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So Matt Casamassina knows?


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Apparently, according to his personal IGN blog, Matt Casamassina thinks he knows what that big third Revolution secret is. He literally puts a quick end to that April 20th NDA ballix and starts another rumble up in one go. I usually trust Matt and IGN, but somehow I don't think he'll say anything until E3...or he could just be being a bastard and making it up, of course.


It would be nice for him to tell the gaming community, but were he right, Nintendo would probably break his knees for ruining their big E3 surprise :laughing:


See for yourselves -- It's the second story down (April 11 2006).

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He thinks he does, I don't think he does..


My logic is the following:


If it was guessable, they wouldn't have told us there was a secret.

We're all barking up the wrong tree and Nintendo will point to the right one at E3 and everyone will be like "Oooh.."


You have to look at it from a Sony/Nintendo point of view, Nintendo need to protect this secret.. it's not for hype reasons it's because the PS3 is still in development.


It would be a remarkable coincidence if they revealed the secret at TGS 2005 and then there was a last minute PS3 change.

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I've never seen Matt give one correct piece of information.

It all sounds so convincing until he drops the line 'Red steel is the exception'. Why is it the exception Matt? If Red steel can be revealed, then it doesnt mean its just that game. Ever thought that maybe your talking to the wrong developers? Maybe theres a few developers who's NDA's DO expire this month.


He didnt explain himself, he stated his thoughts as facts and gave no evidence.

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Did your NDA expire o.0


Yeah... The third secret of the Revolution is........... fully explained here.






Yes, you heard it first here. The Revmote can turn into a ROFLcopter! Which is then flown around using the nun-chuck attachment.



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The only thing that wouldnt suprise me about Nintendo revolution is if it included a toaster. So if what your saying is true, my toaster dream is true?


But on a serious side, im not sure whether to believe what you just said. If i dont believe Matt, I cant believe you because i've never seen you post on here... BUT your name is inside, and matt's last name has an 'ass' in it.


I'l be suprised by Revolutions next secret, for I have no idea what it could be. But can any one explain why people call it the third secret?

I thought the controller was the 1st secret about it, so what was the second or if the controller was the second secret, what was the first?

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Yeah and we all trust 'insider' don't we!




Haha I loved his message "BigTac do you believe I'm an insider now?" after BigTac said that someone PMed him.

Wouldn't be suprised if they were the same person.. they're never about at the same time.


Why doe's everyone start's bashing Matt?
Because Mr. Inc. shut down his NintendoRevolution development blog the other day.. people need someone to hate. It's so postmodern.



We're meant to take that silohuette as proof that the game No End Soon still exists ..

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I wish I could tell you more but I don't want to talk about


a) things that I have not confirmed 100% and

b) things that I can't speak because of a contract


99% though is pretty close! And if before E3 none will say anything, I'll might do it just before the E3 show. You see besides my job, I speak with many other "insiders" (as you call them) and get news before others! And that info is not covered with any NDA, cause it doesn't have any relation with my job! I'm just a happy man.

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Its the perfect plan. Say you know what it is, knowing perfecltly well that if you did know, you wouldn't be allowed to say until after E3 anyway, and then could just go "Ah I already knew but couldn't tell you."

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I wish I could tell you more but I don't want to talk about


a) things that I have not confirmed 100% and

b) things that I can't speak because of a contract


99% though is pretty close! And if before E3 none will say anything, I'll might do it just before the E3 show. You see besides my job, I speak with many other "insiders" (as you call them) and get news before others! And that info is not covered with any NDA, cause it doesn't have any relation with my job! I'm just a happy man.

... Yeah so like, first of all you can't quantify the progress into a percentage like that.

I guess you chose this forum because the bigger ones are just too big of a fish tank for a tadpole like you.



Edit by Moria: Umm.... no

Edit by Nintendork: Aww man it was pilfered from the IGN staff blog next to Matt's. Some of them are quite funny..

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