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Remembering WiiWare


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4 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

I'm back from work and making last minute purchases... :p

Do I need to get the dlc from inside the game for Space Invaders? I can't see any dlc for it on the shop.

DLC for all Wii games (and 3DS for that matter) is only available to buy from within the game itself.  It won't appear on the shop.

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OK, well I just rinsed through the 10,000 points I put on there before leaving for work and I just put on another 10,000 assuming that those will be my last.

The option to buy points is still on the shop though... past the deadline as well, just saying. :p

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Do I actually want to buy Wiiware and VC games?

Which games aren't available anywhere else?

Should I spend my money on the Switch E-shop instead?

Deadline is tonight..

Hmm ok put 60 euros on it just in case.

Is that enough?

Should I spend more?

Deadline is up..


Nah. Like I said, I bought 60 euros worth of Wii points just in case. More than I inititally thought, but then again, I haven't really thought about what I'd still like from the E-shop. Apart from the Megaman 10 dlc, I'm probably going to get Chrono trigger, was thinking of Nyxquest as well. Perhaps Zelda: a link to the past purely for convenience. Perhaps that Zombies ate my neighbours game. I always liked the look of that, and it's apparently made by Lucasarts, so on advise of @Hero-of-Time.. I may get it. Not sure if I'll ever bother getting the cart. Maybe one of the Konami rebirth games. And Tomena Sanner. :)

..Maybe I should've have added 1000 more points. :|

.. or more.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Remembering WiiWare #3


Written by Hero-of-Time

I had meant to have this up sooner but there was that mad scramble for WiiWare and then time just muscle-marched on. ::shrug:

Thanks again @Hero-of-Time for writing these and I'll get on putting up #4 a lot sooner. :smile:

Has anyone else got points in their account still out of curiosity?

I've still got 10,000 to spend... :blank:

...because of course I have. :p

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40 minutes ago, S.C.G said:

Has anyone else got points in their account still out of curiosity?

Yeah, "plenty". Since buying those points, I've only bought Chrono Trigger. Had a quick look, but I'm not seriously going to play anything on my Wii for the moment. After finishing Dark Souls on PC, it's back to Switch for me. I'll be buying the few games I want sooner or later though.


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Remembering WiiWare #4


Written by Hero-of-Time

There we are, I said the fourth edition would arrive sooner rather than later. :D

Both reviews are excellent reads as well @Hero-of-Time so it was a pleasure to put them upon the main page. :smile:

It also reminds me that I've got all these WiiWare titles to play now... :blank:

Maybe I'll get around to writing one or two WiiWare reviews myself when I hook up my Wii again via RGB Scart. :peace:

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  • 8 months later...

Time for a reminder I think.

You will not be able to spend Wii Shop Points past Thursday 31st January 2019.

And at some point in 2019 the ability to redownload will be removed too.  So remember to get everything downloaded, backed up on SD cards and, if you can, back up your NAND.

I've got 10,000 points to use so I had better get planning.

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5 minutes ago, V. Amoleo said:

Time for a reminder I think.

You will not be able to spend Wii Shop Points past Thursday 31st January 2019.

And at some point in 2019 the ability to redownload will be removed too.  So remember to get everything downloaded, backed up on SD cards and, if you can, back up your NAND.

I've got 10,000 points to use so I had better get planning.

Can you still gift games..?

I kinda felt regret the other day that I didn't pick up Indiana Jones for the SNES but now I'm wondering if someone (such as yourself) would be able to gift it to me..?

Perhaps that service is already dead, though..

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, after attempting to connect my Wii to the internet via a wired connection and then giving up after going to the hassle of moving the console and an old 4:3 flatscreen monitor into the hallway so that I could have a direct connection to the router and it still not making a bit of difference, I turned the wi-fi back on just so that I could get onto the eShop at all with the consolation that being right next to the router, the downloads would be quicker at least.

This is all so that I could use up my last 10,000 points which I put on there last March and after much deliberation, looking at what I already had, what I would miss, what I wouldn't... consoles which I now have better options for, titles which I know are still on the Wii U and which titles I likely wouldn't be seeing again or at least not quite in the same way, I decided that the only logical thing to do would be to buy as many of the Virtual Console Arcade games as I could. :D

After adding everything up, changing my mind a few times and then making absolutely sure it all added up to exactly 10,000 points, here's what I got...

1942                         800 points
Altered Beast          900 points
Black Tiger              800 points
Commando             800 points
Exed Exes                800 points
Gaplus                      500 points
Ghosts n' Goblins    800 points
Ninja Gaiden            800 points
Rygar                        600 points
Space Harrier          800 points
Starforce                  500 points
Super Hang On        900 points
Tower of Druaga      500 points
Zaxxon                      500 points

All points spent, no regrets and I've got a load of fantastic titles to play through or in some cases go through again but with the benefit of displaying them over RGB scart. :smile:

It has also occured to me that in all the years I've had these games on the SD card, I've never actually backed them up, so I guess I should do that.

Anyway, it's a relief to get all those points spent as there is now only just over two weeks until the 31/01/2019 deadline for spending Wii points already on the shop channel.

Now watch Nintendo port a load of all these soon to be lost titles over to the Switch. :p (nah, it probably won't happen but I'd never rule it out)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Pics will have to wait. I'm fucking dead after being awake since 11:00 O'clock yesterday, watching some films, watching Star Trek while waiting for my remote to charge (totally didn't take that into account), then a marathon of season 1 of l'Amica geniale. And little sleep in general this week. Tired is what I am. :blank:

Anyway, first up the stuff that was already there:


  • My life as a king (+ all the dlc)
  • Lost winds 1
  • Lost winds 2
  • Megaman 9 (+ all the dlc)
  • Megaman 10
  • Bomberman Blast
  • World of Goo
  • Swords and Soldiers
  • Onslaught
  • Texas hold'em poker
  • Texas hold'em tournament

Virtual Console

  • Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels (NES)
  • Kid Icarus (NES)
  • Double Dragon (NES)
  • Bio Miracle (NES)
  • Super Mario World (SNES)
  • Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)
  • Chrono Trigger (SNES)
  • Street Fighter 2 Turbo (SNES)
  • DoReMi Fantasy (SNES)
  • Sin & Punishment (N64)
  • Wonderboy (Sega Master System)
  • Wonderboy in Monsterland (Sega Master System)
  • Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega Megadrive)
  • Earthworm Jim (Sega Megadrive)
  • Streets of Rage 2 (Sega Megadrive)
  • Toejam & Earl (Sega Megadrive)
  • R-Type (Turbo GraphX)
  • Cho Aniki (Turbo GraphX)
  • Bomberman '93 (Turbo GraphX)
  • King of Fighters '94 (NeoGeo)
  • Impossible Mission (Commodore 64)

And to this collection I added last night (though Chrono Trigger and Zelda were bought from the same Wii points added in march):


  • NyxQuest
  • Tomena Sanner
  • Gradius Rebirth
  • Megaman 10 Bass dlc

Virtual Console

  • Ufouria (NES)
  • Zombies ate my neighbours (SNES)
  • Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (Turbo GraphX)

Some notes:

  • I managed to spend all the Wii points I had left: 4500. Now I wish I had more to spend, but I didn't have a grand plan back in March when I added those points. 
  • I postponed everything, except for Zelda apparently, I was surprised I had already downloaded that one last year. Now in hindsight pretty stupid of course, and 800 Wii points I could've better spent on some other games.
  • I intended to get all the MM10 dlc as well, and started with that. Got the extra character, but endless mode didn't sounds appealing, and I didn't know what those special stages entailed. So I decided to leave it at that, and buy them if I have otherwise unusable wii points left at the end. But I didn't. Also, Googling them now, those special stages actually look pretty cool, so maybe I should have gotten. Now it will forever remain an "incomplete" game, though I intend to get the collections some day.
  • NyxQuest because I wanted another "Wiiware" classic, even if it's available elsewhere nowadays.
  • Tomena Sanner because 
    On 20/03/2018 at 7:01 PM, Sméagol said:

    @Hero-of-Time, you sold me on Tomena Sanner.

    Haven't tried it yet though (but haven't tried most of them, I had to go).

  • Zombies ate my neighbours because Lucasarts and therefore not available elsewhere except for a 2nd hand cartridge. And because it always looked like fun back in the day

  • Castlevania Rondo as opposed to rebirth because not enough points for both and Google suggested this one. Plus still pretty rare apparently. Had a real quick go, looks pretty cool
  • Ufouria because someone else brought it up in another thread (forgot who and where), and looked like fun. Played a tiny bit.. And I don't know how to kill the enemies! :p
  • Then I had 600 points left, and various options. Could complete MM10 like initially intended, could go one of the art style games. Could go for a "normal" game. Was considering Alex Kidd in miracle world for nostalgia reasons for example. Then I noticed Gradius rebirth was cheaper than other reborth games, in fac it was exactly 600, so I decided to get a least one representation of the rebirth games. Played a little bit. Not sure if I actually played any Gradius back in the day.. I'm more familiar with Parodius, and Gradius NES is freshest in my mind. Still, fun to compare the two versions. Balance was completely different, and there were little changes in level 1.
  • If I did more research last year, I would have added more points to get more stuff. All the MM10 dlc of course, but also maybe Mylon just to have both games on the system and another are game in general. Earthworm Jim 2 likewise just to have them both on the system. Maybe all of the rebirth games, though I'm not sure if I need both Rondo and rebirth. Maybe more representations of the other systems in general. Fortunately I have at least on of each (available in Europe). Of course all the NeoGeo fighters are obsolete now, plus lots of other VC and wiiware games. Ehh, it's a nice mix overall.
  • Redownloaded the few titles that were missing from the system at that moment. The lone Commodore title for example, which weren't available to buy anymore.
  • I'll delete and redownload a few more just to make sure I have the latests versions. The shop complains about updates for a few titles, because it can't check the versions of games on the SD card (or whether they're there at all).
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Alright, pictures of a SD CRT screen look terrible, so I won't bother with the stuff on the SD card! And I even rearranged some stuff. :laughing: I want Life as a King on the home page, but there's not enough space for it, so I had to move it. On a sidenote: that Metroid: Other M is actually new. I bought it last year together with Red Steel 2.

I also only happened to see GameXplain's send-off video just now.. And I was surprised to see MDK 2 on the wiiware shop. Also surprised to see Gradius Rebirth was 1000 as opposed to the 600 I payed for it? Regional differences?

Another thing I noticed in their video: the Zelda Skyward sword update channel. I vaguely remember something about this, but apparently I never used it so it seems to be essential only in certain cases. I finished Skyward Sword just fine. But! Since I was checking the shop anyway (my history), and apparently, apart from redownloads, this and the wii u transfer channel are the 2 things you can still download from the shop. So I grabbed it just in case.

Edited by Sméagol
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