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Bleach my face, I've just been spat on ¬_¬


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Stupid woman. When a woman slaps or spits at a man it's perfectly fine and the man "obviously must have deserved it". But when it's vice versa, there are lawsuits and all sorts.


I get that too, i mean, i'm not exactly a proud woman beater or anything but women are strong too. The women's rights groups are always after equal rights, then they should treat men equal too.

(Though im not condoning the act of hitting women, or people in general)

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I get that too, i mean, i'm not exactly a proud woman beater or anything but women are strong too. The women's rights groups are always after equal rights, then they should treat men equal too.

(Though im not condoning the act of hitting women, or people in general)


Your right it is very much one sided, if a woman hit me, I would be scared to retailate for fear of being called a woman beater, and I was allway brought up to treat woman with the upmost respect, In that situation I would try and cover my face and probaly walk away.

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Yeah I think the whole women rights thing is somewhat twisted. They can hit me but I can't hit them, I mean that isn't exactly very equal rights is it? The point of that women are weaker than men isn't 100% accurate. It's not my fault they don't train or anything.


I mean I'm sure this lass could kick my arse



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Yeah I think the whole women rights thing is somewhat twisted. They can hit me but I can't hit them, I mean that isn't exactly very equal rights is it? The point of that women are weaker than men isn't 100% accurate. It's not my fault they don't train or anything.


I mean I'm sure this lass could kick my arse





mate she would brake you skoop you of the floor put you in a pan and eat you like a twinke:shakehead


then you will become her sex slave

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There were a couple of idiots in a shop I was in today. The guy was carrying a stack of boxes, he dropped some and for some reason the woman started kicking them. Then an assistant came over and told them they were already barred and asked them to leave, they argued for a bit then the woman pushed the assistant. Her boyfriend told her to leave then she threw a bin that was by the door and rubbish went everywhere.


Still not as bad as being spit on though, that's disgusting.

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Guest Stefkov

if women wan equal rights, then that means equal in everything which means that if you hit a woman itd be the same as the woman hitting you. so you cant be called a woman beater. because we are all equal.


but that spiting in your face, thats just wrong. i hae chavs who walk around in groups and act hard, then they walk by themselves theyre running everywhere because hes vulnerable and will proably get twatted.


also just to add something else to this, i hate it when people cant fight one on one.

i walked home from school once, and some guy was behind me, two other people my age came in and started talkin to the other lad behind me. he was saying shit like, 'do you know how old i am' and crap. the had an argument, then at the end. the two my age said be outside KFC's tonight my mates will be there. they couldnt fight themselves they need more people becasue they were probably weak,

i hate dickheads like that

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