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Is relaxing tiring?

Atomic Boo

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When i was just on the sofa earlier (after a football game we won 2-1 so promotion for us is looking likely) i kind of felt uptight and annoyed when i was laying down because of the absence of action. It didnt feel right and relaxing for me just seemed like a chore as i wanted to do something.

So what are your opinions on this? Is it just because im not really a lazy-do-nothing person or what?:confused:

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The body requires a certain amount of movement to function properly. Too little movement is not a good thing for the bodey. Through motion, the body generates energy, wich it uses to take care of it self.


In other words, yes you are a lazy bastard. Now get out and run!


(Just kidding, not on the importance of moving though)

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Im the same, I can't just lie there and do nothing, im always thinking about more productive things I could be doing.

Yeah same, I just HAVE to be doing something. I'll relax on a sofa while watching a film for example, but I can't just lie on the sofa and stare at the wall, or sleep in the daytime.

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Only if you're one of those idiots that has to organise something to be relaxed.. spend some money to relax, do this and do it with people and make a big deal of it.


You know what is relaxing for me? Going and sitting in the park with some O.J.


I hate people who organise their relax time.. this is probably mainly applicable to chicks and people with more money than sense.


Each to their own though.. some say that spending money is therapeutic- 'retail therapy'

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Guest Stefkov

i sit down a lot but i kerp one part of me going, i dont knwo why but sometimes my leg just jumps around, no really high, thats just silly but it bounces. anyoene lse d it while theyre just sitting at there pc?

or for some reason i start playing with my hair......i think im like eeryone here, i need to do something to exert my energy, well twizzling my hair does it.


also it gets really hard to type when youve jsut finshed off an electronicscousewrk and now have to do and english essay on some shitty poems.

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It all depends on my mood IMO, sometimes I can 'relax' for hours, effectivly doing almost nothing and almost nothing happening, just drifting away in toughts, sometimes that's rather frustrating though and then I almost can't sit still. So for me, it all depends on my mood.

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I can sleep during the day, i can lay down and watch a film or number of films all day. I dont think anyone sits on the couch and just thinks, thats a bit weird. Id get aggitated. Sitting in the park however is a different story, you enjoy the view and hopefully, the weather, so i can do it then.


I can relate to Hellfire, i often do nothing just because i cant decide, should i cook sumit to eat? Should i play a game? Should i watch TV? Should i watch a film? Read a book? Listen to Music? Go on the computer? Its all too much so i end up doing whatever eases the mind, watching a film.. :P


Its also alot easier to do when you have alot of work to do, procrastinating is far more fun than relaxing. Despite the guilty consience!

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