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OK it is done, it is complete.


My Journey from Eccleston to Capaldi has reached its destination.


Time of the Doctor has been viewed!





Think I might have enjoyed it more than Day of the Doctor... I think, I'm not sure yet, its all still fresh in my mind, gotta let it sink in more but yeah think I enjoyed it more. Didn't have any subplots distracting from the main plot like Day of the Doctor had so that is a definate plus!



Just loved every minute of it.

The "new character" of Handles, though his time was short I took to him very quickly, was very surprised when he "died" I actuall felt a little sad.


Learning about the origins of the Church of the Silence was brilliant, as I mentioned previously I had thought the ep "Name of the Doctor" would bring a conclusion to that arc and was a little disappointed it didn't had begun to think maybe they were planning to address it in season 8 or further along. So was really happy when one of those Silence creatures appeared. At best I thought maybe this was just going to be a continuation of the arc, not addressing the who "Oldest Question in the Universe" thing....but then when the signal was translated and Handles said "it is a question" *CLICK* DOCTOR WHO BITCHES!


Haha, and it nicely explained how that was the oldest question in the Universe, I didn't quite understand that when we learned what the question was but now it makes sense what with the time crack sending the message all through time. And then even though they didn't go into full detail explaining about the TARDIS blowing up and the breakaway sect of the Silence.


Was wondering how The Doctor was gonna get another regeneration as I knew he had used all his up, when the reveal bout Galifrey happened I figured maybe the other time lords would have something to do with it as I knew they gave The Master a new regeneration cycle (I remember him saying he was revived for the Time War when Tennants Doctor first encountered him). I actually thought Galifrey was gonna get set free and they would give him new regenerations as a reward or something. When at the end he went up to the bell tower and Clara was left with the Tiem Crack I actually thought she would remember his name from when she read it in that book since she had regained her memories of that alt-timeline and she was gonna answer the question.


Alas that was not it.... so slightly wondering.... did Galifrey get returned to the Universe or did the Time Lords just decide to be nice cause of what Clara said?

I had thought given the way "Night of the Doctor" ended with all 12 of them looking at Galifrey and Smiths Doctor talking bout how he was on a journey home or something that he wanted to find and return to Galifrey.


Oh and almost forget when they named tha planet as Trasalore(sp?)....damn, chills right there! Well played, well played indeed!


Watching Smiths Doctor age too was good....like good for the story and really did give a sense that we could indeed be seeing his final battle here but at the same time was sad seeing the Doctor become so old and frail.


Was great that they had him become "young" again for one last scene and really really REALLY glad Amy got to make a cameo at the end. :cry: So much more fitting that he would get to say goodbye to her than Clara.




So yeah that's that then I must now take the "long way round" and wait for new eps like everyone else :mad:


It's like for 3 or 4 weeks there I had my own TARDIS and was able to jump from one ep to the next at will... but now I've been stranded by a Weeping Angel and no way to get my TARDIS back......ah well everything ends eventually I guess



Anyway, you've now seen more Doctor Who than me.


Really? How so?

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Alas that was not it.... so slightly wondering.... did Galifrey get returned to the Universe or did the Time Lords just decide to be nice cause of what Clara said?


Essentially, The Doctor was only supposed to answer the question when it was safe for Gallifrey to emerge. Clara's speech made the Timelords realise that Trenzalore was never going to be safe, especially with The Doctor dying.


After that, the Timelords decided to give The Doctor more time, and to have faith in that The Doctor will eventually find another way to bring them back.


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OK it is done, it is complete.


My Journey from Eccleston to Capaldi has reached its destination.


Time of the Doctor has been viewed!





Think I might have enjoyed it more than Day of the Doctor... I think, I'm not sure yet, its all still fresh in my mind, gotta let it sink in more but yeah think I enjoyed it more. Didn't have any subplots distracting from the main plot like Day of the Doctor had so that is a definate plus!



Just loved every minute of it.

The "new character" of Handles, though his time was short I took to him very quickly, was very surprised when he "died" I actuall felt a little sad.


Learning about the origins of the Church of the Silence was brilliant, as I mentioned previously I had thought the ep "Name of the Doctor" would bring a conclusion to that arc and was a little disappointed it didn't had begun to think maybe they were planning to address it in season 8 or further along. So was really happy when one of those Silence creatures appeared. At best I thought maybe this was just going to be a continuation of the arc, not addressing the who "Oldest Question in the Universe" thing....but then when the signal was translated and Handles said "it is a question" *CLICK* DOCTOR WHO BITCHES!


Haha, and it nicely explained how that was the oldest question in the Universe, I didn't quite understand that when we learned what the question was but now it makes sense what with the time crack sending the message all through time. And then even though they didn't go into full detail explaining about the TARDIS blowing up and the breakaway sect of the Silence.


Was wondering how The Doctor was gonna get another regeneration as I knew he had used all his up, when the reveal bout Galifrey happened I figured maybe the other time lords would have something to do with it as I knew they gave The Master a new regeneration cycle (I remember him saying he was revived for the Time War when Tennants Doctor first encountered him). I actually thought Galifrey was gonna get set free and they would give him new regenerations as a reward or something. When at the end he went up to the bell tower and Clara was left with the Tiem Crack I actually thought she would remember his name from when she read it in that book since she had regained her memories of that alt-timeline and she was gonna answer the question.


Alas that was not it.... so slightly wondering.... did Galifrey get returned to the Universe or did the Time Lords just decide to be nice cause of what Clara said?

I had thought given the way "Night of the Doctor" ended with all 12 of them looking at Galifrey and Smiths Doctor talking bout how he was on a journey home or something that he wanted to find and return to Galifrey.


Oh and almost forget when they named tha planet as Trasalore(sp?)....damn, chills right there! Well played, well played indeed!


Watching Smiths Doctor age too was good....like good for the story and really did give a sense that we could indeed be seeing his final battle here but at the same time was sad seeing the Doctor become so old and frail.


Was great that they had him become "young" again for one last scene and really really REALLY glad Amy got to make a cameo at the end. :cry: So much more fitting that he would get to say goodbye to her than Clara.




So yeah that's that then I must now take the "long way round" and wait for new eps like everyone else :mad:


It's like for 3 or 4 weeks there I had my own TARDIS and was able to jump from one ep to the next at will... but now I've been stranded by a Weeping Angel and no way to get my TARDIS back......ah well everything ends eventually I guess




Really? How so?

Gallifrey isn't back yet. It's still in an outside universe.


The current show runner is rather vocal about not being particularly fond of the Time Lords as a presence, and that the show should be about The Doctor and having no interference from the Time Lords, so I doubt we'll see it while he's running it, and he's apparently doing it until at least Season 9, so we're a bit of a way off.

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Pilot for unofficial Paul McGann Doctor Who spin off....


A micropilot for The Minister Of Chance film project, starring Paul McGann and Tim McInnnerny, debuts today. Details here...


Producer Clare Eden and writer/director Dan Freeman are the brains behind the wonderful The Minister Of Chance audio series, an unofficial spin-off from Doctor Who that's built a real fanbase. A few months ago, the pair began fundraising for a film version of The Minister Of Chance, and today, they're presented a micropilot of it. We invited Clare to say a few words about it...


We are delighted to have finally completed a micropilot for the award-winning podcast series The Minister Of Chance. The short film - based on The Prologue - stars Paul McGann and Tim McInnerny and has been entirely funded by our now international fanbase. Today, the Minister Moguls who financed the film by buying a variety of perks will join the online premiere, many also holding their own gatherings with other local fans to celebrate.


Anyone else wishing to view the 7 minute film will need to purchase a cinema ticket (or any other perk of their choice) from http://www.ministerofchance.com/#!shop--cart/cac6. This will not only help us with our production costs but enable us to keep the Parsec Award winning podcast series available as a free download. The extant series also stars Jenny Agutter, Jed Brophy, Tamsin Greig and Sylvester McCoy, with Julian Wadham and Lauren Crace as the central characters of The Minister and Kitty - all available here: http://www.ministerofchance.com/#!download/ckae.


The fans have been truly phenomenal - not just supporting us with their hard earned cash, but by creating a wonderful community on Facebook and Twitter that has been our main source of publicity and support!


We wish Clare and Dan all the best with this excellent series. And here's a brief trailer for you to take a look at...




Read more: http://www.denofgeek.com/tv/the-minister-of-chance/29306/pilot-for-unofficial-doctor-who-spin-off-minister-of-chance#ixzz2tPvwSKBT

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There has been a pretty interesting development involving Doctor Who and "construction sets". The license is no longer exclusive with Character Building (I own their TARDIS, it's shoddy but the best currently available), which means that there's now an opening for LEGO.


In response to this, LEGO no longer delete Doctor Who projects from Cuusoo (the site where they review fan submissions, resulting in sets based on Minecraft, Back to the Future and Ghostbusters).


I've had a look at the existing projects and was interested in this one:






I think it's the best one so far because:

- It's very nicely detailed.

- The scarf. It's been made so it's not printed on the body, but is still on a standard LEGO piece.

- The set is a good size for a Cuusoo project. Just a TARDIS is too small, a massive console room is too big.

- Playability. This is one of the things that LEGO will look at. Being able to create two things with a lot of the same bricks would also be good.

- The focus is on the set, not the minifigures. Rose, the Cyberman and/or the Weeping Angel could be removed if need be and the set would still be great. LEGO don't like Cuusoo sets with most of the focus on the figures.

- The creator has worked out a great way to do the panelled look of the TARDIS using existing moulds - using 1x2x2 window frames with the glass being a colour instead of clear.


Out of all the existing ones on the Cuusoo site, I think that this is the most likely to be approved by LEGO if it reaches 10,000 votes, as well as looking the most thought out and nicest.


On the subject of Minifigures, if a Doctor Who Cuusoo set does get approved and the project sells well (which it will), I think there's a decent chance that LEGO will look into the possibility of doing a Minifigure series. Minecraft has had extra sets since being a Cuusoo project, but I think Doctor Who would suit a Minifigure series more (like they're doing with The Simpsons).

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Anyone watch the new series start today then?


I thought it was pretty good but not great. Probably my least favourite of the introductions for the new Doctors but he seemed to have good chemistry with Clara. I hope the rumours of her leaving this year arent true as it feels like she creates a bit of stability for the show as its changing.


It was nice to see Matt Smith again at the end, I'm going to miss him on the show. I wasnt sure of him either when he first started but I really grew to like his more manic, alien Doctor.


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Anyone watch the new series start today then?


I thought it was pretty good but not great. Probably my least favourite of the introductions for the new Doctors but he seemed to have good chemistry with Clara. I hope the rumours of her leaving this year arent true as it feels like she creates a bit of stability for the show as its changing.


It was nice to see Matt Smith again at the end, I'm going to miss him on the show. I wasnt sure of him either when he first started but I really grew to like his more manic, alien Doctor.

Yeah, I thought it was good too...started off a bit slow and there was some mumbling by The Doctor, but it did pay off. I too am not entirely sold on him, but I wasn't sold on Matt Smith until "Vincent and the Doctor" too, but he went on to become my favourite Doctor.


The dark feeling this season seems to have, I'm uneasy with it. I hate it when everything gets dark and gritty

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I thought it started off like a pretty bad Doctor Who episode, turned into a pretty good Doctor Who episode from the restaurant scene to the Doctor coming back for her scene, and then it all just seemed to drag on a bit too long and got a bit meh, come the end.


It felt a little bit like they did the Matt Smith cameo/'please stick with him'/'give him a chance Clara' scene, was to asking the young audience to continue watching.

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Well I liked it... :)


...I also liked how there was a reference to Robin Williams in there as well - Which is eerie considering that this was filmed months ago - did anyone else notice? :heh:


Anyway, it was a really enjoyable first episode which you couldn't have asked anything more from. : peace:

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I thought it started off like a pretty bad Doctor Who episode, turned into a pretty good Doctor Who episode from the restaurant scene to the Doctor coming back for her scene, and then it all just seemed to drag on a bit too long and got a bit meh, come the end.


It felt a little bit like they did the Matt Smith cameo/'please stick with him'/'give him a chance Clara' scene, was to asking the young audience to continue watching.


Personally loved it! Give me that over David Tennant's super long goodbye. Also I think it gets rid of the feeling that Clara got a short shift by the Matt Smith Doctor as he spent time hallucinating and saying bye to Amy, but that's ok he had already said bye to Clara.


Also love this Doctor already! Lots of great lines...I'm not sure I'm a fan of exploring where the faces come from. I preferred it as a throw away line.

Edited by flameboy
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