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Xbox 360 Console Discussion


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Of my Gameplay order, the premium pack, PGR3, Kameo and the Play and Charge kit have been dispatched. However, PDZ Limited Edition and 'war-shooty game' are still on pre-order. Maybe it could be good if they don't get dispatched today, so I've got more to look forward to on Saturday morning!


(Although I would prefer to have them tomorrow...)

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That is not completely accurate, i have an RGB cable and PDZ LE that wont be dispatched till tomorrow it looks like. PGR3 and Kameo are on their way though, and i ordered them seperately from the 360 as did i the play and charge kit.


Well thats even more unfair then. I preordered my extra controller and my plug and play kit on the 17/08 and that should of been dispatched if they did it in the correct order. (WHICH THEY DIDN'T)


I swear to god the people who preordered a core-pack just last week had a better service then me and the others who preordered EARLY.


What aload of b*llocks! I'm sorry if i'm making something out of nothing but for weeks i've been told it will all arrive on the same-day! I think i wouldn't be so mad if they would of let me cancel the games....



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The hunt begins! (I'm hoping to get a Xbox 360 Premium Pack before Xmas, aint preordered) as that is what my xmas present is going to be.


My Mum is going in the city tommorow and is going to look around, although I doubt she will find one. 24 days to go :heh:


In Norwich there is the following:


Whsmith x 2

Game x 2



Toys R Us


HMV x 2

Chips(indepent games specialist store)

Virgin Megastore


PC World



...I mean come on, one of them must have one :wink:

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They're thanking their lucky stars for that, I'm sure.


Well considering i have done over 75 orders with them in the last two-three years and have spent well over £2500 i believe they should be.


I also think they should get there priorities right and deal with their best customers first and those who preordered early then the people who preordered much much later. NOTHING was done in pre-order order concerning the Xbox360, so that totally fecks up the whole point of preordering doesn't it?


If i don't recieve my games on saturday there will be hell to pay, espicially as they have taken the money now. :angry:


I won't be preordering anymore consoles with Gameplay, so much easier to go into a shop and pick everything up! :)

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Well considering i have done over 75 orders with them in the last two-three years and have spent well over £2500 i believe they should be.


I also think they should get there priorities right and deal with their best customers first and those who preordered early then the people who preordered much much later. NOTHING was done in pre-order order concerning the Xbox360, so that totally fecks up the whole point of preordering doesn't it?


If i don't recieve my games on saturday there will be hell to pay, espicially as they have taken the money now. :angry:


I won't be preordering anymore consoles with Gameplay, so much easier to go into a shop and pick everything up! :)



Meh, stop your bloody moaning, at least you're getting your 360, plenty of others aren't.

Gameplay haven't shipped the games I ordered off them either but you don't see me moaning, do you?

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Well thats even more unfair then. I preordered my extra controller and my plug and play kit on the 17/08 and that should of been dispatched if they did it in the correct order. (WHICH THEY DIDN'T)


I swear to god the people who preordered a core-pack just last week had a better service then me and the others who preordered EARLY.


What aload of b*llocks! I'm sorry if i'm making something out of nothing but for weeks i've been told it will all arrive on the same-day! I think i wouldn't be so mad if they would of let me cancel the games....





You want to hear unfair? I ordered a 360 off Amazon ages ago. After having heard nothing from them by the start of this week, several emails were fired off in their direction, receiving nothing but automated responses. After browsing AVforums, I quickly found out that pretty much everyone was in the same boat.


Fast forward to tonight, and everyone on there is going mental. The console is released in an hour and NO-ONE who ordered when the option first came up (16/17th August) have recieved confirmation that they're getting one. Nobody's order page has changed, and all of them still say "Not Yet Dispatched". This includes myself. Don't believe me? Feel free to check out this thread on the later pages.


Wanna know the real kick in the teeth? There have been reports flying in of people ordering late September/Early October of having their 360 orders dispatched today, whilst the earlybirds are still in the dark. With an hour to go.


In conclusion, stop acting like a little baby. You have 2 goddamn consoles confirmed. Games can be bought from any retail outlet tomorrow.


I wasn't even going to bother posting about my situation, but jesus, you're driving everyone mental.

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Here's a pic of my old xbox she told me she wanted to say goodbye to you all. I only adopted her about three months ago from cash converters but we certainly bonded she will be deeply missed when her auction on ebay ends tomorrow night


As i hope many of you will pictures of my brand new baby will be posted tomorrow BEFORE SHE HAS BEEN WIRED UP that way she will be fresh when you see her :yay:

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Owen, i pre-ordered mine on the 24th Aug off gameplay. I've emailed and phoned around to get my hands on a console, to no avail. Shut the fuck up, stop being a fucking prick.


You have your TWO consoles. So SHUT THE FUCK UP.

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lol i can not wait till the ps3/rev launch i hope its like this, lol this reminds me of the anticipation when harry potter : HBP was about to released, i luv the ambiance of pre lauch days!!! i am not getting one, i am gonar wait till summer, since i got a lot of games to play and h/w to do :cry: any how


any how enjoy your xbox 360 guys!!!


<off to play faranheit on his xbox :bouncy: >

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