'm wondering if i'll notice any difference at all when i switch the switch to HD and turn on my new LCD.


PLEASE let me notice differences! Espicially in PDZ!


Any more comments on the graphics from people on here who jumped from a standard TV to HD? Did you notice a difference or do you have to look real hard?



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How bloody naff is FFXI?!!


I finally started playing, and i dont know why i bothered spending so many hours installing it. You cant type a message, you cant use half the features. Basically its impossible to comfortably play with the controll pad. I'm well dissapointed.


So im not gonna bother with it till i track down a keyboard.

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How bloody naff is FFXI?!!


I finally started playing, and i dont know why i bothered spending so many hours installing it. You cant type a message, you cant use half the features. Basically its impossible to comfortably play with the controll pad. I'm well dissapointed.


So im not gonna bother with it till i track down a keyboard.


Sounds like it hasn't been tuned for the 360, ha Square just cashing in some money from users.


Much easier to play on PC.

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How bloody naff is FFXI?!!


I finally started playing, and i dont know why i bothered spending so many hours installing it. You cant type a message, you cant use half the features. Basically its impossible to comfortably play with the controll pad. I'm well dissapointed.


So im not gonna bother with it till i track down a keyboard.




it could of been so good, voice chat decent graphics and FF on xbox!


its just a shit port of a average game...

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...Theres no voice chat?! WHAT?! Voice chat has been in every XBL game ever. Square, taking the piss.


No, the game interacts with PS2 and PC players, they have no voice chat so I doubt square would bother doing it here. I think there is private chat though.

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how the fuck do you counter moves on DOA4? i cant do anything on it lol,


It's hard. I think i know what you mean.


If your talking about blocking then you press X. Countering though is pressing the A button at the right time, it really is difficult and luck, i've played the game for roughly 3 hours so far and have done it twice. It's when there just about to hit you, you press A and then it gives you the advantage and you make it into your move, is that correct?



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If you've played DoA2/3/U you should know that countering is pretty difficult, and guess what in 4 it's even harder and it does less damage but it can still quite easily turn the tides of a fight.


I used to be pretty good at countering on DoAU, so we'll see when 4 comes out in Europe.

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If you've played DoA2/3/U you should know that countering is pretty difficult, and guess what in 4 it's even harder and it does less damage but it can still quite easily turn the tides of a fight.


I used to be pretty good at countering on DoAU, so we'll see when 4 comes out in Europe.


DOA4 is HARD. I'e only played the second one (i think, may have been third) for roughly a couple of months, then i got rid of it (wasn't to in to fighting games then).


Anyway, DOA4 is set at either HARD or VERY HARD difficulty during the whole game! The computer doesn't let you get a move in sometimes and you literally can't even get of the floor without being kicked to death!


Still it's really cool though!

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Sorry to double post, but i thought i'll do a little release list of Xbox360 games for Europe!


Dates are all subject to change of course, but some are all set. I've put TBC next to the dates which arent 100% official. The dates are what i've read in magazines, are when they are scheduled to come out, some games may come out earlier or later in the month for example, so the exact friday date may be incorrect.


Ridge Racer (20th Jan 2006)

Dead Or Alive 4 (27th Jan 2006)

NBA 2K6 (27th Jan 2006)

Full Auto (24th Feb 2006 TBC)

Ghost Recon (3rd March 2006)

The Outfit (17th March 2006)

Elder Scrolls (24th March 2006)

Tomb Raider: Legends (24th March)

Saints Row (April 2006 TBC)

Top Spin 2 (21st April 2006)

Dead Rising (May 2006)

Frame City Killer (Summer 2006)

Gears Of War (September 2006 TBC)

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Sorry m fergy im a newb xbox 360 owner so I am not to sure myself, have a look around the systems options area to see if you can change anything.


A question from myself, I got a kameo and NFS demo from the truly abysmal offical xbox magazine. I noted that the kameo cutscene was jerky in 50hz mode but ok in 6ohz mode. And then found out that Futrerama was jerky in 6ohz mode but not in 50hz. To add to this madness I found NFS to just be plain nasty in both modes. But I was playing late at night so who knows. Anyway any suggestions?

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