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Super Mario Maker 2 - Level Share/Feedback thread


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13 hours ago, Dcubed said:

Me and @Glen-i played Super Koopa Kart BTW @RedShell!  It’s fun! It works well, but it doesn’t work as well in local same screen co-op as it does in separate screen VS; since the leading player cannot pull the camera too far ahead of the lagging players.

Yeah. Hopefully when the play with friends update arrives we can also choose specific levels to play, then it can be properly tested! :hehe: 

Just played through your latest level, good stuff. I like how you use the enemies to reach higher platforms. It’s always fun going the wrong way too. :grin: 

10 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Oscar worthy story telling in this one. I'll wait patiently for my reward.

You deserve it for the part when Boo is running after Chain Chomp. I was cracking up at that. :laughing: :bowdown:

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  • 5 months later...

Bumping this for attention and hopefully bring people back to Mario maker (besides the challenge).

Looked at my favourites list, and there were still a few levels I haven't played yet, including Time Paradox @Dcubed, I'll get on that one soo. It's just that I mostly spend my time in the editor, and if I play I usually do the new section to be surprised at the crap and occasional hidden gem I get.

I haven't even posted most of my own levels here.

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3 hours ago, Sméagol said:

Looked at my favourites list, and there were still a few levels I haven't played yet, including Time Paradox @Dcubed, I'll get on that one soo. It's just that I mostly spend my time in the editor, and if I play I usually do the new section to be surprised at the crap and occasional hidden gem I get.

Time Paradox is probably one of the most clever levels @Dcubed has made. Completely impossible to finish in multiplayer, but apart from that, it's tops.

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Who was menuboy on the forum? I forgot. Was playing a few of the levels I haven't played yet, and didn't like Indiana Jones for a few resons.

@RedShell I liked the ehh exploration is key was the title? It was short and fun. Not fond of an obligatory find the hidden block, thankfully you kept that to a minimum.

Currently playing your Time Paradox @Dcubed.. Waiting for the time-out, as I'm pretty sure I softlocked myself haha (I assume you need to be big in the flying blocks room? I also cheesed your second room by bringing another p-switch).

Edit: Very cool level. And looking at that world record.. haha, it's a shame, because that ending is also cool and very fitting, but as I suspected, not cheese proof. :laughing:

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Originally world 3-4 in my Mario Maker 1 collection. Find all those Key coins and win a meaningless 1-up!

Oh, and @Sméagol...

Unfortunately, I don't think I'll ever be able to finish that level because my hands involuntarily shake and I'm incapable of making precise movements on Lakitu's Cloud. That's not on you though.

It's a cool level idea, I like the concept.

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52 minutes ago, Glen-i said:


Unfortunately, I don't think I'll ever be able to finish that level because my hands involuntarily shake and I'm incapable of making precise movements on Lakitu's Cloud. That's not on you though.

It's a cool level idea, I like the concept.

I'm sure there are hundreds of those levels out there, but I never made a 1 screen level before (and well technically, still haven't, since it's 2 screens vertically), and I wanted to do something quick before reuploading my "easy" level. It may be easy to finish, but speedrunning is hard! I've spent a few hours now trying to get a good cleartime for the second time!

Don't let shaky hands stop you, I've spent too much time on clearing that one as well, partly due to shitty pro D-pad which sometimes has a will of its own.

But yeah, it was way more difficult than I originally intended for such a short experience. I kind of still like because of the minimal set-up. But yeah, that's another level I created this morning in I'm guessing half an hour maybe? Then spend an hour trying to clear it. Uploaded it.. Then figured it was theoretically possible to softlock it, so edited it and the fun of speedrun clearing it began anew. Taking even longer because I seem to get worse but also was trying top get an even better cleartime than the first time.

But that hole you fell in? It was exactly there for that reason. Your tweet proved my point.

Also I find it surprising so many people die to Lakitu.

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13 hours ago, Sméagol said:

Who was menuboy on the forum? I forgot. Was playing a few of the levels I haven't played yet, and didn't like Indiana Jones for a few resons.

@RedShell I liked the ehh exploration is key was the title? It was short and fun. Not fond of an obligatory find the hidden block, thankfully you kept that to a minimum.

Currently playing your Time Paradox @Dcubed.. Waiting for the time-out, as I'm pretty sure I softlocked myself haha (I assume you need to be big in the flying blocks room? I also cheesed your second room by bringing another p-switch).

Edit: Very cool level. And looking at that world record.. haha, it's a shame, because that ending is also cool and very fitting, but as I suspected, not cheese proof. :laughing:

You did not cheese that final room by bring the extra P-Switch... That’s what you’re supposed to do! You make the extra one spawn  by going in and out of the room and then use the extra one to extend the timer and get enough time to get across the coin block section (it’s impossible with just one P-Switch).


And no you don’t have to be big to get through the flying block room; you just need to be quick!


About that WR, I have no idea how they’ve pulled it off.  I haven’t been able to replicate it!

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3 hours ago, Dcubed said:

You did not cheese that final room by bring the extra P-Switch... That’s what you’re supposed to do! You make the extra one spawn  by going in and out of the room and then use the extra one to extend the timer and get enough time to get across the coin block section (it’s impossible with just one P-Switch).


And no you don’t have to be big to get through the flying block room; you just need to be quick!


About that WR, I have no idea how they’ve pulled it off.  I haven’t been able to replicate it!

I thought you had to use the spring somehow. I could maybe see if you're quick, you can put it right on the edge so the Koopa would barely land on it, and bounce to the other side, but I didn't want to try that more than 2 times haha. Also I would have preferred an infinitely spawning switch, but I know that goes against the design you wanted.


It reminds me of a level idea I had, a recreation of the Fire! Game & Watch.. But I don't think you can propertly recreate the mechanics. I had an experiment, but never did anything more with it.

You mean you can get that last block without the spring? That seems very hard.. It's up very high and it's gone very quick. Didn't look possible to me, but I'd have to check again. Also, since the contents don't matter, you could maybe have put another extra mushroom(s) there for any idiot who gets damaged while trying to bring a shell up those claws!

Yeah that WR, that's what you get. I fully expect someone to have gotten it exactly the way I imagine it.. Just jump. I mean I tried, and I assume you tested it. :p It looks like you can almost make it, which is dangerous, because then there's a chance someone better than you may actually pull it off. I suspect it's frame and pixel perfect. I couldn't do it, but I only gave it a couple goes. Honestly, the WR doesn't surprise me, but it also looks hard enough that they deserve it in my opinion.

Edit: Oh and @Glen-i, you keep mentioning "useless" 1-UPs, they're not useless, endless runners loves them. In fact, while I always put some (hidden) 1-UPs in my levels, or even the occasional 3 1-UPs bonus room at the end, I keep forgetting that I should consider just giving them away, especially as my levels are hard (although I also have arguments for not doing that). It's why Lakitu is throwing out 1-UPs in my last level.

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26 minutes ago, Sméagol said:

Edit: Oh and @Glen-i, you keep mentioning "useless" 1-UPs, they're not useless, endless runners loves them. In fact, while I always put some (hidden) 1-UPs in my levels, or even the occasional 3 1-UPs bonus room at the end, I keep forgetting that I should consider just giving them away, especially as my levels are hard (although I also have arguments for not doing that). It's why Lakitu is throwing out 1-UPs in my last level.

Oh, I'm aware. Which is why I only say that here.

What are the chances someone from N-Europe will encounter one of my levels in an Endless run? I think I can safely get away with that here.

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On 19/02/2020 at 10:47 PM, Nicktendo said:

Too easy!! :D

It's up again, if you feel like trying for your WR again. And if it's too easy, try to go for the true ending than. ;)

Made a trailer, showing how to speedrun the first section and how top get to the bonus room.

@Glen-i, I played your level. It's annoying how I keep forgetting to capture videos.. Anyway I like it. I like having different routes. Point of critique would be that the level feels sparse in a few areas.. Nothing to do but to ride a slow lift or other thing. Would've liked to have more to do in those areas, like coins to collect, or blocks to hit, or enemies to avoid.

It's funny, because I never watched those showcase videos at the start of the general thread when the game launched. I actually watched some of it a few days ago for some inspiration, though they were too long and too many to watch all of 'm. But I did catch this one (and ceiling chomps!). If I did have Mario Maker 1, I don't think I'd bother with recreating old levels personally, unless they were heavily remixed. So I'd improve and / or remix them at least, but it looked like it was a faithful recreation. But what was funny is that you forgot about that red coin near the vine. I climbed the vine and jumped off, and thought "no wait". I forgot about it too haha. I jumped back, then fell and got scroll killed. So that was what I should have captured..

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24 minutes ago, Sméagol said:

But what was funny is that you forgot about that red coin near the vine. I climbed the vine and jumped off, and thought "no wait". I forgot about it too haha. I jumped back, then fell and got scroll killed. So that was what I should have captured..

Huh? Really? I'm sure I put that red coin near the vine... Are you sure it's not there?

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3 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Huh? Really? I'm sure I put that red coin near the vine... Are you sure it's not there?

Yeah it was there, I got the 1-UP, but I initially forgot about it, then jumped back to get it, and then fell..

Edit: I meant you forgot to collect the red coin yourself in that video. And then I made the same mistake. Only I fell to my death, you just left it there.

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12 minutes ago, Sméagol said:

@Glen-i Edit: Hmm I'll leave you to exploring before I comment.

Nah, go ahead. Couldn't figure out how to break that block blocking the obvious pipe.

I enjoyed the level, mind. I don't normally go for speedruns but something compelled me with your level.

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12 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Nah, go ahead. Couldn't figure out how to break that block blocking the obvious pipe.

I enjoyed the level, mind. I don't normally go for speedruns but something compelled me with your level.

The mushroom is mostly a joke.


But also required for the true ending. Yes, you need to get there as big Mario. Hardest thing in the level probably. If finishing normally was too easy. :p


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The fact you put the Mario Sunshine theme on the trampoline was what started this all, wasn't it? :laughing:

Forgot to capture anything again, sorry. Probably would have been hilarious to watch me finally get all the red coins and make it to the end, only to jump out of the clown thing, and hit the goal accidentally.

Few notes:

  • There are 2 difficulty spikes. Spikes on slopes apparently are pretty tricky! But they're also right at the beginning. Not a huge problem, but they're one of the reasons I'd like an extra mushroom in the level. Having to juggle the trampoline makes even the simple challenges a bit harder.
  • The other bigger one is the boss. Having him throw already lit bombs while you're bouncing around everywhere makes him pretty tough. The trampoline gets in the way even. I would like a little alcove to throw the trampoline so it doesn't get in the way, and I ehh actually don't know how Bowser works, but I think it would help if he threw unlit bob-ombs instead. I think a boss feels a bit out of place in general, it doesn't feel like a level that would have a boss, and it comes on top of having the objective. Not a huge problem, but it's defintely a lot harder than everything else in your level, and you can't use checkpoints.
  • A minor aesthetic thing.. But I prefer my power-ups in boxes, so the fire flower near Bowser stands out. There's also no real reason to just sit in the open, there's place above for a block before you jump in.
  • Edit: Oh I forgot.. I offscreened the trampoline at the place with the piranha plants. Tried to grab the mushroom first. Not sure how, but I'd redesign it a bit so the trampoline stays on screen at all times, although I also understand you don't want the red Koopa to spawn when you're still on the other side.

I like how your level looks, apart from the 1-way gates (I just don't like how they look, and use them as little as possible myself). Overall it was fun, just, well like I warned. No checkpoints, and just a bit annoying to have to start from the beginning (mostly when you're also trying to collect those red coins). I also liked how one of those red pipes hinted at one of the red coins. The red coin I initially missed was the last one.

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Thanks for the feedback, @Sméagol.

4 hours ago, Sméagol said:

The fact you put the Mario Sunshine theme on the trampoline was what started this all, wasn't it? :laughing:

What can I say? Inspiration strikes in the stupidest places.

It wasn't the Sunshine theme at first, but then I heard that accordian start the Isle Delfino music and thought "Yes, this is music a trampoline would play"

I'm afraid Bowser in a Koopa Clown Car always throws lit Bob-ombs, at least in Mario Bros. 3 style. A shame that, I would've preferred unlit ones as well.

Speaking of that boss, I designed that arena so that the trampoline can never get despawned if you bring it with you. You might have found it easier if you just punted the trampoline into a corner and just ignored it while you focused on Bowser. As for that Fire Flower, it's there mostly for people who already have a Super Mushroom to fall back on if they get hit. I wanted to award smart planning with an extra hit for people who waited until they really needed it.

I mean, the description said, "Don't let it out of your sight" Someone is bound to jack it if you go too far ahead. I think the Hammer Bros did it. What? There aren't any in that level? Exactly.

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