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Ending was very bad, Vanessa (was it? I dunno) jsut suddenly changed her mind for some reason. Just suddenly not scared of death, that doesn't just happen.


I thought it was because she possessed Chip she got some of his personality, or at least enough to not be afraid of death any more.

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I thought it was because she possessed Chip she got some of his personality, or at least enough to not be afraid of death any more.


very true! becuase chip was only a 'half life' (whatever that is nowadays) and i think it was cassandra could read chips thoughts-maybe she suddenly got a heart when she saw what a pityful thing she had created or maybe it is like Ashley said-done to some personality swappage.


ho hum, either way i was right about david tennant :D what a good doctor!


love it when he goes all manic and crazy when he solves something, gets angry or saves everyone lol


yay for the next episode-though i am unsure about another vistorian setting but it does look good-a lil hound of the baskervilles-y :D

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I wasn't sure about the Cybermen (thought they looked too clunky) until I saw that click on the BBC Red Button Interactive clip. They looked terrifing.


And the monks look so OTT, I LOVE DOCTOR WHO! How it can get away with just stupidity.

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Personally I don't see the point of sexual fantasies involving celebrities (even C-list ones) they only end up in disappointment.


Same reason people fantasise over "real" people who they could never get either.

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did rose's mother piss anyone else off in the first series and the christmas invasion? also whats the deal at the mo with rose and mickey?


Not really, she was just an overworrying mother. I've got one. Seen far worse too (well fictional mothers anyway). And Rose and Mickey, I don't think shes told him they've broken up yet, the kid can't seem to figure it out himself.

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did rose's mother piss anyone else off in the first series and the christmas invasion? also whats the deal at the mo with rose and mickey?


Wouldn't have been so bad if they didn't go back and visit them every couple of episodes. I know the Doctor has had strong contacts on earth before that he routinely visited, but that was a military outfit dedicated to fighting alien invasions, not some stupid chavs living on a council estate. They really have adapted the show to reflect society currently.

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Yeah. I wonder if they will crack a Bad Wolf joke.

Wouldn't have been so bad if they didn't go back and visit them every couple of episodes. I know the Doctor has had strong contacts on earth before that he routinely visited, but that was a military outfit dedicated to fighting alien invasions, not some stupid chavs living on a council estate. They really have adapted the show to reflect society currently.


Is that your quarrel with it? That the show is not stuck in the 70's anymore and has been adapted for modern viewing?


Not every one who lives in Council Estates are chavs you know. I love all the background stuff with Rose and her family. If it weren't there, I would wonder what the hell her family would be wondering if she just slipped out of excistance. It adds an extra needed level to Doctor Who.


Oh, and after the Christmas Invasion, I think Mickey and Rose got back together, and Mickey joins the TARDIS team in Episode Three. So we'll have to see how their relationship continues on from there.

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Is that your quarrel with it? That the show is not stuck in the 70's anymore and has been adapted for modern viewing?



No, it's the way it's been done.

Apart from the time the Doctor was exiled to earth he rarely visited earth more than a couple of times a series, and even then very rarely in the same time period. In the last series did we even get one episode that wasn't based on or around earth? I don't remember one. The doctor is also a space traveller as well as a time traveller you know.

Then there's the standard of the company he's keeping and how much is focused on them, you can argue all you like that it's a plot device to get the youth of today interested in the show but really, do they need to put so much of the onus on them? I don't think so.


End of the day the new shows aren't in the same league as the old ones. You can watch the old ones now and say the new one's are much better, but unless you were a kid in the 70's, 80s or even 60s watching the shows airing for the first time then you don't have an objective view of how great they really are.

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No, it's the way it's been done.

Apart from the time the Doctor was exiled to earth he rarely visited earth more than a couple of times a series, and even then very rarely in the same time period. In the last series did we even get one episode that wasn't based on or around earth? I don't remember one. The doctor is also a space traveller as well as a time traveller you know.

Then there's the standard of the company he's keeping and how much is focused on them, you can argue all you like that it's a plot device to get the youth of today interested in the show but really, do they need to put so much of the onus on them? I don't think so.


End of the day the new shows aren't in the same league as the old ones. You can watch the old ones now and say the new one's are much better, but unless you were a kid in the 70's, 80s or even 60s watching the shows airing for the first time then you don't have an objective view of how great they really are.


I was a huge fan of the show in the 80s and have loved watching the older episodes. They are great.


The reason why the first (or as I am talking to you, the 27th) series never went to an alien planet was that, quite frankly, those episodes arn't as interesting. I mean, when the Doctor asked Rose to come with him in a spaceship in the first episode she said no. But when he said it also travels in time, she went with him.


Most humans would prefer to go into time rather then into space. The second series goes to two alien worlds. New Earth and an unamed one which is bet to be horrifing. Unless manking isn't involved in some way, then it just isn't really that interesting. We don't get the scale, the threat or anything if it is aliens being invaded by aliens.


Just because the new series has evolved and changed doesn't mean that makes it worse. I think it gives it extra depth. Saying that it is different to the old series shouldn't be a bad thing. It is a good thing. Times change, people change and television changes and it isn't always for the worse.

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Earth was a main focus of the first series because the Doctor was brought there because of the Auton threat, and also brought Rose. Rose wanted to come back to see her family and friends occasionally as she missed them, and she won't have wanted to go too far away from her planet, in case she died and was an unknown body in a different world.

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Most humans would prefer to go into time rather then into space.


That's debatable, in the real world maybe, but when confronted with an alien inviting you to visit other worlds then things would probably be different. I know personally I'd be more interested in visiting other worlds, messing around with history can be dangerous and I'd rather leave the future unknown.


Unless manking isn't involved in some way, then it just isn't really that interesting. We don't get the scale, the threat or anything if it is aliens being invaded by aliens.


Been plenty of humans in space in past episodes, that's the beauty of a time and space craft, almost any situation is possible.


Just because the new series has evolved and changed doesn't mean that makes it worse. I think it gives it extra depth. Saying that it is different to the old series shouldn't be a bad thing. It is a good thing. Times change, people change and television changes and it isn't always for the worse.


Just as it isn't always for the better. If you took away all the flashy special effects and replaced them with effects from 30 years ago these new episodes wouldn't stand up so well on the strength of the stories alone.


Earth was a main focus of the first series because the Doctor was brought there because of the Auton threat, and also brought Rose. Rose wanted to come back to see her family and friends occasionally as she missed them, and she won't have wanted to go too far away from her planet, in case she died and was an unknown body in a different world.


They aren't real you know, they don't have free will, it's all down to the script writers and what they want.

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End of the day the new shows aren't in the same league as the old ones. You can watch the old ones now and say the new one's are much better, but unless you were a kid in the 70's, 80s or even 60s watching the shows airing for the first time then you don't have an objective view of how great they really are.

Bollocks to that. Me and my brother have been collecting Doctor Who stories, be they TV shows, the Big Finish audios, books, whatever, before the new series was even announced. Just because we didn't see them the first time round doesn't mean we can't like the old stuff. The new series had some mediocre bits, certainly, but there's been just as many duff moments in the old shows, and a couple of the best Who moments have been in the new stories. I'm of the opinion that "The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances" is one of the finest Who stories. It's right up there with "The Green Death" and "The Horror Of Fang Rock". And would you look at that? Those stories are all set on Earth! It doesn't matter where Doctor Who takes place. If you want a sci-fi wankfest with alien armies and space armadas, go and watch Stargate.

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