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Red Steel -1ST Rev game screenshots in gameinformer


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Then again, some recent games don't have HUDs, such as King Kong. Could be the same kind of thing. Unlikely but an idea.


I really dont think it will need a HUD. The direction in which Nintendo are going with this may be an indication.



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1. Super Mario 128

2. Super Smash Bros.

3. Metroid Prime 3

4. New Franchise

5. Possibly Animal Crossing

6. Possibly a new Pikmin

7. Possibly a new Donkey Kong


First 4 Sound about right to me, not sure if we will see Animal Crossing/Pikmin/Donkey Kong on day one.


My guess is Kirby Adventure for GC which never came out is a launch title for the Revolution with updated graphics and of course the remote being used to control Kirby!


The Revolution will come out in November. Can you think of anything else that comes out pretty much every year around that time? MARIO PARTY! Of course they'll launch with a Revolution Mario Party! I just thought I had to throw that in as nobody seems to mention it. I think Mario Party with a remote will be the first new party game in years.

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i really wanna pick that mag up for myself....how come you got it now when it comes out april 20th gurauna:confused:

i got it in the mail so , i get the magazines alittle early . i usually dont even look at them , the cover caught me off guard.

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Well I'd like to thank Guarana once more for this, I too had my doubts and ate my hat, luckily it was a fruit hat so it didn't taste too bad!


Well the screens look great, not the quality of maybe Gears of War but better than PDZ I'd say! I said I'd be more than happy if the graphics were any better than Res Evil 4 and I am, I'm really happy! I can see games on the Rev being so immersive it's unreal!


Thanks again Guarana!

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I might be a little late posting this, but isn't it obvious why the screenshots haven't got a HUD on them? Its because they're scrrens of the Beta version of the game, and often, Beta versions of games don't have a HUD on them.


Maybe it won't have a hud, all they do is get in the way and take away some of the realism.



Edit: Online multi-player, this time next year wer'll all be hacking into each other with swords :D

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XIII was shit for online play because the maps were all taken from the game.. pretty piss poor quality for multiplayer.

I don't expect this game to be the better frag fest than say.. Metroid or a possible Unreal Tournament would be.


And aren't we assuming a little that it will be online anyway? I'm not excited about WiFi for this game really.. sure it's a launch title- but I just don't think it will hold up online.

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Well I'd like to thank Guarana once more for this, I too had my doubts and ate my hat, luckily it was a fruit hat so it didn't taste too bad!


Well the screens look great, not the quality of maybe Gears of War but better than PDZ I'd say! I said I'd be more than happy if the graphics were any better than Res Evil 4 and I am, I'm really happy! I can see games on the Rev being so immersive it's unreal!


Thanks again Guarana!

no problem .. as long as everyone got to see the screens .. im happy as hell..!!..:bouncy:

i cant be this hyped by myself:bouncy:

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no problem .. as long as everyone got to see the screens .. im happy as hell..!!..:bouncy:

i cant be this hyped by myself:bouncy:

everyones probably seen them by now, judging by the quantity of posts :yay:


any ideas for game concepts other than the obvious tennis, golf, fishing e.t.c:zzz:

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This is a forum post praising a very vague set of screens, possibly pre-rendered, using the Revolution remote in a way we all speculated a first person shooter would. This post also contains overwhelming hype considering the underwhelming information present.


I am moderately interested.

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Man if 'Guy' is lying I'm gonna beat his ass.



I think this deserves the praise.. It's a true combat game and looks to involve the same kind of depth that 'Black' did.

Where everything you can see can be smashed.

You're gonna get extremely tired if everything can be smashed, we'll be waving the controller like lunatics.:indeed:

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You guys are welcome to get hyped in the pants, but I'll wait until E3/I see a video of it being played and pass judgement.


One great idea Jordan/Kingofunrealuk mentioned was how cool it would be to wave the controller to actually hit people with the gun. Interactive pistol whipping would be excellent.

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