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Apparently so according to a conversation I had the other day.


What I'm trying to say is previously its been pretty much bang dead regen and yes this death was different but because he seemed to be relatively fine throughout the so-called dying it cheapened it. It didn't feel like pain. It didn't feel like a struggle. Which it should have. He was dying. And it just seems like a cheap way of getting the old guys back in/having him do a good deed. It feels less like he's trying to help them, and more like he's trying to help himself karmically (to me, and yeah I know the Doctor probably doesn't believe in karma but its how I read it). Yes I understand his emotional reasons for doing what he did, but then on the otherhand did he know it was going to take so damn long to die? I've forgotten (I had grown bored by that point). But was there some indication that this would take longer? Or is it just another thing the Doctor just knows. Because if he thought he was dying, and he's done so 10 times already, you'd think he'd expect it to be like the rest and he wouldn't have time/lifeforce to even time travel to help anyone.


Besides, would it have mattered if Martha and Mickey died? Talk about bland characters. And wasn't she engaged to someone different every time she was on the show anyway? (not that it really matters but it crossed my mind when she turned up and while we're discussing it eh?)

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RTD has booked out for awhile now?


About his plans for Tennant final.

The new writers tale is fascinating. RTD did originally want a small personal finale not the typical End of the World affair but was worried about disappointing Tennant. There's quite a lot of dialogue RTD had to cut that really improves The End of Time especially with The Master and Naismith. Also bizarrely RTD originally wanted to have the Daleks and Timelords joining forces as enemies in the finale. And he originally wrote Journeys End as Davids swan song.


His idea for the finale was entirely different. His actual intention for the last story was a quiet, Midnight-like affair.


RTD describes it as a small ship in space with a family of friendly, nice aliens on it. The engine's gone, and they're stuck in the middle of a deadly war zone. The Doctor lands on the ship. Lots of intimate, quiet scenes, while the budget is blown on the war stuff going on outside.


In the end, the broken engine is going to explode and so everything goes down much as it does in the final story now. The Doctor rants and raves and in the end sacrifices himself so the father of the family doesn't have to. It'd be a one-parter, and the last 10 minutes would be identical - RTD describes the companion goodbyes in great detail to Ben in the emails before he'd even started Planet of the Dead.


It's funny how you see where the ideas come from. The radiation/two doors stuff got inserted into the gate, the little ship became the Hersperus, the family of aliens became the two green guys. Some of the war stuff still survived in the form of the descent to earth.


There's a lot of interesting stuff about that final story in the book. The Time Lords returning came fairly late in the game - RTD got as far as the Master turning himself into everyone and didn't know where to go. He also felt that the Time Lords were too weak as an enemy, and for a time had this idea that on the final day of the war knowing what the Doctor was planning the Lord President actually surrendered to/allied with the Daleks, knowing the Doctor was going to try to destroy them both.


His idea wasn't "Journeys End" type stuff, but it meant that Time Lord council stuff would've been covert meetings between the President and the Daleks, trying to cut a deal with him offering them TARDIS technology in the deal, up the ante etc. In the end this idea was killed in a flurry of swearing after RTD found out Moffat planned to use the Daleks in series 5, and so he dropped the idea to give them a break.


Also, Donna. In the emails he's visibly torn as he tries to figure out how to integrate her. Funnily enough, again, since Planet of the Dead he had the scene where the "metacrisis halo" bursts out of her and protects her in an alleyway, but when it came to writing it he really wanted to bring her back properly, as he had visions of all these wonderful scenes between Catherine (as the DoctorDonna again) and John. In the end he backpedaled to his original idea, though, not wanting to ruin Donna's sad ending.

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It's funny how probably the weakest part IMO... The Master turning himself into everyone, was actually the bit RTD was most focused on, because if anything you'd think that was an idea shoehorned in at some point!


Sounds like we were saved from a load of crap tbh! and I don't think I could have taken RTD does the Daleks again!


Thankfully I think it all turned out pretty perfectly.

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it all tied up fine in the end, its really going to start all over again with little refference to previous episode now and again, but that final episode allows a clean cut for the new writers to come up with new stuff rather than having to re-write or explain RTD episodes which could be tedious

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  • 3 weeks later...

New Trailer Soon & 3D Trailer For Cinemas


The BBC is planning to use stereoscopic 3D to try to attract younger viewers to the new series of Doctor Who.



A 40-second 3D trailer has been commissioned to showcase the arrival of a new actor, Matt Smith, playing The Doctor.


Red Bee Media made the commercial, with effects and grading work completed by The Mill.


The promo was shot in 2D and is being converted to 3D by the Soho facility.


It will mirror the broadcast versions of a new campaign - also produced by Red Bee with help from The Mill - that

starts airing this weekend.


A BBC spokesperson said: “Doctor Who is the appropriate vehicle for 3D. It just fits. It’s a great way to introduce and showcase the new Doctor to younger viewers.”


The trail will be shown in cinemas and at external promotional screening events across the country in March under the banner of “Meet a Monster”.


The BBC spokesperson said that the corporation currently had no plans for further 3D promos, although some content will be created in 3D for and during the London Olympics in 2012.


The new series of Doctor Who is lined up to air in the spring, with Steven Moffat taking over as showrunner from Russell T Davies.

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Fixed it to show the HD version.


Actually, that doesn't work any more. It still shows the ugly yellow theme, but it now just gives you the standard options (although the one you posted lacks the 720p option that the one above had).

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(and isn't there some big hubbub about the fact Alice may not be shown over here? or has that been resolved?)


Yeah Odeon have said they won't be screeing it. (They own 40% of the UK cinema market.


The reason is most movies have to wait something like 17 weeks before they go to DVD. This is for Cinemas to make a nice profit from screening the film. But Alice is going to be ready on DVD within 12 weeks of the release date, so it means Odeon will get less profit.


Good thing I left 5mins from an AMC and Cineworld. But sucks if your local to Odeon.

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Still awesome to see it, get me in the mood for the new season which should be good!


^ what time is that on the video, I haven't noticed that!

2 seconds in to 6 and again at 8 seconds, 13 seconds and then at the end when he says the trust me i'm a Dr bit, very brief but just noticable, he's wearin a longer tie :grin:

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