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Older than something very old, maybe even predating the big bang in some way.


Quoted for truth.... and because I was going to say the same thing. Ah well, we can't all be as quick to reply with wit (which is ironically as old as the posted thing itself)


Kudos if you can understand that, because I don't think I can myself :D

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"French military victories"






Anyone ever try showing their teachers this one? I got mine laughing out loud while she was taking up a test :)


Weird, I can't see anything below "French military victories" on the main page, but when I clicked on wuote I could see the rest of the post....


Who was it who first posted the French military victories on CE? I remember laughing loads at it...



Edit: SmallDude, did you just edit your post?

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Eh, this may be a stupid question but how did they get the Bush page to link to that when it doesn't have failure in the address or anything?


If you type in "miserable failure" and link it to Bush's page, Google will notice, and when enough people do it, shabba!


Don't do it with your own pages though, you can get chucked off Google for doing it.

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