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I will have more to say about the episode during the evening, but I should really get my guess in:
Spoiler Streets of Rage 2

I’ve only listened to the first one myself, so am in the dark as to what the Transition Tunes are from.
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3 hours ago, londragon said:

I’ve only listened to the first one myself, so am in the dark as to what the Transition Tunes are from.

If you didn't know it immediately from the first second of the first transition tune, you're not doing games right :heh:

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Ok, so:

  • Loved to hear about Streets of Rage 4. Even though I grew up a Sega boy, I never played the series. But I'm happy to hear that the series received the Sonic Mania treatment.
  • @Nicktendo didn't you forget about someone else who was on the Smashing Cast for Capcom Beat'em Up Bundle, hm? Maybe someone who brings the life to the party, hmm? Someone who didn't lag, further proving how well the netcode works for that game, hmmm? That's right, Nick, you forgot Lord_Kado! And also me.
  • Regarding online servers, they're actually not a better option for fighting games at all. They work well for games with large amounts of players, like FPSes or racing games, but in fighting games where it's one on one, peer-to-peer tends to work out better (inefficient netcode is usually the issue in that genre). With Smash Bros, you could make a case either way, but I'm betting anything that 1-on-1 is what most people play
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11 hours ago, Jonnas said:

Ok, so:

  • Loved to hear about Streets of Rage 4. Even though I grew up a Sega boy, I never played the series. But I'm happy to hear that the series received the Sonic Mania treatment.
  • @Nicktendo didn't you forget about someone else who was on the Smashing Cast for Capcom Beat'em Up Bundle, hm? Maybe someone who brings the life to the party, hmm? Someone who didn't lag, further proving how well the netcode works for that game, hmmm? That's right, Nick, you forgot Lord_Kado! And also me.
  • Regarding online servers, they're actually not a better option for fighting games at all. They work well for games with large amounts of players, like FPSes or racing games, but in fighting games where it's one on one, peer-to-peer tends to work out better (inefficient netcode is usually the issue in that genre). With Smash Bros, you could make a case either way, but I'm betting anything that 1-on-1 is what most people play

I tried arcade mode on SoR4 last night and died before the boss of the final stage. Heartbreaking. It is really tough, think it might take me a few goes before I actually manage to do it... unless I chicken out and do it on easy first. Such a good game though, certainly recommend picking it up. I'm eagerly waiting a sale on the Mega Drive collection now as this game has made me want to go back and play through the classic three.

About the Smashing Cast, I initially remembered the time when it was just me, Sam and Dennis playing the weird fantasy-themed one with bad writing, then remembered that Ryan had been there for the Superhero game. Guess that was the time LORD_KADO and yourself were there too, so sorry about that :heh: But it goes to prove the point I was making, 4 countries, stretching the length of Europe (+ wherever Sir Lord of Kado was from), don't think we had any problems. 

Edited by Nicktendo
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@nekunando got his brains working overtime, and came up with a great idea for an N-E Cafe podcast Big Topic this week.

It's going to be a 'confessions episode'.  We'd like as many people as possible to confess to a gaming sin (sins).  It can be anything you can think of, like enjoying a terrible game, a humourous incident while playing, absolutely anything.

Now, if your confession is too juicy, you may be embarrassed to share.  And because of this, your confession can be open or anonymous.  If so, just send a DM to me, who'll be tight lipped about the said incident.

We can't wait to hear from you all.

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1 hour ago, londragon said:

@nekunando got his brains working overtime, and came up with a great idea for an N-E Cafe podcast Big Topic this week.

It's going to be a 'confessions episode'.  We'd like as many people as possible to confess to a gaming sin (sins).  It can be anything you can think of, like enjoying a terrible game, a humourous incident while playing, absolutely anything.

Well, I might as well get this out there, seeing as I already told Greg via a PM about my most recent gaming confession...

I haven't finished Super Mario Odyssey :p

I just never finished it, even though I was definitely enjoying the game at the time. I suppose this is partly down to there being so many games on the Switch, but it could also be attributed to myself lacking discipline in finishing games, either way, I have recently sought to rectify this situation by returning to the game and making some progress.

On my last playsession, I finally recruited all of the musicians in New Donk City and got to see that impressive performance after completing that rather special piece of platforming which I thought was a really well put together homage to a classic Nintendo game and an important part of Mario's history; just in case, for anyone else who might not have played or finished the game yet as I wouldn't want to spoil it for anyone else.

As of yet, the game still remains unfinished but my appreciation of it has risen in recent weeks since returning to the wonderful worlds of Super Mario Odyssey and I will be making a point of going back to the game on a more regular basis, when I can, in a concerted effort to finally finish what is easily one of the best Mario games I've played since Super Mario Galaxy 2 on the Wii.

It's probably safe to say, that I'll have the game finished before any of the rumoured remakes of classic Mario games get released on the Switch... now watch as Nintendo shadow-drops them onto the console before the end of the month. :rolleyes:

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Not been on in a while (currently preparing to move house so busy packing stuff away) so I'm not fully up to date on the podcast. I do however have a contribution for gaming sins. So, brace yourself for this one, my favourite Castlevania game is Simon's Quest! This is partly down to nostalgia as this is one of the games I unwrapped along with my NES many Christmases ago but even replaying through the NES Castlevanias on the Castlevania collection that was released last year I enjoyed replaying Simon's Quest so much more than 1 and 3.

I never really understood why the game had such a bad reputation - yes there are some questionable design choices (mostly thinking of the blocks you just fall through with no way of knowing unless you throw holy water on everything) and the translation does make it very difficult to progress sometimes without a guide, but these are criticisms that can be said for a lot of games of this era.

This game set the blueprint for some of the most popular games in the franchise being the first one to incorporate exploration and item gating and yet most people speak about it like it was a completely failed experiment. Also it was the first game to include "Bloody Tears" in the soundtrack and that alone should be enough to consider it a classic 😝.

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On 20/05/2020 at 12:50 PM, londragon said:

It can be anything you can think of, like enjoying a terrible game, a humourous incident while playing, absolutely anything.

My first time playing through Pokémon Red&Blue, I used my one and only Master Ball on a Level 5 Tentacool. That has to be some sort of sin.

When first playing Ocarina of Time, I didn't understand you could dive further in the water by holding the A button longer. So I ended up bypassing that one Deku Tree room with a well-timed backflip instead. Then I eventually beat the Zora diving minigame by jumping off the waterfall (the elevation made Link's initial dive deeper) several times to collect every rupee before the timer ran out. I finally learned how to dive, shortly after I beat the diving minigame.

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On 20/05/2020 at 12:50 PM, londragon said:

@nekunando got his brains working overtime, and came up with a great idea for an N-E Cafe podcast Big Topic this week.

It's going to be a 'confessions episode'.  We'd like as many people as possible to confess to a gaming sin (sins).  It can be anything you can think of, like enjoying a terrible game, a humourous incident while playing, absolutely anything.

Gaming sins? Great question!  I guess they could come in all guises so here’s a couple. Maybe not really juicy enough but hope they help anyway:
  • Skipping lessons to get a copy of Ocarina of Time on launch day.  I used to be a big fan of getting games on launch day, but to this day remains the only game where a friend & I both got the game & missed school lessons to get it from town before heading home to play it.  What a game though, and that decision didn’t cost me an exam grade or a place at Uni, so was definitely an afternoon well spent!


  • I owned an Action Replay (remember those!) for the N64.  I much prefer working hard in a game to get the reward, but earning that Invincibility cheat in Goldeneye was just a bridge too far for me.  I resorted to using the Action Replay to make myself invulnerable for the level (no the irony isn’t lost on me!).  Even then I spent hours failing to complete the blasted level in under 2mins to earn the in-game cheat.  Finally I managed to achieve what I feared may be impossible for me.  While I had just a twinge of guilt from my actions, karma occurred when the full set of push-button codes were released making all those hours kind of pointless!


  • I virtually completed Majora’s Mask before discovering that I could slow down time! I guess it made one boss battle especially exciting as time ticked down to the last couple of seconds, although the number of times I had to repeat activities because I just didn’t have the time to complete things before the 3 days reset...
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At the time of planning this week's podcast, which will start recording in an hour or so, we only had Sam's Conefession.  So, we changed the topic of this week's podcast to show our love of Nintendo's 64th console.

Not to worry, now that we've had a lot more interest, we'll be adding the confessions theme to next week's pocast, episode 29.

So, I'm using this as a call out to anyone else who is interested in sharing your Gaming Confessions with us, be they stupidity or intentional tomfoolery.  We'd love to hear them and share them with our gaming and Podcast community.


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It's that time of the week again, when a new N-E Cafe Podcast hits all good providers.


N-E Café [028] What the 64? quizzes you N64 knowledge.


Episode 28 of the N-E Café Podcast is upon us, featuring hosts Lee Davies, Nick Lone and Gregory Moffett.  This week they discuss the recent Nintendo News, including; games they’ve been playing, featuring Okami HD, OMG! Police Car Chase Simulator and Nick’s Picks; and the Topic of the Week, a big N64 Quiz.

This is episode 28 of the N-E Café Podcast, an N-Europe Podcast. Enjoy!

⦁ Intro Music: Diddy Kong Racing - Pirate Lagoon

⦁ Introductions: 0:00:25

⦁ Nintendo News: 0:03:17

⦁ PodPals’ Voting: 0:17:20

⦁ Download Delights: 0:20:40

⦁ NOkami HD: 0:30:15

⦁ OMG! Police Car Chase Simulator: 0:34:00

⦁ Nick’s Games: 0:40:28

⦁ Big Quiz: N64: 0:49:40

⦁ Closing: 1:32:53

⦁ Podcast Extras: 1:34:43

Can you guess what the Transition Tune is? Or any listener questions?  Or for next week, any Gaming Confessions to 'fess up to.  As always drop us a line right here, or at our social media channels.


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  • Your pronunciation of Porto Alegre is spot on. The pronunciation of Minuano sounds right too, but I myself have never heard of that car brand :heh: ;
  • I was listening to this during my commute. While you were describing the relentless, fast, and efficient police cars of OMG! Police Car Chase Simulator, I was stuck in traffic on account of a slow, inefficient team of policemen attempting to nudge a badly parked van. Life is irony;
  • Good to hear Nick has started Fire Emblem (and doing a semi-Ironman run too, respect). Stop by the thread if you ever need some tips (for example, recruitment is not exactly as you described it, but you're on the right track). I must ask: which party member did you lose? My gut tells me Ashe;
  • I didn't get a single N64 question right (save for the Quest 64 one). That's what happens when not a single question is about Zelda, Pokémon, Mario 64, Goemon, or Tetrisphere :heh:

As for the transition tune...no idea


Pilotwings 64


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2 hours ago, Jonnas said:
  • Your pronunciation of Porto Alegre is spot on. The pronunciation of Minuano sounds right too, but I myself have never heard of that car brand :heh: ;
  • I was listening to this during my commute. While you were describing the relentless, fast, and efficient police cars of OMG! Police Car Chase Simulator, I was stuck in traffic on account of a slow, inefficient team of policemen attempting to nudge a badly parked van. Life is irony;
  • Good to hear Nick has started Fire Emblem (and doing a semi-Ironman run too, respect). Stop by the thread if you ever need some tips (for example, recruitment is not exactly as you described it, but you're on the right track). I must ask: which party member did you lose? My gut tells me Ashe;
  • I didn't get a single N64 question right (save for the Quest 64 one). That's what happens when not a single question is about Zelda, Pokémon, Mario 64, Goemon, or Tetrisphere :heh:

As for the transition tune...no idea

  Here's my guess, none the less (Reveal hidden contents)

Pilotwings 64


Great to know I can hold my own with Portuguese pronounciation, haha.

Police, huh.  Either going breakneck speeds, or not moving at all, nothing in the middle.

I need to get back to FE: 3H, something tells me it's still a long time coming though.

You should have been a guest, I wouldn't have come last in the quiz, as usual.


That's what I thought it was, but was shot down by Nick.


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Another enjoyable listen this week.  I really enjoyed the N64 quiz and the level of questions (I got around 75% right, mainly thanks to being a reader of N64 Magazine back in the day).

Glad to hear someone else couldn’t get into Okami.  Admittedly I haven’t tried the HD version, but I tried a couple of times with the Wii version thinking, as a Zelda fan, that I would love it, but after a couple of hours found I just wasn’t enjoying it as much as I thought so put it down.

I don’t know the transition tune, but worth guessing anyway as it doesn’t appear to have guessed yet:


It sounds like the older Sega games.  I was thinking Sonic Spinball, but I’ve played that & don’t recognise the tune. Maybe something mentioned in a previous Podcast... Outrun?

Sorry you didn’t need to know my thought process! 😂 I expect it’ll be something completely different!


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18 hours ago, Jonnas said:
  • Good to hear Nick has started Fire Emblem (and doing a semi-Ironman run too, respect). Stop by the thread if you ever need some tips (for example, recruitment is not exactly as you described it, but you're on the right track). I must ask: which party member did you lose? My gut tells me Ashe;

It was Ashe. He's super weak... but I'm guessing he turns into a beast in the end-game so maybe it's a big loss? I have a copy of the save file before the battle for back up anyway so I can always go back a try again later. 

6 hours ago, WackerJr said:

Another enjoyable listen this week.  I really enjoyed the N64 quiz and the level of questions (I got around 75% right, mainly thanks to being a reader of N64 Magazine back in the day).

I don’t know the transition tune, but worth guessing anyway as it doesn’t appear to have guessed yet:

  TT guess (Reveal hidden contents)

It sounds like the older Sega games.  I was thinking Sonic Spinball, but I’ve played that & don’t recognise the tune. Maybe something mentioned in a previous Podcast... Outrun?

Sorry you didn’t need to know my thought process! 😂 I expect it’ll be something completely different!


The N64 quiz was a lot of fun to do. I think for me and Greg especially that console was just around when we were in our early teens so it will always occupy a special place in our hearts.
Transition tunes are correct, good job!

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2 hours ago, Nicktendo said:

It was Ashe. He's super weak... but I'm guessing he turns into a beast in the end-game so maybe it's a big loss? I have a copy of the save file before the battle for back up anyway so I can always go back a try again later.

I haven't played Blue Lions yet, but Ashe is the trickiest archetype to figure out in this game: the speedy one. I think he's meant to be built as a mage or an archer, with added utility in doing what a thief does without actually needing to ever use the class. In Golden Deer, Ignatz takes a near-identical role, and with his low strength, he can be hard to use (especially when my House is filled with good archers). I figured, if anybody was going to die first, it would likely be "the one like Ignatz".

(My second choice would be Ingrid, as I hear she's the one who, like you suggested, takes a few chapters to grow into a powerful unit. I had the opportunity to use her for a fight, and she was already pretty good as a Pegasus Knight)

Did Ashe's death happen before Chapter 3?

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N-E Café [029] Confessions of a Gamer is ready for your listening pleasure.  That's right, this week we've taken your biggest gaming disgraces and outed them for the world to listen and chortle at.

Episode 29 of the N-E Café Podcast is here, featuring hosts Lee Davies, Nick Lone and Gregory Moffett.  This week they discuss the recent Nintendo News, including Xenoblade’s resolution; games they’ve been playing, featuring Borderlands, Lonely Mountains: Downhill, Olli Olli, River City Girls, Link’s Awakening and Spirit Camera for the DS; and the Topic of the Week, Confessing our Gaming Sins.

This is episode 29 of the N-E Café Podcast, an N-Europe Podcast. Enjoy!

⦁ Intro Music: Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker - The Great Sea

⦁ Introductions: 0:00:25

⦁ Nintendo News: 0:03:15

⦁ PodPals’ Results: 0:18:49

⦁ Download Delights: 0:21:56

⦁ Borderlands (GOTY Edition): 0:28:43

⦁ Lonely Mountains: Downhill: 0:33:29

⦁ Olli Olli: 0:41:01

⦁ River City Girls: 0:44:13

⦁ Link’s Awakening, ISS2 (GC): 0:52:37

⦁ Spirit Camera (DS): 0:54:31

⦁ Confessions of a Gamer: N64: 0:58:57

⦁ Closing: 1:34:26

⦁ Podcast Extras (LIVE Results): 1:37:07

Can you guess what the Transition Tune is?  If it rings a bell, get in touch with us, or if you have a Listener's Question you’d like to discuss, contact us right here.  And, with any Listener Questions, too.  Thanks.


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Don't have much time right now (I'm about to start the gaming sins part), but I think I know the Transition Tunes


Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest

EDIT: What a horrible night to be slightly late in posting

Edited by Jonnas
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47 minutes ago, Jonnas said:

Don't have much time right now (I'm about to start the gaming sins part), but I think I know the Transition Tunes

  My guess (Reveal hidden contents)

Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest

EDIT: What a horrible night to be slightly late in posting

:grin: for the full effect you should have written that edit one post per character :heh:

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Whoa, I forgot to post my impressions on the episode yesterday.

  • I don't actually have that much to say about the first part, as I simply enjoyed listening to impressions of what you're playing (like Downhill and Olli Olli);
  • I did find it funny that we have so many "sins" in common, like the diving minigame fiasco, or cheating that Goldeneye level;
  • The Ghouls 'n Ghosts thing was hilarious to hear :laughing: Early games on Computers really were a bit like that initial screen, weren't they?
  • Doom 3, huh...? That's what happens when you let Greg choose the challenge ;p I'm looking forward to writing about it.
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On 03/06/2020 at 10:57 PM, Jonnas said:


  • I did find it funny that we have so many "sins" in common, like the diving minigame fiasco, or cheating that Goldeneye level;

Agreed.  The fact that we had so many of those in common and for the same reasons too!

”And another tip is the ‘No Clipping’ code...”

Whhhhaattt!!!! 😂😂😂 I can’t believe I didn’t realise this all those years ago! Invincibility, sure.  But knowing that other code would have saved me so much nor time... well, now I feel even more of a tool! Haha!

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N-E Café [030] Going Digital will get you spending money on the eShop.

The third decade arrives here at N-E Café.  Episode 30 features hosts Lee Davies, Nick Lone and Gregory Moffett, and this week they discuss the recent Nintendo News; games they’ve been playing, featuring River City Girls, Ring Fit Adventure, Murder by Numbers and 51 Worldwide Classics; and the Topic of the Week, Sales Recommendations.
This is episode 30 of the N-E Café Podcast, an N-Europe Podcast. Enjoy!

⦁ Intro Music: Xenoblade Chronicles - Colony 9

⦁ Introductions: 0:00:28

⦁ Nintendo News: 0:03:21

⦁ PodPals’ Request: 0:15:16

⦁ Download Delights: 0:16:49

⦁ River City Girls, Ring Fit Adventure: 0:19:17

⦁ Murder by Numbers: 0:21:22

⦁ 51 Worldwide Classics: 0:25:45

⦁ Serial Cleaner (teaser): 0:44:26

⦁ Digital Days Sale: 0:45:32

⦁ Closing: 1:10:30

⦁ Podcast Extras: 1:15:36

Can you guess what the Transition Tune is? Or do you have any Listener Questions for us to tackle on a future episode?  Let us know below.


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