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DMC is an awesome series, but I'd have to say GOW2 is better than any of the DMC games now. GOW2 just kicks that much arse! *Just can't tell people enough how good it is*


It's like THE PS2 game now. Nothing as great since RE4.


The thing is DMC series has had two awesome games and one shit one


Whereas GOW series has had one awesome game( and by the sounds of the sequel two awesome games).


But somehow I thing that the ps3 version, seen as it was originally designed and optimized through development for that machine.

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Game Informer's has exclusive infomation on the revision of the Xbox 360.




  • HDMI port and HDMI cable
  • 120GB hard drive
  • $479 price tag
  • No HD-DVD integration
  • The 120GB hard drive will be available for under $200
  • It's coming in "late April"


The 120GB HDD for under $200? That doesnt sound good. I'd be better off buying the new 360 and using my old one as a spare in case of breakdown!


Quick convert into sterling and we can expect to be paying £120 for the HDD and £300 for the new console!


So they are bringing out a NEW model but arent putting a HD DVD drive in???


Yup. Why? Were you expecting the HD-DVD to be built in? Too pricey, would bump the price of the 360 too close to the PS3. There will probably be a black HD-DVD drive now though

Game Informer's has exclusive infomation on the revision of the Xbox 360.




  • HDMI port and HDMI cable
  • 120GB hard drive
  • $479 price tag
  • No HD-DVD integration
  • The 120GB hard drive will be available for under $200
  • It's coming in "late April"


Is that actually what it's gonna look like?


Guess I'll be saving for a few more months now.

So they are bringing out a NEW model but arent putting a HD DVD drive in???


thats actully good, becuase if HD DVD flops (which tbh is likley) your not stuck with something unused on your 360.

thats actully good, becuase if HD DVD flops (which tbh is likley) your not stuck with something unused on your 360.



Well thats why I want a PS3 I want EVERYTHING as standard I dont wanna keep modding and adding on to get something I think should be out of the box


MS seem to treat the 360 like a PC for fuck sake!!

Well thats why I want a PS3 I want EVERYTHING as standard I dont wanna keep modding and adding on to get something I think should be out of the box


MS seem to treat the 360 like a PC for fuck sake!!


Personal opinion, i like the fact i can upgrade the HDD if i want to or choose whether or not i want HD-DVD support. £129 isn't too much for the external drive but HD-DVD already seems to be on a slight down now.

Guest Jordan
Well thats why I want a PS3 I want EVERYTHING as standard I dont wanna keep modding and adding on to get something I think should be out of the box


MS seem to treat the 360 like a PC for fuck sake!!


No, if it was a PC then you could just take parts out. Its not a PC.


Also, i don't want to be charged for things i'm not going to use...


Well its my opinion I wanna get the best, why should I keep spending more money on stuff I wanted to begin with, hence why the PS3 is getting my vote, you buy the PS3 and thats it!!

Well its my opinion I wanna get the best, why should I keep spending more money on stuff I wanted to begin with, hence why the PS3 is getting my vote, you buy the PS3 and thats it!!

And what about those of us who just want a games machine, not a Blu-Ray player?


Personally I think the PS3 is a good deal if you're looking to upgrade your DVD collection to HD. But I'm not, I just want to play games. And it isn't like you'll ever be able to buy a PS3 sans Blu-Ray as it's integral to the machine; there is no choice in the matter.


I'm glad I didn't have to spend £100 more on my 360 for a HD-DVD drive that could well be near obsolete in a few years, and certainly isn't that great a feature — for me — at the moment.


Mind you, the Core 360 should never have existed in my opinion. Unlike Blu-Ray a built-in HDD offers immediate advantages to gamers right now; as far as I'm aware Morrowind and Halo were only possible on the original Xbox because they could rely on every user having storage space for caching. Plus the Premium offered extras that far outstripped the price difference; it would cost a Core user more to 'upgrade' their machine to a Premium than if they'd simply bought the more expensive pack to begin with.

Well its my opinion I wanna get the best, why should I keep spending more money on stuff I wanted to begin with, hence why the PS3 is getting my vote, you buy the PS3 and thats it!!


Tip for the top most members on this forum don't like personal opinion, the admin don't mind and most of the mods don't mind, but its the regular members.

And what about those of us who just want a games machine, not a Blu-Ray player?


Personally I think the PS3 is a good deal if you're looking to upgrade your DVD collection to HD. But I'm not, I just want to play games. And it isn't like you'll ever be able to buy a PS3 sans Blu-Ray as it's integral to the machine; there is no choice in the matter.


I'm glad I didn't have to spend £100 more on my 360 for a HD-DVD drive that could well be near obsolete in a few years, and certainly isn't that great a feature — for me — at the moment.


Mind you, the Core 360 should never have existed in my opinion. Unlike Blu-Ray a built-in HDD offers immediate advantages to gamers right now; as far as I'm aware Morrowind and Halo were only possible on the original Xbox because they could rely on every user having storage space for caching. Plus the Premium offered extras that far outstripped the price difference; it would cost a Core user more to 'upgrade' their machine to a Premium than if they'd simply bought the more expensive pack to begin with.


I totally understand that games are your preference etc, but if they are doing so much in the way of choice why dont they do core for people who dont mind, who just want a bog standard games machine, premium for people who want a great games machine and like an ultimate edition for people like myself who want the VERY best in the console. I think its hugely pointless giving 120gb hard drive as well as lots of extra features the standard gamer doesnt mind not having, yet stopping short of a HD DVD player, its just a bit stupid......


Tip for the top most members on this forum don't like personal opinion, the admin don't mind and most of the mods don't mind, but its the regular members.


Heh isnt this forum powered by peoples opinion??


Im not forcing my opinions on anyone whatever you want go for it, just me thinking aloud!!



I totally understand that games are your preference etc, but if they are doing so much in the way of choice why dont they do core for people who dont mind, who just want a bog standard games machine, premium for people who want a great games machine and like an ultimate edition for people like myself who want the VERY best in the console. I think its hugely pointless giving 120gb hard drive as well as lots of extra features the standard gamer doesnt mind not having, yet stopping short of a HD DVD player, its just a bit stupid......

I completely understand where you're coming from; it's similar reasoning that made me buy a Premium instead of a Core, or why I'll try to try to get my hands on a quieter 360 when they're released.


I admit I haven't really been paying that much attention to the 'HD war', but the general consensus seems to be that Blu-Ray is increasing its lead on HD-DVD. So the future of the format is looking a bit shaky, and unlike Sony, Microsoft have no vested interest in the medium — Sony needs Blu-Ray to be a success, whereas Microsoft are pushing their own HD download service, not HD-DVD.

Tip for the top most members on this forum don't like personal opinion, the admin don't mind and most of the mods don't mind, but its the regular members.


ZeldaFreak is gettin bitchy again . . . DOWN BOY!!

ZeldaFreak is gettin bitchy again . . . DOWN BOY!!


I'm telling it like it is.


And why should I buy another 360 because they messed up and forgot to put HDMI in.


Plus is it just me or are black 360s actually looking alot damn worse than the white ones.


Just release that 120GB HD then I'll be happy.

I completely understand where you're coming from; it's similar reasoning that made me buy a Premium instead of a Core, or why I'll try to try to get my hands on a quieter 360 when they're released.


I admit I haven't really been paying that much attention to the 'HD war', but the general consensus seems to be that Blu-Ray is increasing its lead on HD-DVD. So the future of the format is looking a bit shaky, and unlike Sony, Microsoft have no vested interest in the medium — Sony needs Blu-Ray to be a success, whereas Microsoft are pushing their own HD download service, not HD-DVD.


Oh really? What I was reading a while back was that Sony was loosing due to said investment


Personally Id prefer to be charged a lump sum (like €630 for a PS3) than be charged €300 for a console €60 for a controller €80 for wireless €20 for a cooling fan €200 for Blu Ray etc....


And 120gb hard drive is a lot considering theres not such a marketplace in EU that there is in the USA so thats pretty defunct....

Well its my opinion I wanna get the best, why should I keep spending more money on stuff I wanted to begin with, hence why the PS3 is getting my vote, you buy the PS3 and thats it!!


You will need to buy a new controller and probablly a mic aswell.


My gamerscore at the moment is teh best evar :D

Oh really? What I was reading a while back was that Sony was loosing due to said investment

I think it's mainly since the PS3 launch that it's been taking the lead. In February North American Blu-Ray sales totalled 250,000 units compared to HD-DVD's 125,000. (Or so reported trade magazine Video Business Today.)


Personally Id prefer to be charged a lump sum (like €630 for a PS3) than be charged €300 for a console €60 for a controller €80 for wireless €20 for a cooling fan €200 for Blu Ray etc....

I get that you'd prefer to pay a lump sum for an all-inclusive package, but you can be pretty damn sure there are a lot more people that would rather not be forced in to buying things they don't want. The difference to you is more psychological than anything.


Think of it like the hardware bundles retailers always try to pull at launch, packaging less desirable games and own-brand accessories in with consoles and trying to pass it off as 'extra value'. Now if for some reason you wanted all that stuff then great, you've probably saved a few quid. But everyone else has been lumbered with a game they don't want, accessories they don't need, and a higher price tag than they were looking for just to buy the console they were after.


The HD-DVD player is extraneous to the actual 360. It isn't used for games, it's just a cheaper way for Xbox owners to watch HD movies, and possibly an extra incentive for some people to buy the system.


Blu-Ray is integral to the PS3. It seems to be a situation of mutual piggybacking on Sony's part: PS3 sells Blu-Ray, Blu-Ray sells PS3. The company's been harping on about how great it will be for months and months, and how it will be needed for all these next-gen games we'll be seeing in the next few years. Personally I think Blu-Ray is a bit before its time and doesn't offer any immediate benefit to gamers, but clearly Sony think — or would like us to think — that it does, and it will continue to be part of their wider marketing of the PlayStation 3 as a 'lifestyle' console, much like the PSOne and PS2 before it.


And 120gb hard drive is a lot considering theres not such a marketplace in EU that there is in the USA so thats pretty defunct....

It isn't really a draw for me either. I'm only on a 512k connection due to where I live, so HD downloads are more of a nuisance than a convenience for me. The only reason I want a revised 360 is because the current models are ridiculously unstable and noisy. A lot of people put up with these problems, but it's pretty rich that we pay almost £300 for a piece of electronic equipment and then have to make do with anything.

Game Informer's has exclusive infomation on the revision of the Xbox 360.




  • HDMI port and HDMI cable
  • 120GB hard drive
  • $479 price tag
  • No HD-DVD integration
  • The 120GB hard drive will be available for under $200
  • It's coming in "late April"


Thats a bad april fools joke though.

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