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That boxed shot looks quite nice indeed. Gonna be a test to see what its like in motion. Played the F1 demo on a PS3 pod and I have to say that although it handled well it didnt move that well if u get me.


But it does look like someone has actually learnt how to not over-do motion blur here.

uk psm3 scores


Resistance: Fall of Man (PS3, Sony): 90 %

Motorstorm (PS3, Sony): 88 %

Tiger Woods 2007 (PS3, EA): 82 %

Ridge Racer 7 (PS3, Sony): 80 %

Tony Hawks 8 (PS3, Activision):: 80 %

Genji (PS3, Sony): 60 %

Need for Speed Carbon (PS3, EA): 58 %


These scores seem a lil pumped up to me, but its a PS3 mag so you kinda of expect it. I would like to read why Motorstorm got 88% yet only features like one mode on the Japanese version and the US/EU versions aren't anywhere yet and there's set to be a few modes added.


Resistance looks rather dull imo, it just looks like an average hodgepodge of awesome games like HL 2. am i the only person who is still bothered by controlling a FPS on a dual shock controller? why does the d-pad need to be so central-what bloody game still uses it?!


I just hear more and more good things about Resistance. I'm really looking forward to playing it myself. It seems to do everything right for a FPS. It might not be the best one, but if it's very good, why does it matter?

I just hear more and more good things about Resistance. I'm really looking forward to playing it myself. It seems to do everything right for a FPS. It might not be the best one, but if it's very good, why does it matter?


It doesn't, it actually gets on my nerves a bit when a game is slagged off for copying other games. Sure originality is nice, but I'd rather a game that nicks the best bits off other games than a crap game thats never been done before.


I'm really considering getting a PS3 now. Might pre order one and then decide whether to keep it or sell it. Still not sure if it's worth it. I mean, what games are out on it in the next year? (Thats a real question btw, I don't know any...)

It doesn't, it actually gets on my nerves a bit when a game is slagged off for copying other games. Sure originality is nice, but I'd rather a game that nicks the best bits off other games than a crap game thats never been done before.


I'm really considering getting a PS3 now. Might pre order one and then decide whether to keep it or sell it. Still not sure if it's worth it. I mean, what games are out on it in the next year? (Thats a real question btw, I don't know any...)


you have too much money, you buy games, then sit back and get bored of the console, then theres a resurgence and your happy then you want to sell the console or something its scarily bipolar.


PS3 is a waste of money until dates of games are confirmed-vague 2007 for FFXIII and MGS4 (which will probs go to 360 anyway) then you can see when you'll actually be playing with it.


its really surprising me how much the PS3 story keeps on getting worse and worse, just been thinking more about the Dragon Quest IX news a week or two ago-anyway i still can't see the PS3 being worthwhile until late next year or sometime 2008.


i was thinking of getting one but i really don't think i'll bother at all. i have my 360 for pretty games and GOOD online multiplayer, i have my Wii for crazy japanese-ess and Nintendo goodness, i have my DS for JRPGs and multiplayer. theres totally no need for a PS3 in my life for the next 2-3 years.


i'm rambling a bit but i'm tired and i'm sick of people sticking up for Sony-they really need to do something because at the moment their first handheld is dying a slow painful death-where's all the SCE support guys?! and where the price cut?!- the PS3 looks to be going down the same path where as the XBOX brand seems to be coming up strong, getting all the third party support-i mean the VF5 news is fucking significant as is the fact that Blue Dragon is pretty decent by all i'm hearing and lost odyssey is looking to be just as good. PS3 has no new IPs that people have heard of since E3-Sony really are being stupid.


i'm really sick of talking about Sony but it feels good to get all this stuff off my chest.


*this post is rhetorical* lol


yes if you have an xbox 360 and wii there really isn't a need for ps3 unless you are a metal gear fan. i might still get one.


i do think guy has a point about originality.in fact i feel the exact way he does.some people are obsssed with it.I love th wii for being original yoshi touch and go for instance is one of the worst games i have ever played but for making good use of the touch screen it got high scores(well highish)


I would get the ps3 if it has excellent games


I'm fed up with all the Anti-Sony going on. I own all consoles and plan on getting one. I don't think it will be a waste at all. I'm interested in atleast 4 launch titles, plus some cool releases over the Sony "live arcade" service. Oh and of course the awesome Nippon Ichi loving Sony. :)


There was no solid release list for the Wii or the 360, so why suddenly should it matter for the PS3?


PSP isn't slowly dying, ok so it doesn't sell as many as the DS, but it still has sales 20k+ a week

I'm fed up with all the Anti-Sony going on. I own all consoles and plan on getting one. I don't think it will be a waste at all. I'm interested in atleast 4 launch titles, plus some cool releases over the Sony "live arcade" service. Oh and of course the awesome Nippon Ichi loving Sony. :)


There was no solid release list for the Wii or the 360, so why suddenly should it matter for the PS3?


PSP isn't slowly dying, ok so it doesn't sell as many as the DS, but it still has sales 20k+ a week


Piracy is its main selling point now. After they cracked the ps1 emulator.


Now the psp can play every single ps1 game.


There's still games I need to get for my PSP, like Syphon Filter and MGS:PO. Atleast I've got the awesome Q entertainment collection to keep me going in the meantime, and also GTA: Vice City Stories that my friend Leanne bought me for Xmas. :D

I'm fed up with all the Anti-Sony going on. I own all consoles and plan on getting one. I don't think it will be a waste at all. I'm interested in atleast 4 launch titles, plus some cool releases over the Sony "live arcade" service. Oh and of course the awesome Nippon Ichi loving Sony. :)


what nippon ichi games are announced for PS3?! launch titles being RR7 which you've already played on 360 essentially, resistance-a decent shooter, motorstorm- not enough is known about the version we're getting but the jap version doesnt have multiplayer and only one mode, its practically a demo. also what is coming out for the PS3s 'marketplace'? Flow which you can get for free on pc now and a Geometry Wars clone-whooopdeedoooo

There was no solid release list for the Wii or the 360, so why suddenly should it matter for the PS3?


Nintendo and M$ announced what was coming, Sony haven't said a fat lot other than mutliformat games and Afrika-big whoop.


PSP isn't slowly dying, ok so it doesn't sell as many as the DS, but it still has sales 20k+ a week


it IS slowly dieing, it doesn't have a large amount coming out for it apart from Gunpey, MGS PO and FF CC.


You sticking up for Sony all the time, as i have said before, is annoying.


Motorstorm and GT:HD are the only titles that would even get me remotely interested. Genji looked appauling and I can't justify buying any FPS anymore without there being something majorly special about it. I know i haven't done any major research into how these two games are looking or playing now but you know what? I DON'T WANT TO.


And that's my main point. None of these games make me say "oh whats that? I'll read about that a bit more." I'm not Sony bashing (although I do think at least a little is deserved [as with the other two aswell]) but nothing makes me want to buy it. Not to mention that it would have to be super-extra-mega convincing as not only do I have to fork out for the system but also for the sodding tv to watch it on. If i had enough money I would buy it but hey i dont. I love my gaming but not so much as to ex-communicate my friends and family while failing my course!

I'm fed up with all the Anti-Sony going on. I own all consoles and plan on getting one. I don't think it will be a waste at all. I'm interested in atleast 4 launch titles, plus some cool releases over the Sony "live arcade" service. Oh and of course the awesome Nippon Ichi---


The only reason I want a PS3 tbh... if Disgaea 3 is announced, cad-damn I'll need a job!


You sticking up for Sony all the time, as i have said before, is annoying.


Believe me m8, when an entire forum bash sony at every opportunity, when there is no defence force. THATS annoying.


PSP isn't slowly dying, ok so it doesn't sell as many as the DS, but it still has sales 20k+ a week


PSP is slowly dying but some reason Capcom are making 21 games for it.



Believe me m8, when an entire forum bash sony at every opportunity, when there is no defence force. THATS annoying.


never experienced it. i bash them when i think they deserve it and so far with regards to abandoning PSP and the fumbling with PS3, they totally deserve it. maybe things will change in about 4 years time but this year has been pretty disastrous for Sony in terms of PR especially.

PSP is slowly dying but some reason Capcom are making 21 games for it than other consoles.


I've been asking this for the last 6 years when it comes to sony's consoles. The only reason I see is direct funding.


And as as niche marker developer, I believe Nippon Ichi will give the Wii a try.

And as as niche marker developer, I believe Nippon Ichi will give the Wii a try.


would make sense as their games don't use a lot of processing power, i'd love to see a NI game on DS though, that would be amazing.


Makai Wars is coming to the PS3, it was moved from the PSP to the PS3 if I remember rightly.


So if nothing is coming out for the PSP, what about Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Ratchet & Clank, Valhalla Knights, Tales of the World, Silent Hill Origins, Jeanne d'Arc(Woo Level 5) and DJ MAX Portable 2.


People just like to have a dig at Sony, and that my friend IS ANNOYING. But whatever at the end of it I'll be the one playing the games I want to play, including all those lovely RPGs.

you have too much money, you buy games, then sit back and get bored of the console, then theres a resurgence and your happy then you want to sell the console or something its scarily bipolar.



LOL I wasn't a fan of 360, then some good games came out and I've loved it ever since. I've always loved Wii and Zelda so far, I was just concerned at the lack of games over the next few months, and I've just said I don't know if PS3 is worth it, I think I might just stick with the 360.

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