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Gran Turismo 7 (4th March 2022)


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Yeah, they fixed the PP glitch for the Dodge SRT Tomahawk X VGT in Tokyo Expressway so that you can no longer use the fastest car in the game in a race limited to 600 PP cars, RIP. Oh wait, no, never mind, people have already got around that

Yeah, I've still been chipping away at the game, and it's probably been my main game over the last month despite the Café stuff being long done. Thanks to the above glitch after the previous update you could grind 825k in 18-20 minutes of 12 laps on Tokyo Expressway, compared with the Le Mans track which is a time restricted race which was at least 30 minutes long.

As part of the previous update they also made all of the invite-only cars have invitations available until mid-May, which I've taken advantage of by grinding for and buying them all, as well as one of three legendary Le Mans cars needed for a hard to get trophy (I'm going to grind for these credits and then just sit on them until these two cars turn up on the store). I've got 6 Licence Tests to still go for Gold for, a bunch of Sport mode online races to complete, a few things related to trophies, and I've got Circuit Experiences to complete, so I think after I finish grinding away for credits I'll be tackling those one at a time; think I'll dial it back and just have an hour or so on it a day while I cruise towards those, because I want to get back to Dragon Quest VIII :p

The game is still a lot of fun to play (giving myself the challenge while grinding of getting as fast a lap/race time on Tokyo Expressway with a car which is way too fast for a track like that has been the most fun I've had with the game!) but there's just so much getting in the way of that at times that I could easily see myself putting the game down once I get the Plat. Still, got a lot of time out of it! 

Edited by Julius
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  • 8 months later...

So, this just got a VR mode announced for the launch of PSVR2 at CES:

Unclear if it's for the full game, but it will be a free upgrade. Nice. I'll probably throw up considering how I drive, but hey, if that doesn't get me onboard for PSVR2, what will?

(a new Astro game, that's what)

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  • 1 year later...

Weird thread revival, but I gave myself the goal when I returned to the game around it's 1st anniversary last year to collect every Ferrari in the game. The car saved until last - purely because it so rarely shows up in the rotation of legendary cars - was the 250 GTO, which costs 20m credits...and the last time I tried to get it sometime last year, I decided to splurge on a bunch of other rare cars I needed/wanted a matter of weeks beforehand :p

Anyways, last month, my Ferrari collection was finally completed! 



Unfortunately, the most recent update added a new Ferrari (the F430 Scuderia)...

...so the collection is once again incomplete. I've yet to go back, but the F430 Scuderia was one of my favourites growing up, so it seems inevitable. 

More hilariously, though, and the real reason for my thread revival – this update came with some physics changes! Which have produced some absolutely hilarious results :laughing:


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Legit, this is the first time I've been even remotely interested in a Gran Turismo game.

If the developers had any sense of fun, they'd make this an "Ascended Glitch" and turn into a toggable feature!

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  • 1 month later...

So, I typically jump on with my group of friends to play games once or twice a week, and recently I've been stumped on what to play. We're currently in a phase of not playing the same game together but just catching up, which I'm all for, but I've been drifting between games or even just watching other people share their screen or stare blankly at the PS5 hub while doing so. 

It just all felt like I should be playing something. 

The other day I realised owning the digital version of GT7 means that I have both the PS5 and the PS4 version of the game, and having Platinum'd the game's PS5 version a few months after launch back in 2022, with nothing else to play mindlessly when on with my friends for now, I figured I'd redownload the PS4 version of the game and Platinum that. Sorted, right? Everything taken away from me, starting from square one, bides me some time to wait just a bit longer on finally pulling the trigger on that SSD for my PS5 with it thrown onto the external HDD I've got connected for PS4 games. Going through and earning a second Platinum sounded like fun to me, it was something to chip away at and I've been really good about not going for Platinum trophies in single-player games this year, which has allowed me to play more this year already than I did in the entirety of last year.

But the Plat was going to drag me along because, otherwise, well, I might as well play the PS5 version of the game where I've already invested hundreds of hours. 

So I load up the PS4 version of the game when jumping on with them yesterday, and then notifications start popping up in the top right corner.

'Bronze Trophy - Living Your Car Life'

'Bronze Trophy - Living With a Legend'

'Silver Trophy - Speed Archdemon' 

'Gold Trophy - Finale'

Oh no...

'Platinum Trophy - Gran Turismo Platinum Trophy' 


Yep, that's right, it auto-popped every damn trophy and gave me another Plat with 0 minutes put into this version of the game. 

While I knew about trophies auto-popping going from some PS4 games to their PS5 versions, I didn't know it worked the other way around, too. How could I? Who in their right mind is playing the PS5 version of a game, getting the Plat, and then going back to what is by all means an inferior version of the game on PS4? This guy, that's who. 

There was probably a way around it if I'd known ahead of time, maybe something to do with not carrying over my save, or having a physical PS4 version rather than using the digital PS4 & PS5 bundle, or something. 

I don't know what the point in this post was, I guess it was probably just to share my devastation. And yep, I still have no idea what I'm going to play when I'm on with my friends next. 


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