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So, it was pretty good...unfortunately they don't allow cameras in the main experience, which is a shame because there's some cool stuff. They actually have abit of trickery which makes the TARDIS appear, you enter it and it IS bigger on the inside. I actually got to fly it :D


Some good exhibits in the exhibit part though, a dalek you can enter and control for example, some voice modulation and so on. Here's a few pics




Don't remember taking this one though;


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So, it was pretty good...unfortunately they don't allow cameras in the main experience, which is a shame because there's some cool stuff. They actually have abit of trickery which makes the TARDIS appear, you enter it and it IS bigger on the inside. I actually got to fly it :D


Some good exhibits in the exhibit part though, a dalek you can enter and control for example, some voice modulation and so on. Here's a few pics




Don't remember taking this one though;



Was their any original series stuff or was it all revival series stuff?

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Was their any original series stuff or was it all revival series stuff?

Lots of original stuff. One of the pics there is of me with the old old old old tardis console. THere's loads of things from the originals; Zygons, Ice Warriors, the Robot, Costumes of all the Doctors, all the Daleks, all the Cybermen. Loads

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Lots of original stuff. One of the pics there is of me with the old old old old tardis console. THere's loads of things from the originals; Zygons, Ice Warriors, the Robot, Costumes of all the Doctors, all the Daleks, all the Cybermen. Loads


Oh yeah lol, for some reason I totally blanked out that picture and didn't see it the first time. Maybe I'm that used to the original series getting ignored I didn't expect to see it and therefore didn't.

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It's been confirmed that The Impossible Astronaut was the most recorded British television event in history. Doctor Who has smashed several records in the past but this new achievement indicates the enormous levels of popularity achieved by Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill as the Doctor, Amy and Rory. It's also a strong reminder that Doctor Who remains a must-see programme for a significant percentage of the population.


Doctor Who's Brand Manager, Edward Russell commented, 'We've known for some time that the way audiences are watching TV would change, so these figures are the proof. And the fact that Doctor Who is at the forefront of the new viewing habits makes us all very proud indeed!'


A total of 4.1 million viewers chose to time-shift The Impossible Astronaut by watching a recording of the episode either later that day or in the following week.


The BBC's official Doctor Who site has also seen record numbers visiting its pages and the exclusive videos it provides have already been watched by millions since the new series began.



And people say its popularity is dipping

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Not a reflection on the quality of the episode though, which on reflection was good, but not brillaint.


I don't think they did it justice in the end. I thought the other day about how they showed that flashback of that enemy snake thing from Matt Smiths first episode saying 'the Silence is coming'. That was definately just a line put in there for them to be able to revisit at some point in time, but at the time not having a clue what that would be yet. Because if it was intentional The Silence would have turned out to be a bigger event. As it was they were disposed of WAY to quickly and in a bit of a cop out. They also felt far too defenceless in the end.


Though they're surely returning for the season finale, right(?) so I just hope they do something better with them this time.

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Most recorded?

Doesn't that generally mean not so popular, but people thought they'd watch it later because it might be OK.

Not exactly something to brag about, especially not when you consider what the majority were probably watching at the time of broadcast.

It still did exceptionally well with an 8.8m on ratings, on par with previous openers.


You also need to factor in the fact it was a four day weekend, and really nice so people would have recorded it as they wouldn't be home


Not a reflection on the quality of the episode though, which on reflection was good, but not brillaint.


I don't think they did it justice in the end. I thought the other day about how they showed that flashback of that enemy snake thing from Matt Smiths first episode saying 'the Silence is coming'. That was definately just a line put in there for them to be able to revisit at some point in time, but at the time not having a clue what that would be yet. Because if it was intentional The Silence would have turned out to be a bigger event. As it was they were disposed of WAY to quickly and in a bit of a cop out. They also felt far too defenceless in the end.


Though they're surely returning for the season finale, right(?) so I just hope they do something better with them this time.

I disagree there. Steven Moffat said during interviews last year for Season 5 that the arc would span two seasons. I think he had this planned from the get-go

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Doctor dies in Ep 1. Clone Doctor made in this ep...interesting.


Also think Amy & Rory are also Gangers...they were in that power room, then when they woke up, they were in the room with the gloop. Missing scene? Maybe...


Edited by Serebii
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Though they're surely returning for the season finale, right(?) so I just hope they do something better with them this time.


Although i don't know future spoilers i would say so. The silence from ep 1 & 2 were just manipulating human history to their needs etc but the silence hinted at in season 5 were trying to destroy the universe by blowing up the TARDIS, crerating cracks in time etc etc.


I would like to think that they are going to be revisting The Silence to include that in the story as to how they get the TARDIS to blow up etc.

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Oh God I hope not, after the disappointing finale of being chased around an empty museum by a stone dalek of last series I want something better this year, not some crappy new aliens. I know it'll never happen but I hope that somehow the little timelord girl has something to do with the return of the Rani.

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Doctor dies in Ep 1. Clone Doctor made in this ep...interesting.


Also think Amy & Rory are also Gangers...they were in that power room, then when they woke up, they were in the room with the gloop. Missing scene? Maybe...


Yeah good theory you got there about amy and rory would play nicely with rorys theme of dieing all the time lol.


nice twist at the end! :o


Yup although could see it a mile off to be fair.


Oh God I hope not, after the disappointing finale of being chased around an empty museum by a stone dalek of last series I want something better this year, not some crappy new aliens. I know it'll never happen but I hope that somehow the little timelord girl has something to do with the return of the Rani.


I wish people would get over the return of Rani lol. Loads of people thought Donna was secretly her and didn't realise and that didn't come to fruition its not gonna happen. Although yes it would be cool and she was an awesome character in ye olde who.

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I wish people would get over the return of Rani lol. Loads of people thought Donna was secretly her and didn't realise and that didn't come to fruition its not gonna happen. Although yes it would be cool and she was an awesome character in ye olde who.


I did say I know it'll never happen, but there is a definite female time lord body available, and we've been shown the ability to transfer consciousnesses, it's not impossible.

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I did say I know it'll never happen, but there is a definite female time lord body available, and we've been shown the ability to transfer consciousnesses, it's not impossible.


Yeah I wasn't calling you was just saying I wish people would quit she's not coming back. Trust me I'd love to stand corrected! Classic scene here;



There is of course a train of thought that River is Rani. There was a hints of a relationship between the doctor and Rani much like there is with River don't remember the specifics of it though.

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Enjoyed that episode but a few niggles....


I was hoping that this would be the creation story for the Autons but I guess we will figure things out next week. Let's just hope that it's not the equivalent fo the Clone Saga for DW.


I'm getting especially irritated by the incredibly unsubtle need to keep scanning Amy for pregnancy every episode. Any chance that she is carrying a child of "the flesh"?


Also checked the Doctor Who wiki and apparently The Flesh is mentioned in the first episode (after the special) with DT, "New Earth". It was what humans were described as.



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Enjoyed that episode but a few niggles....


I was hoping that this would be the creation story for the Autons but I guess we will figure things out next week. Let's just hope that it's not the equivalent fo the Clone Saga for DW.


I'm getting especially irritated by the incredibly unsubtle need to keep scanning Amy for pregnancy every episode. Any chance that she is carrying a child of "the flesh"?


Also checked the Doctor Who wiki and apparently The Flesh is mentioned in the first episode (after the special) with DT, "New Earth". It was what humans were described as.


Ah, but The Doctor was about to do something about that, sending Amy & Rory off for Fish & Chips so he could sort it out, before they got hit by the solar storm

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