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E3 2006 Hype/Discussion

Atomic Boo

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yeah im still going to call it the revolution myself^

they have GOT to change the name when its launched in western countries


It's been revealed to Western countries FIRST, I don't even know if the Japanese site mentions it and it's been the Western employees who've been talking about it. If anything it's more likely the Japanese name will be the different one.

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It's been revealed to Western countries FIRST, I don't even know if the Japanese site mentions it and it's been the Western employees who've been talking about it. If anything it's more likely the Japanese name will be the different one.
unvieled simultaneusly all over the world:


-> http://www.nintendo.co.jp/wii/


Seriously... get over it people, there's no special theory about this one. The name is a worldwide brand...

Wii is for everywhere.It's on ever Nintendo site.
seems like I was late :p but I have links for proof! (maniacal laughter) :D
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Heh, heh... it looks like 1UP fucked up :p




That's what the article said earlier in the day:


Miyamoto and Iwata have hinted at a final secret for Wii that has yet to be revealed. And while we're sworn to secrecy, 1UP knows what this secret is -- and it's rather revolutionary. In fact, it's perhaps the most intriguing element of the system -- something with some rather cool implications for gaming. Let's just say that people have more to look forward to at E3.


They then changed it to say:


"Miyamoto and Iwata have hinted at a final secret for Wii that has yet to be revealed. And while we don't have all the details, we've heard that what's in store is exciting indeed -- secrets of a rather revolutionary nature, with some rather cool implications for gaming. Needless to say, we're looking forward to E3."


Thanks for Game Guru at N-Sider forums. :)

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The invitation, which arrived in GameSpot editors' mailboxes today, had a grey front with the Kojima Productions logo in the background. In the foreground are six words in all-caps: "RETURN," "REARM," "REGALE," "REBIRTH," "RESPECT," "REFINE." In each of the words, the letters "RE" were conspicuously offset in red. On the back, and even less subtle hint was dropped. "The REVOLT begins, Tuesday, May 9. It's the battle for E3," reads the card before giving the details of the event.


According to Gamespot, that postcard was created the day before Wii was announced so could this could be hinting at another Kojima game for Wii


I smell a remake of the NES Metal Gear!

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Have you guys noticed all the launch games scheduled for Wii? Its a little weird... I'm sure some of them will get delayed, but it really seems like Nintendo is getting some strong 3rd party support. Thats why I can't wait for E3, so many games to be reveiled, more news on Wii, first screenshots of Smash Bros. ...*drool* Woooo! I'm getting overly excited I just need to keep calm... This really seems like the best E3 ever... I know Ps3 is gonna show some crazy stuff and X360 has some Halo 3 trailer and stuff, but I really hope Nintendo steals the show with Wii!!! Cheers to Wii!!! Eeeeee333333........

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Hey everyone! I would would just like to say that E3 will be amazing. There will be some absolute crazy things at E3 and when there revealed people will say wow. Talking with developers it sounds too me that the Revolution really is something special. On regaurds to the final major secret(as there are more than one) I still don't know what it is. Well at least to say whether it's a fact or not. Nintendo Wii, well it's a very different name but i must say I was suprised when I first heard it. Too me it doesn't what the name is anyway though I would have preferred Nintendo RS or N5. OH on the recent news about Madden Revolution 07 well apparently they have improved the controls quite a bit since i saw it back in February. Remember I said that they had multiple control options and apparently they have settled on one. And it happens too be the method that I liked the least so I'll just see how that turns out. I won't be at E3 this year(sucks) so I be on the internet just like you all watching a live feed of the E3 press conference. Those pics released on Red Steel just don't do the game justice visually and apparently Nintendo has other than MP3 a few other titles looking to show off what the Revolution could do.

My last words for you'll in this post: Look Out!!

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^ thanks for your words BigTac :D


by the way, they said the graphics for madden were not GC 1.5, I know you've seen a old build but... could you say from your justice?


shame they settled for the control method you liked the least, but... it wouldn't be dificult to include various control schemes, would it?

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Between now -> May 23rd so much is happening for me. Its so exciting.

May 2nd: New series of Lost on TV

May 5th: I get Metroid Prime Hunters

May 7th: Going to Arsenal v Wigan, last game EVER at Highbury :weep:

May 8th: E3 starts

May 9th: French Oral Exam in morning. NINTENDO CONFERENCE in evening! :awesome: Then E3 continues for next few days

May 17th: PARIS!! I'm going to the champions league final :D [Arsenal v Barca]

May 19th: Last high school day EVER

May 23rd: GCSEs start.



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Guest Stefkov

May 5th: I get Metroid Prime Hunters,

May 8th: E3 starts

May 9th: =NINTENDO CONFERENCE in evening! :awesome: Then E3 continues for next few days

May 19th: Last high school day EVER

May 23rd: GCSEs start.




those mean things to me aswell. however, you finisih on the 19th!, i finsh on the 12th. and my spanish oral exam (which i know nothing) is on the friday metroid comes out!

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only 9 days to go, and i'm ready for it.

I expect the graphics to be XBOX 1.5 , since the wii specs from ign are more XBOX specs on Gamecube architecture, and I see not to much difference between XBOX and Gamecube graphics.

But I have the Idea that most first-gen games will look not much better dan gamecube games(Gamecube+ games) since that , If you read some hands-on on sites from wii-games that the games runs off a GCN dev-kit... So personally I expect 2nd-Gen games to look more next-gen than most launch games.

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^ We all know about that, theyve stated it about a 1000 times, but why cant they do both? Nothing's stopping them. They'd get so many more customers.

And really come on.... Why did Iwata say the revolutions graphics would make you say wow because the 360 had been released and the graphics on that are better than revolution. I dont understand.

(note im still caling it revolution)

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Nintendo aren't about graphics. Gameplay and innovation.


Yes but I think many people will be disapointed with it, like I am with the DS's graphics compared to the PSP. I will still buy it as it will still be great but I do not agree with Nintendo on it's whole graphics point of view for the Wii, and I'm sure salse will suffer from this.

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