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Viewtiful Joes


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I've recently decided to go through Viewtiful Joe again, this time on Adults. I'm at the part that most people get stuck on, the infamous Magnificent 5.


Now, I was wondering, how does VJ2 compare? Harder, better, faster..what? (...innuendos...never heard of 'em...)


I've not really read any previews and that, and I'd rather get some 'real' opinions from people on it. Preferable opinions would be from those who have completed and enjoyed the first.


Thanks in advance.

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i got into joe last summer, i loved the origional but got stuck on fire leo, a few month later i decided to do it on kids, which was super easy after learning on adult, went back and did adult, and had fun, also, unlocking caracters was great, a little while ago i did in on v rated to get the coolest caracter unlocked (wont spoil it) but it was unfairly hard, i only beat the last level by flook, due to insane time limits, im trying ultra v rated but i doubt i can do it, still awsome game.


i got vj2 after my exams and its great to be back with joe! i agree silvia is mostly useless, but shes usfull against some of the enemys, like the gun weilding ones. ino, vj2 is great, its cool and funny, bosses are cool but it felt a little like a rehash of the origional, especialy with the repeating of the magnificent 5. the biggest proble for me is the total lack of unlockable caracters, they are sooooo cool in the first. still, vj is great fun, lots of cool momnet,s testing bosses and old school gameplay. both agmes are great if you can stick in with the challenege.

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Siliva isn't a very useful character, most of the puzzles are for Joe and the combat is more suited to him as well but Viewtiful Joe 2 lasts longer than the first for there is a mode called the 36 chambers, its various missions to do whether it be fighting,dodging or whatever it says

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Viewtiful Joe series is brill. I thought fire leo was really hard in the first one, but managed to get past him. comopleted it and thought it was brill. I then brought VJ2 after wanting it for ages i saw if for just 20 quid first hand! so i brought it and its brill, just completed it in kids and doing it in adult atm, the 36 chambers are good and the overall game is rly cool. As good as the first although i think the boss' arent as memorable. If i was u i would buy it

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Siliva isn't a very useful character, most of the puzzles are for Joe and the combat is more suited to him as well but Viewtiful Joe 2 lasts longer than the first for there is a mode called the 36 chambers, its various missions to do whether it be fighting,dodging or whatever it says


thats all true. silvia gets it to harsh in my opinion, i mean, her guns can somethines be usfull, joes just mroe fun, though silvia is a little eaisier to get combos with.

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Still not sure if i should get this game?

why i think i can trust the rateing, becuase when buying a famous Nintendo game, if i see a rating NGC 9/10 it means it must be good

just like Resident Evil Zero had a good rating

but what about Viewtiful joe 2? heard it was crap, is it true?

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Yeah. Nothing much has changed, Its almost like a second disc to the first with it being so similar, but i love it all the same. I especially like the ice edge episode, I think its cool, especially going down in the cable car. I also like "thunderboy lives twice" those are my favorite 2 episodes. If I was a reviewer I would give it the same score as the first one because although the first one was a fresh new experience and this one isn't you'll spend a lot more time on this with the 36 chambers and the reel select so you can just have a go on your favorite episode once you've completed the game first time round. Although one thing I found annoying was the constant re-appearence of that dinosaur. But yeah, overall its a great game.

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I absolutely love VJ1, and finally got VJ2 recently. I haven't had much time to play it, but so far its great fun. It plays identical to the original, which is great for fans but I can understand why the reviews wouldn't be so high. Basically, if you like VJ you need 2.

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My Bros. the beat-'em-up type guy. He's unlocked everyone n stuff. I'm too naff to do that, heh.



Damn right I am.


The only challenge on this game is playing Ultra V-rated mode, and that's only if you DON'T carry on with all your stuff from a previous game.


The magnificent five are all wusses, especially Bruce. With the exception of Hulk on Ultra V-rated and Leo on V-rated and above.


The real challenge is Captain Blue (Not King Blue, wusses) on Ultra V-rated mode. He's a bitch, but beat him and you unlock him so it's worth it.

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