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N-E Café Podcast


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Nick has been really on top of the editing this week and we are ready to go on this week's podcast a full day earlier than usual.


N-E Café [021] Controlling the Future is now available at all good podcast providers.

The N-E Café Podcast comes of age.  Our 21st episode has Lee Davies, Gregory Moffett and Nick Lone dissect the various Nintendo controllers of old, and surmise where the future of gaming input is headed.  They also discuss the recent Nintendo News; games they’ve been playing, featuring Drawful 2 and Animal Crossing New Horizons.

This is episode 21 of the N-E Café Podcast, an N-Europe Podcast. Enjoy!



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Didn't drive today, but still got the opportunity to hear the Podcast. I'm afraid I don't have much to add today, other than the fact that I still use the GC controller when I can. My ideal controller would just be a GC controller with a Left Z to complement the current one.

Oh, and Vileplume2000 already nailed it on the transition tune. First track completely threw me off, but I got it on the second one (which is also lesser known, but I definitely remember it). Whoever edited the episode chose these tracks well.

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3 minutes ago, Jonnas said:

Oh, and Vileplume2000 already nailed it on the transition tune. First track completely threw me off, but I got it on the second one (which is also lesser known, but I definitely remember it). Whoever edited the episode chose these tracks well.

The first one was intentional to throw people off. I couldn’t resist putting the classics as the other tracks. Everything crossed for a remake! It’s been 10+ years since I’ve played it. 

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N-E Café [022] Gazing Into The Unknown is now available from all good podcast providers, and not so good ones, too.  Just check out the OP for more details.

The N-E Café Podcast hits its 22nd episode, with Lee Davies and Nick Lone gazing into their crystal balls to unlock the mysteries of Nintendo’s 2020.  They also discuss the recent Nintendo News; games they’ve been playing, featuring a blast from the late 2000s and Bulletstorm: Duke of Switch Edition.

This is episode 22 of the N-E Café Podcast, an N-Europe Podcast. Enjoy!



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Finished listening to it. A few things:

  • To my knowledge, Ori and the Blind Forest has never been released on the PS4. It's a Microsoft IP, which means PC, Xbox One... and the uneasy alliance with the Switch;
  • You said I've been playing a lot of the Super Mario Maker N-E Challenge (perhaps due to an editing error), but I am most certainly not. I don't have the game;
  • Loved the individual attention you gave to multiple discounted titles from this eShop Spring Sale. Especially since you mentioned the sublime Mark of the Ninja. I'd also like to mention that Bastion and Transistor are under significant discounts, as well;
  • I really hope any version of Majora's Mask on the Switch does not take from the 3DS remake, as everything I've seen from it seems to have made the game worse. The OoT remake seems fine, though;
  • Considering Retro Studios' release schedule and track record, I think we're not getting a single whiff of Metroid Prime 4 this year. That's my prediction;
  • I think any look at this year's release schedule should be taken with extreme scepticism. There will be a lot of delays, a lot of late reveals, and a lot of shuffled release dates, I think.

A lot of topics I was interested in this week (even the talk about Bulletstorm, a game I otherwise have no interest in). Might be because there was a lot of talk about game content, it feels like. Industry talk definitely felt shorter than usual.

I have no idea about the transition tune, but I'll take a stab, anyway.


Disco Elysium

For what it's worth, the intro tune is a piano version of the Intro Theme from Mega Man 3. The ending tune is an acapella version of Metal Man's Stage from Mega Man 2.

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1 hour ago, Jonnas said:

Finished listening to it. A few things:

  • To my knowledge, Ori and the Blind Forest has never been released on the PS4. It's a Microsoft IP, which means PC, Xbox One... and the uneasy alliance with the Switch;
  • You said I've been playing a lot of the Super Mario Maker N-E Challenge (perhaps due to an editing error), but I am most certainly not. I don't have the game;
  • Loved the individual attention you gave to multiple discounted titles from this eShop Spring Sale. Especially since you mentioned the sublime Mark of the Ninja. I'd also like to mention that Bastion and Transistor are under significant discounts, as well;
  • I really hope any version of Majora's Mask on the Switch does not take from the 3DS remake, as everything I've seen from it seems to have made the game worse. The OoT remake seems fine, though;
  • Considering Retro Studios' release schedule and track record, I think we're not getting a single whiff of Metroid Prime 4 this year. That's my prediction;
  • I think any look at this year's release schedule should be taken with extreme scepticism. There will be a lot of delays, a lot of late reveals, and a lot of shuffled release dates, I think.

A lot of topics I was interested in this week (even the talk about Bulletstorm, a game I otherwise have no interest in). Might be because there was a lot of talk about game content, it feels like. Industry talk definitely felt shorter than usual.

I have no idea about the transition tune, but I'll take a stab, anyway.

  TT guess (Reveal hidden contents)

Disco Elysium

For what it's worth, the intro tune is a piano version of the Intro Theme from Mega Man 3. The ending tune is an acapella version of Metal Man's Stage from Mega Man 2.

Yeah I noticed the Ori thing but didn't correct Lee, it is a MS exclusive + Switch. I was thinking about Transistor but Lee put me off it a couple of weeks ago.. :laughing: I may jump in though, because it's 3 euros on the Russian store. 
What didn't you like about the MM remake? I thought it looked much better visually and the diary stuff / save system was much easier to manage than in the original. However, I'm thinking purely from a graphics POV. Both remakes look stunning on the 3DS and run much better than the N64 versions. So maybe a hybrid of both would be better? 
I'm sceptical we'll see MP4 this year, but maybe a short FMV trailer at E3 could be expected. It has been a couple of years now since development started again. Saying that, maybe the Game Awards will be a nice time at the end of they year for a short clip. But as you say, everything is up in the air now thanks to Coronavirus...

The intro and ending tunes are correct (YouTube is a goldmine for excellent Mega Man covers), but the TT is wrong! 

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1 hour ago, Nicktendo said:

I was thinking about Transistor but Lee put me off it a couple of weeks ago.. :laughing: I may jump in though, because it's 3 euros on the Russian store. 

I haven't played Transistor (even though I have it on GOG), but Bastion is absolutely amazing. If you haven't played Bastion, play at least that one. If you have, then you can make your mind up about Transistor... but then again, I've literally just heard you say you'd like to finish Xenoblade 2 :heh:

1 hour ago, Nicktendo said:

What didn't you like about the MM remake? I thought it looked much better visually and the diary stuff / save system was much easier to manage than in the original. However, I'm thinking purely from a graphics POV. Both remakes look stunning on the 3DS and run much better than the N64 versions. So maybe a hybrid of both would be better? 

It started when I wanted to check out how the bosses looked in the remake, so I looked up a video to find... that the fights were all redesigned. For the worse, as they removed everything I found appealing about them. That left enough of a bad taste in my mouth, but I later came across a video (with an overly disturbing thumbnail) talking about other changes, including major changes to Zora-swimming that made it not fun anymore (there was a lot of other stuff for sure, but that part hit me hard). The better-looking visuals are not worth it, in the face of that.

Meanwhile, everything I've seen of OoT 3D seemed perfect. They redesigned a couple of details (like putting a dress on Ruto), but nothing for the worse, looks like.

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5 hours ago, Jonnas said:

Finished listening to it. A few things:

1. To my knowledge, Ori and the Blind Forest has never been released on the PS4. It's a Microsoft IP, which means PC, Xbox One... and the uneasy alliance with the Switch;

2. You said I've been playing a lot of the Super Mario Maker N-E Challenge (perhaps due to an editing error), but I am most certainly not. I don't have the game;

3. Loved the individual attention you gave to multiple discounted titles from this eShop Spring Sale. Especially since you mentioned the sublime Mark of the Ninja. I'd also like to mention that Bastion and Transistor are under significant discounts, as well;

4. Considering Retro Studios' release schedule and track record, I think we're not getting a single whiff of Metroid Prime 4 this year. That's my prediction;

5. I think any look at this year's release schedule should be taken with extreme scepticism. There will be a lot of delays, a lot of late reveals, and a lot of shuffled release dates, I think.

6. A lot of topics I was interested in this week (even the talk about Bulletstorm, a game I otherwise have no interest in). Might be because there was a lot of talk about game content, it feels like. Industry talk definitely felt shorter than usual.

Thanks for the feedback Jonnas.

1. Yeah, I've said that for 2 weeks now.  It hasn't been released on PS4 and you're perfectly right, slaps wrist.

2. Whoops again.  Mixed you up with someone else.  A lot of what we say is from memory, damn thing must be broken.

3. Upon first glance the Spring Sale didn't seem up to much, but a deeper dive shows the depth of quality.  I did say, but there's literally too much to talk about, we could have a separate stand alone podcast about the indie games on there.  And yes, Mark of the Ninja is sublime, so is Bastion.  Transisitor not so much.

4. I can see that coming to pass.  I crossing my fingers for a first look, if only so they can announce the HD trilogy of the first 3 Metroid games.

5. Hence, my slight pessimism.  Think this year will be a shadow of previous years, but then the positive 2021 will be banging.

6. Yeah, as things have closed down, there seems to be less to talk about in that regard.

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It's that time of the week again, it's the weekly visit to the N-E Cafe.


N-E Café [023] Mariko’s Dead, Baby

The N-E Café Podcast proceeds onwards with its 23rd episode.  Lee Davies, Gregory Moffett and Nick Lone break down the possible implications of the recent Switch update’s datamine. They also discuss the recent Nintendo News; and games they’ve been playing, featuring Animal Crossing, Kuukiyomi: Consider It and fixing the JoyCon drift.

This is episode 23 of the N-E Café Podcast, an N-Europe Podcast. Enjoy!

A really good discussion on the possibility of new hardware coming and what we think it means for 2020/21.



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45 minutes in, and that Kuukyomi game sounds like a hoot. "The considerate thing would be to turn off the computer AS FAST AS POSSIBLE" indeed :laughing: Had a hearty laugh.

I know exactly where the opening theme's from, but alas, that's not the transition tune.


Streets of Rage 4 ?


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