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Playstation 5 Console Discussion


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2 hours ago, Ronnie said:

They've since removed the claim, for obvious reasons, but it's unfortunately not that surprising at this point, I feel like it's something we would have heard about if it were on its way. 

A shame, sure, because I am a big fan of backwards compatibility and preserving games, but it wouldn't have been the biggest selling point anyways, and I feel like they would've been investing a lot to play towards what is honestly a very niche corner of their audience. Would love some sort of accessory module we could get separately to attach in order to do this. 

Though I would still welcome news to the contrary, what I've really been hoping for (and is probably a bit more realistic) is that PS1/PS2 games on the PS3/Vita would be playable on the PS5. I guess the problem with that is licensing and third parties wanting to rake in some cash on port collections. 

Edited by Julius
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Expected and not surprising. Will not impact sales at all.
Personally, I don't really mind. I barely have time to play the newest games anyways so backwards compatibility doesn't matter to me.

Given how it's likely that the new consoles are out in 2 1/2 months and we still have no idea about pricing, it's time for Microsoft and Sony to finally step up. This game of chicken is starting to annoy me :p

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Be nice for them to do something For the Players, regardless of it not impacting sales. Their whole backwards compatibility message has been so muddled. If I can put in PS4 disks into PS5 then at least that's something, but that still isn't even 100% confirmed.

I do agree about the build up to next gen, the whole drip feed of information is getting boring. Both companies being terrified of going first to reveal price etc is tedious a f. Happy memories of the Switch reveal trailer blowing up on YouTube, 3 months later their presentation, 2 months later release. 

Edited by Ronnie
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3 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

I do agree about the build up to next gen, the whole drip feed of information is getting boring. Both companies being terrified of going first to reveal price etc is tedious a f. Happy memories of the Switch reveal trailer blowing up on YouTube, 3 months later their presentation, 2 months later release. 

Yeah, agreed with you and @drahkon. I think we need to know price for and launch titles for both (and for the PS5 also what is going on with the UI) by the end of the month, as well as a launch date, because it's starting to wear a bit thin for me too. 

We're in the middle of a pandemic which isn't going to go away on its own anytime soon, and the world's economy is already upside down. Yes, we can guess roughly how much things are going to cost and save based on that, but in such uncertain times, giving consumers a heads-up well ahead of time is the most respectful (and respectable) thing you can do in this situation. I think it's different for the Switch when that launches at £279 and these could well end up being over £500. 

And speaking of which, I agree Ronnie, I think the Switch did it best. That initial reveal in October 2016 I think it was invited us all in, but didn't show everything off, and left us plenty to look forward to in the January presentation; launching two months later was genius. I think if we can go six months from announcement to launch for games, why can't we for consoles? t

feels to me like Xbox and PlayStation would have wanted a tight schedule to announce price/launch titles anyway, even without COVID, but while we knew about the Switch as the NX for years beforehand, Xbox and PlayStation have been getting up on the stage and talking about their next gen consoles for a year or two, which seems more in line with the older and much longer announcement to launch marketing cycle. 

I kind of just want my pre-order in at this point. 

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15 minutes ago, Goafer said:

Weird how much emphasis people are putting on backwards compatibility this gen (4 generations worth no less).

Because people need to find something to complain about Sony and the PS5, especially since the company has been nailing the marketing from day one (aside for the fact that we still don't know anything about the console's price). Gotta put them down some way or another ::shrug:

23 minutes ago, Julius said:

while we knew about the Switch as the NX for years beforehand, Xbox and PlayStation have been getting up on the stage and talking about their next gen consoles for a year or two, which seems more in line with the older and much longer announcement to launch marketing cycle.

I think we gotta keep in mind that the PS4 is still doing gangbusters. And Sony knows...they even did a PS4 event a few weeks ago. There's less of a need to do a short marketing cycle for their new console.

Still...it's time for some more details :D

Edited by drahkon
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30 minutes ago, Goafer said:

Weird how much emphasis people are putting on backwards compatibility this gen (4 generations worth no less).

I don't recall other console launches getting this much scrutiny over a minor feature.

Nothing weird about it my friend, it's just that it's Sony that's not doing it.

For instance the Switch does not have any backwards compatibility at all. Do we recall anyone complaining about that?

Edited by Sheikah
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26 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Because people need to find something to complain about Sony and the PS5, especially since the company has been nailing the marketing from day one

Sony have been "nailing the marketing from day 1"? Day 1 as in the day Concrete Genie was released and was sent out to die? Their games showcase was good but otherwise this drip feed of information is clearly annoying people. Hyping up the Cerny talk was another mis-step in marketing. Now they're maybe, possibly offering to hopefully send some Playstation fans a link to pre-order, as long as your nebulous and muddled "Playstation activities" are good enough. Then throw in all this backwards compatibility vagueness. Sorry, releasing a logo on Instagram and having great games does not = "nailing the marketing from day 1".

24 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

Nothing weird about it my friend, it's just that it's Sony that's not doing it.

For instance the Switch has any backwards compatibility at all. Do we recall anyone complaining about that?

Yes I'll just pop my N64 cartridge into my Switch...

The Wii U had backwards compatibility, so did the Wii, the Switch has NES/SNES (so far). Playstation meanwhile don't give a fuck.


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36 minutes ago, Goafer said:

Weird how much emphasis people are putting on backwards compatibility this gen (4 generations worth no less).

I don't recall other console launches getting this much scrutiny over a minor feature.

We got tons of complaints last time; but now, with people heavily investing in digital purchases, the consoles sticking with x86 architecture, Sony dumping PS1/PS2 Virtual Console services, the rise of the PC market (and its infinite BC) and Microsoft doing a bang up job with BC on their lineup of consoles? It's not hard to see why people are giving Sony a bollocking over their pretty poor approach to BC (Especially when they can't even get most PS4 games working properly on PS5; let alone anything else!).

27 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

For instance the Switch has any backwards compatibility at all. Do we recall anyone complaining about that?

That is an understandable omission for Switch.  It wasn't even remotely feasible once they made the jump to a portable, ARM & NVidia based system.

And people have & continue to give them a bollocking over dropping Virtual Console (including me!).  NSO is a very shit substitute for a proper VC service.

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3 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

Yes I'll just pop my N64 cartridge into my Switch...

Oh I see, and what if you bought Wii U games digitally? Can't play them on Switch, can you? No comment from you back then about this being unfair on gamers? Ok then.


The Wii U had backwards compatibility, so did the Wii, the Switch has NES/SNES (so far). Playstation meanwhile don't give a fuck.

So you think Switch has "backwards compatibility" because it can play a selection of NES/SNES re-released games so long as you pay a subscription? That's not backwards compatibilty.

I find it odd that you're saying PlayStation don't give a fuck. PS5 will run PS4 games - it is therefore backwards compatible with the previous console's games.

Both Wii and Wii U have only ever been able to play one previous generation's worth of games. So strange that you have different standards for different console manufacturers. So strange indeed.

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5 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

Nope. They never said that. They said they were using the top 100 games list as a starting point to check compatibility. This has been said many times.

They've said that the system can run any PS4 game without any sort of whitelisting; but only those "Top 100" games (And anything released after July 2020) are actually guaranteed to work at launch.  Anything else is a coin flip if it even runs, let alone without glitches.


Meanwhile, MS have guaranteed that anything released on Xbone (Except for the Kinect titles) is guaranteed to run correctly (some even with handcrafted enhancements and all with enhanced performance) on Series X.  Not hard to see why Sony's efforts compare unfavourably.

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3 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

They've said that the system can run any PS4 game without any sort of whitelisting; but only those "Top 100" games (And anything released after July 2020) are actually guaranteed to work at launch.  Anything else is a coin flip if it even runs, let alone without glitches.

" In his presentation, Mark Cerny provided a snapshot into the Top 100 most-played PS4 titles, demonstrating how well our backward compatibility efforts are going. We have already tested hundreds of titles and are preparing to test thousands more as we move toward launch. "

From the official Playstation blog.

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I'll wait and see how BC (or missing BC) will impact sales. Can't imagine Sony will lose many customers with that.

And I really hope some people here will never buy a PS5 given the disdain they have for what's been announced/not announced. The incessant complaining and bringing up old news is annoying as hell, especially when most discussions start on a positive note.

It's always Sony... ::shrug:

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1 minute ago, Happenstance said:

" In his presentation, Mark Cerny provided a snapshot into the Top 100 most-played PS4 titles, demonstrating how well our backward compatibility efforts are going. We have already tested hundreds of titles and are preparing to test thousands more as we move toward launch. "

From the official Playstation blog.

I do feel that they could have communicated this better as there is no doubt confusion around it on the internet, but hopefully now on this forum at least we won't see the same comment that "only 100" PS4 games will run at launch. :) 

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2 minutes ago, drahkon said:

I'll wait and see how BC (or missing BC) will impact sales. Can't imagine Sony will lose many customers with that.

And I really hope some people here will never buy a PS5 given the disdain they have for what's been announced/not announced. The incessant complaining and bringing up old news is annoying as hell, especially when most discussions start on a positive note.

It's always Sony... ::shrug:

A bit strange to see you complaining about complaints given all you do on the Nintendo board is complain about Nintendo, but ok. Things don't seem to be affecting Switch sales either so you should be happy. ::shrug:

As said, the lack of true BC won't affect sales, but some people would just like to see them live up to their "For the Players" tag in aspects outside of their great games output.

Had you seen the story about PS5 offering pre-orders to a select group of players based on their activity log? Would you say that's nailing marketing?

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2 minutes ago, drahkon said:

I'll wait and see how BC (or missing BC) will impact sales. Can't imagine Sony will lose many customers with that.

And I really hope some people here will never buy a PS5 given the disdain they have for what's been announced/not announced. The incessant complaining and bringing up old news is annoying as hell, especially when most discussions start on a positive note.

It's always Sony... ::shrug:

I've said before but BC is important as a method to ease the transition between generations but beyond that it is of little concern to most.

From Sony's point of view there is little point in investing time and resources into something that the majority of people don't care about it. Here's a metric I've pasted before, but it shows just how little time people spend using BC on Xbox One:




And if you're thinking that Sony "don't care" about gamers because of their BC stance, just think about how Sony are knocking it out of the park with their numerous exclusives that consistently review well, all the while Microsoft have very little to show. I don't believe it's that Sony don't care - just they'd rather focus their efforts on more important things.

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2 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

Had you seen the story about PS5 offering pre-orders to a select group of players based on their activity log? Would you say that's nailing marketing?

This sounds like a perfect way to combat scalpers in a situation where stock will be limited. Did you consider that as a possibility, or just default to the worst possible assumption?

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