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Two DW mini episodes to be aired in Comic Relief



"Two episodes. Two mini-episodes. Very, very small episodes – maybe eight minutes in total, so that’s around four minutes each. It’s not a spoof. It’s in the style of the ones that we’ve done for Children In Need, so it’s taken seriously as a proper bit of Doctor Who – funny, but not a sketch. A little miniature story. One’s called ‘Space’ and one’s called ‘Time’, so they’re Space & Time.

And there’s a moment with two Amy Ponds in it. If you’re a red-blooded male surely that’s enough! You’ve got Amy Pond flirting with herself.”"

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  • 3 weeks later...

That was probably the best episode out of the last season, I was actually entertained by that! It does actually make me want to give the last season another go so I will...


Karen Gillan is probably one of the only annoying things about the new series IMO.

Probably why I prefered the Christmas Special more than others... the lack there of!


I agree with this but she does look good. I find Matt Smith annoying as well and he was one of the reasons why I gone off the new season but as I said, I'll give it another try.

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That was genuinely enjoyable, clearly they should make more like this, shorter episodes with a tighter focus... maybe that's half the problem, the writers feel that they have a huge amount of time when given say an hour to fit an episode into and so they pad it out unnecessarily.

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That was genuinely enjoyable, clearly they should make more like this, shorter episodes with a tighter focus... maybe that's half the problem, the writers feel that they have a huge amount of time when given say an hour to fit an episode into and so they pad it out unnecessarily.



5 minute episodes where nothing really happens apart from really bad time travel jokes that even Bill and Ted wouldn't touch with a 50 foot bargepole?

You think that's the answer?

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5 minute episodes where nothing really happens apart from really bad time travel jokes that even Bill and Ted wouldn't touch with a 50 foot bargepole?

You think that's the answer?


I don't think they should make all episodes 5 mins long no, just shorter, give the writers less time to 'play' with so that more will 'happen' in that shorter space of time rather than them being tempted to pad it out like they seem to have been doing recently.


Also, for a Comic Relief short it was decent for the miniscule amount of time given, as I said... 'enjoyable' not 'amazing' or whatever but it just showed what could be done within such a drastically short timeframe.

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I kind of agree on shorter episodes, although not necessarily shorter stories. I'd like to see a return to half hour episodes, with cliff hangers.


As for the Comic Relief thing, surely they could have gotten more time to do something a bit more substantial. It's probably a case of they didn't want to. I'm not really a fan of comic relief anyway, I tried watching some of it last night, but whenever I checked on it there were either showing starving Africans to guilt trip people in to donating, or what they were showing just wasn't funny. I don't want to see Russel Brand in Africa telling me how bad things are, he makes millions in Hollywood now, why doesn't he donate a wad instead of getting a free trip to Africa to guilt trip us. I don't want to see Peter Kay in drag singing with Susan Boyle. I don't want to see David Cameron doing a shit version of Masterchef. And I don't want to see Jimmy Carr or Ricky Gervais in anything ever. It just doesn't make me want to give them money. I'm not against giving to charity, I do when I can afford it all year round, it's just the way they do it I have a problem with. I want more comedy, and less guilt tripping, and I want decent comedy that I enjoy. I'd happily stick my hand in my pocket for a special one off episode of Spaced, or Red Dwarf, or Alan Partridge, or some decent stand up. The whole concept is entertainment for charity, and if I don't find it entertaining I'm not giving.


Anyway, rant over, I couldn't see a Comic Relief thread and wanted to get it off my chest.

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I kind of agree on shorter episodes, although not necessarily shorter stories. I'd like to see a return to half hour episodes, with cliff hangers.


Yes, this is what I meant and I agree that it'd be a step in the right direction, the actual Comic Relief ep I'm not too fussed about but I did enjoy it, because what else are they gonna be able to do in such a short space of time?


But half an hour... plenty of time to build up a decent story and then leave it, finishing it in a second part of equal length, then a third if necessary... it'd probably solve the problem where we had certain two-part episodes that dragged on and really shouldn't have been in the first place.

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There were some pictures of David Tenant supposedly filming for this series.



It looks like something is self repairing it-self or going to explode inside the Tardis with doctor in the background and Rory and Amy are in the corner.


Edited by Dante
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