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Rate the last film you saw


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5/10 isn't bad. I fell asleep during the final fight scene.


I don't find boring robots fighting for no reason I could understand interesting. Then again, Bratz had like no story, but it was so loud I stayed awake.


7/10 is a solid good, enjoyable film for me. I didn't enjoy Transfomers, so 5. It wasn't actualy a bad movie, however.


No lol, I wasn't complaining about the score. 5/10 is fine. I meant the fact it was scored so close to a Bratz movie.


(Btw, transformers is a solid 7.9 for me after rewatching it a couple of times. A very enjoyable movie.)


lolz Rez.

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That's not why it sucked.

Or am I confusing you with those "loz t1tz and bl00d GTA r0x, kiddi3z!" guys?



lol no. It was the fact the trailer showed all this violence, and it was laughable how all these enemies were being "killed" with no sign of any blood whatsover. It just made me laugh. Also the fact enemies were killed by, in one or two places, twisting their arm.

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Only 2 films in recent memory get below a 5, so it's not even that bad.


Bratz and UltraViolet both get a 3.


And ReZ can't accept that I preferred Atonement to Transformers, and is blind to the fact it is literally a good film.


Ah, but see... atonement is better than Transformers. No doubt there. And opinion can't change that.

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Ah, but see... atonement is better than Transformers. No doubt there. And opinion can't change that.


Of course it is, when you compare it to Transformers, it blows it out of the water. (Don't tell ReZ, he'll hate me:) ). But there's no denying Transformers is a fun, enjoyable movie, that shouldn't really be compared to Atonement in the first place.

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Of course it is, when you compare it to Transformers, it blows it out of the water. (Don't tell ReZ, he'll hate me:) ). But there's no denying Transformers is a fun, enjoyable movie, that shouldn't really be compared to Atonement in the first place.


Point well made. You are right.

I liked Transformers. There was one problem, though: the humans. They were unnecessary and boring.

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Point well made. You are right.

I liked Transformers. There was one problem, though: the humans. They were unnecessary and boring.


I think they were necessary in order to contrast with the robots. That's what made them stand out. Not to mention they were there in cartoons too.

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Point well made. You are right.

I liked Transformers. There was one problem, though: the humans. They were unnecessary and boring.


I liked the humans, well the two main ones anyway. But then again, thats probably just me.




On the whole Brokeback is overated thing. Lies, all lies. It's a brillaint movie, when like I said above, blows transformers out of the water just like atonement does. Please, explain to me why you think it's overrated, I really want to know what you think.


I mean, I know some critics said is was only praised because it was the first sort of mainstream "gay" movie that was pretty popular etc. But thats not why it's good. It's the whole struggle between the two men that really makes it stand out, how they tried to come to terms with the feelings they were experiencing, especially Ennis, and the last 20 minutes, especially the end is brilliant. The struggle Ennis' character goes through throughout the movie is so interesting to watch, especially when he freaks out in the tent and how he realises what he feels for Jack and the struggle with his wife.

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I think they were necessary in order to contrast with the robots. That's what made them stand out. Not to mention they were there in cartoons too.


I think they sucked. Except for John Turturo. And they did get kinda boring.


I liked the humans, well the two main ones anyway. But then again, thats probably just me.




On the whole Brokeback is overated thing. Lies, all lies. It's a brillaint movie, when like I said above, blows transformers out of the water just like atonement does. Please, explain to me why you think it's overrated, I really want to know what you think.


I mean, I know some critics said is was only praised because it was the first sort of mainstream "gay" movie that was pretty popular etc. But thats not why it's good. It's the whole struggle between the two men that really makes it stand out, how they tried to come to terms with the feelings they were experiencing, especially Ennis, and the last 20 minutes, especially the end is brilliant. The struggle Ennis' character goes through throughout the movie is so interesting to watch, especially when he freaks out in the tent and how he realises what he feels for Jack and the struggle with his wife.


You want to know why it's overrated? Because it's a tale that's been told countless times before... told better, that is. The only thing that made it different... was the gay thing. The crtixs where spot on. It got praised for being gay. Solely.

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It's not controversial me giving transformers 5/10.



Twitch (Notice "yawn-enducing" in the last paragraph.



All mediocre scores. Sure, we're meant to have our own opinions, and I do. They just happen tom match many of the critics. :)


Fair point, etc and I dont wanna talk about this anymore, but the Metacritic scores below 5/10 are mostly news papers for n00bs. The lowest scores one of the biggest jokes Ive seen in my life.


"Just one gigantic advertisment for Hasbro"


.....? Seriously anyone else get this? So Atonement is an advert for the 2008 Keira Knightley calander? 300 just one big advert for 300 on HD DVD?




(And Atonement being better than Transformers is opinion, not fact)

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the only originality in story telling is in how, not what. In those terms, Brokeback deserves as much praise as any.


on an Ang Lee note, anyone seen 2046? that's a bit ace is that.


It is good, there's no denying it... but overrated nonetheless.


And why the fuck are you connecting Ang Lee to 2046?????


Damn, that film is good... Fucking fantastic.


Wong Kar-wai is a genious.

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The Mummy


Great action/adventure movie starring Brendan Fraiser. Loved the CGI special effects with how

Imotep re-formed himself from 9/10's rotten decomposed shell back to fully meated, muscly immortal 3200 priest, and the sand wall effect back in the Desert

, which were all nice. Felt sorry for Benny in the end, watch the movie to see why. I'll give this movie 9/10

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