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Super Mario Maker 2 challenge - June challenge has started!


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Oh, uhhh... @Vileplume2000 did a Ghost House? Well, this is awkward...

@Dcubed asked me to post his course here for him, via Whatsapp.

On 8/2/2020 at 5:49 PM, Dcubed said:

Do me a solid and upload it along with something funnies. K Thx Bye!

That'll teach you for being unwittingly specific.

Anyway, here's a third Ghost House level!


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At 4pm, I decided to randomly check my Friends List... (Read: Not actually random, I had a sneaking suspicion about something)



Methinks @RedShell and @Sméagol spaced on this and are currently frantically whipping up a level. Good thing that they're restricted to default size, I guess.

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2 hours ago, Glen-i said:

At 4pm, I decided to randomly check my Friends List... (Read: Not actually random, I had a sneaking suspicion about something)


Methinks @RedShell and @Sméagol spaced on this and are currently frantically whipping up a level. Good thing that they're restricted to default size, I guess.

Haha. I actually started.. I think Monday. Had something really dumb. But yeah, didn't do anything the rest of the week. I had another idea, but didn't start on that since I felt it was too close to something else I intend to finish some day.. But I want to see, indeed, if I can whip something up. I also still have that dumb thing I can finish, and I pretty much finished something just now, which I know you people are going to luuuuvvvv. So I'll do some more work, and see what I'll officially submit.

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I’d just really like to thank @RedShell for this month’s theme.  These limitations were a ton of fun to work with and proved to be both maddening & entertaining in equal measure! Really enjoyed knocking up this month’s course! :peace:

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5 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Methinks @RedShell and @Sméagol spaced on this and are currently frantically whipping up a level. Good thing that they're restricted to default size, I guess.

How dare you! That is so not what happened. I can’t even begin to tell you how wrong you are, so utterly wrong!

Look, it’s not my fault, my new PC is to blame! :laughing: 

Anyway, so here’s my level that I totally didn’t just frantically whip up today: :heh: 

Yeah... it hasn’t had much testing and might be slightly on the difficult side too, but hopefully it’s enjoyable enough. :hmm: 

Looking forward to trying out all of the mini-levels tomorrow. :)



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I went with my third option. Unlike my second option, you actually stand a chance of finishing this (simple) level! Never let it be said I can't be merciful.

Probably not going to finish the first option, but I'll upload the 2nd option tomorrow, for those who miss the pain. Couldn't be arsed to make more attempts to speedrun that one right now, that's going to take a while.

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Ok, my thoughts on the default size levels...



Very creative use of tricks (as always) which work especially well for a limited level like this. Using the night setting to obscure the view was a great touch too! I love the disappearing goal mechanic and how you eventually get it to stay put, entertaining stuff! :D



Cool idea for the theme, all of the unique rooms/challenges were good fun. I especially enjoyed the crates and conveyor belt room! :grin: Might have to steal that idea in the future. ;) This level definitely made very good use of the available creation space. Nice work!



A simple idea but well executed, it was surprising to see vertical scrolling too! I would’ve liked to have seen just a little bit more in terms of variety and artificial length though. The (almost off camera) boss battle was probably the highlight for me. :laughing: 



Love the Groundhog Day mechanic in this one! You definitely came up with one of the most interesting and unexpected ways of effectively using (or should I say, reusing ;)) the limited space. :cool: Nicely done.

Thanks to everyone who took part, all of the levels did an excellent job considering the pretty severe restriction, and it was really fun seeing the different ideas that were used to get the most out of it. Limitation does indeed breed creativity! :) 

They were all fun, but ultimately I think I got the most enjoyment (and the most playtime) from @Dcubed‘s level, so you’re getting my vote this month!


Edited by RedShell
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Best concept this month, although I gave up after 4 Time Outs because I couldn't for the life of me figure out what I needed to do after making the P-Switch drop.

Your answer might just affect how I feel about the level, because before that, it's solid.



This idea is inspired, clever use of the On-Off Blocks to gradually build complexity. You even manage to have off-screen Thwomps not be an instant level fail from me. There's plenty of time to figure out what the arrows indicate before they come into play.




I knew someone would use screen locking this month. The restrictions scream for it. Great difficulty curve.

I have to give you credit for actually putting some foreshadowing on how you "escape" in your description. It's subtle enough that I never quite think I'd need Builder Mario until I found the power up and immediately knew what I had to do.

Big smile on my face when I broke out and the goal pole was immediately there.



Nice to see that old Magikoopa Goal Pole trick still works here. Was always wondering that myself.

The lack of light really serves to make the level feel bigger than it actually is. Thankfully, no cheap ambushes here which is a common problem most dark stages have. Nice restraint on that part.

That said, I wasted 200 seconds because you decided it would be hilarious to use a LIT BOB-OMB for that one puzzle. Why? Bob-omb's are the worst, lit ones doubly so. Almost ran out of time because of that.

Gotta dock you points there.

In the end, I have to vote for @Vileplume2000's level. The quality this month is quite consistent throughout. No level really stands out above the rest for me. @Dcubed's had a shot, but that one gripe I have means I can't quite give him my vote.

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Timed out 4 times? Holy shit @Glen-i haha. Those are the kind of times I'm expecting for that other level.. Cleartime was about.. 34 seconds I believe. Anyway:

Hitting the P-switch starts the last cycle. Yes starts, which means you have to go through (at least) one more time. Look carefully what the p-switch enables you to do.

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Right! I’ve played them all now.  Thoughts...



I loved this one from start to finish.  Very cool & clever mechanics in each room and I loved how you got to break all of the level design with the Super Hammer at the end.  Very simple, but very satisfying! I’m not even gonna lie though, I’m embarrassed by how many times I killed myself by running into Goombas :laughing:



Your course is utterly aggregating, and that’s what makes it great! I’m very glad that I killed myself by going too fast :laughing:

Love the ending, absolutely hilarious! I really hope someone times out by the end there!



For a last minute hatchet job, I’m really impressed by the creativity on display here! Really cool idea to have one big room that you drop down in; I can’t say I’ve ever played a course quite like this one! Gets a bit manic towards the end (perhaps a bit too manic), but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Sadly, it seems that you’ve finally defeated me though.  I just simply couldn’t find Baby Face this time (I swear I’ve tried everything! The only thing I can think of is the extra Music Block after the Axe, but there’s no possible way to land on it!?).  I’ve gone through the course about 6 or 7 times and I’m totally stumped!



Bloody hell!! What an AMAZING idea! I’m gutted I didn’t think of it myself!

Genuinely one of the most creative courses I’ve ever seen in Mario Maker! Absolutely fantastic stuff! And brilliantly executed! Loved everything about it! :D 

I have a hunch though... I bet this used to be a Ghost House level until you cottoned onto us all doing it and it was a last minute switch ;) 

The quality was REALLY high across the board this time! Everyone put out something amazing!

My vote goes to @Sméagol this week though.  It’s just such an amazing idea, brilliantly executed.  Genuinely annoyed that I never thought of it myself! Who’d a thunk that you could make a Majora’s Mask style course in Mario Maker!? Absolutely brilliant! :peace:

Oh... BTW? Glen sucks...


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30 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

Sadly, it seems that you’ve finally defeated me though.  I just simply couldn’t find Baby Face this time (I swear I’ve tried everything! The only thing I can think of is the extra Music Block after the Axe, but there’s no possible way to land on it!?).  I’ve gone through the course about 6 or 7 times and I’m totally stumped!

Oh no! :( Yeah, I had a feeling Baby Face (or rather, the method to reveal him) might be a bit too hidden on this one. :woops:

Everything you need in order to find him is available right at the end of the level (providing you’ve already removed the red blocks that cover the axe) but yeah, the visual clues are very subtle indeed. 

Will post a vid tomorrow.

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Right, I went through all the levels and had quite some fun doing so. The verdicts:



A short but sweet ride. It obviously pays off to not rush but keep up with the scrolling, something I hardly do. :grin: Liked the strange camera boss battle.  A very solid entry!



A very clever use of the short stage, without going into weird corners to make it feel longer. Adding that one layer every time is very smart and it took me a while to get that final Goombah jump because the P effect kept running out! But at least I didn't time out. :p



Every time I play a @Dcubed level I learn something new about MM mechanics. :grin: Some clever puzzles there, and a good use of "similar" rooms (at least that is how I expect how some rooms just look slightly different, because it is there 2 times?). The Bob-omb part was stressful, but seeing Yoshi pop up made all well!



Wow, the hardest level for this week is not from @Sméagol but from @RedShell! Who would have thought! Some very tricky parts there, but the vertical structure works really well. And I liked the twist at the end where you have to go back and have to keep your fire flower.



I'm glad @Glen-i got the hint in the description! I wasn't 100% happy with the level, I think it could have used maybe one or two secrets and some areas I found a bit uninspired like the pipes area and the boss battle, but time constraint kept me from improving these. I also had a ton of lock-ins so that's why there are random icicles, just means for harakiri. :grin: Learned a lot again about Mario Maker though, and I'm happy I finally made a 3D World level haha.

All in all a cool theme, cool week and interesting to see so many different ideas, I really enjoyed it! My vote goes to @Sméagol, the concept is just too clever to not get the vote.

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 minute ago, Glen-i said:

That means we have a draw between @Sméagol and @Dcubed. I suggest that the one person who didn't vote for either of them should be the person who breaks the tie.

Yeah I was already thinking "I could have made it easier by not voting DCubed".

There's already stuff in the rules that say what happens.. Tiebreaker is the number of hearts on each level. If it's still a tie.. Then I dunno. Though I had a fun idea if DCubed wants to co-operate. I choose one element of the theme, he chooses the other.

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9 hours ago, Sméagol said:

Yeah I was already thinking "I could have made it easier by not voting DCubed".

There's already stuff in the rules that say what happens.. Tiebreaker is the number of hearts on each level. If it's still a tie.. Then I dunno. Though I had a fun idea if DCubed wants to co-operate. I choose one element of the theme, he chooses the other.

That sounds fun! One course part and rule/limit from each of us.  What horrible monstrosity will we create? Find out next week! :peace:

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 28/08/2020 at 10:13 AM, Dcubed said:

That sounds fun! One course part and rule/limit from each of us.  What horrible monstrosity will we create? Find out next week! :peace:

What do you mean exactly? Four rules or elements in total? Because that seems too much to me. But perhaps it can work? I was thinking of one element each. Or rule. So just 2 in total. What did you have in mind for your suggestions? Can PM me if you want to keep it secret until the reveal.

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@Dcubed, I just checked the hearts on our levels, you technically won with 4 hearts. I'll leave it up to you what you want to do, however you need to respond today or I'll decide! :p


  • We both decide the theme. I choose chain chomps. You let me know what you're element is.
  • You decide the theme yourself.
  • You don't respond, then I decide the full theme, and it will be chain chomps and p-switches.
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1 hour ago, Sméagol said:

@Dcubed, I just checked the hearts on our levels, you technically won with 4 hearts. I'll leave it up to you what you want to do, however you need to respond today or I'll decide! :p


  • We both decide the theme. I choose chain chomps. You let me know what you're element is.
  • You decide the theme yourself.
  • You don't respond, then I decide the full theme, and it will be chain chomps and p-switches.

Oh, sorry! Been busy!

Yeah, let's go with one course element each...

I pick...


Sans tennis racquet.  Presumably.

None of us have really made a course that really exploits what this guy can do (well, except me; but I wouldn't be biased here... would I?)

So that's it then!  This month's theme is...

Dry Chomp's Dry Walk


Dry, but still probably tasty

No parts under the enemies tab are allowed except for these two... Anything else goes however.

Good luck to all of you! :peace:

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