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Devil May Cry 5 (Spring 2019)


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Several years have passed in Devil May Cry 5 and the threat of demonic power, long since forgotten, has returned to menace the world once again. The demonic invasion begins with the seeds of a “demon tree” taking root in Red Grave City. This hellish incursion attracts the attention of the young demon hunter, Nero, an ally of Dante who now finds himself without his demonic arm, the source of much of his power. As Nero heads to Red Grave City in his motorhome named “Devil May Cry” with his partner Nico, he ruminates on how everything started. The loss of his demonic arm, the demonic invasion, and Dante’s unknown whereabouts. Things must be settled once and for all.

It's going to take some getting used to the new designs but the gameplay looks fast and frantic, just as Devil May Cry should be.

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Iunno. I like it but the tempo almost feels wrong. Ideally it should match how the gameplay feels, and in the trailer it definitely did. Hearing it outside of that I’m not as warm to it. 

Furthering the echo chamber though (carrying over from the other thread with this) I’m not loving the redesign. I don’t mind the short hair that isn’t it at all but his face/head is so square now. Didn’t it use to be a bit more angular?


Also not loving the Southern Drawling stereotype of a sidekick. I bet she’s the type to order a Coke and get pissed when they don’t hand her a orange crush. It’s just too damn Deep South strong. I’ve got family in the south I’ve talked with people from Tennessee and Texas a southern accent can be kinda hot. This girl just goes full country singer and it’s awful though. 

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TGS trailer:

Also, here’s what’s coming with the Deluxe Edition:


Nero gets equipped with Mega Buster! Part of the Devil May Cry 5 Deluxe Edition, which comes with 4 unique Devil Breakers, 12 classic battle themes, upgraded motorcycle weapon for Dante, and more!


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So, it looks like Devil May Cry 5 is going to have the option to pay for red orbs.

Similar to the way that you were able to purchase them in the re-releases, except here apparently, the game is being built with this in mind.

Now, I don't think that Capcom is going to just make the higher skills stupidly unobtainable by putting a stupidly high amount of red orbs as an in-game price for them...

...but it does make you wonder.

I'm still intending to buy the game and play it without buying any orbs and I don't think it will be a big deal if you just want to play the game "normally" I hope.

I still dislike this kind of thing though, apparently if you bought some of the DMC games digitally on PS4, then they would throw in some red orbs whether you wanted them or not.

This was another reason why I tracked down an import copy of Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition from Japan in addition to wanting all the games boxed.

Anyway, I'm still very much looking forward to the game and hopefully grinding for red orbs as well as I feel that's half of the fun in the earlier games, to an extent.

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