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Mario Kart 8 Deluxe League 2018 (Final results now in)


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While I wait for @BowserBasher to get Thursday's results to me, here's last week's.

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Note: The scores are before usual recalculation, GP1 was discounted due to team games providing an unfair advantage to some players in Shine Thief (Players on the same team couldn't hit each other and therefore, couldn't steal the Shine easily). Renegade Roundup scores are determined by the number of players you caught/busted out.


Due to the GP1 oopsy-daisy, I couldn't implement my Random Task that week, so I'll let you off any bonus points you might have gotten/lost. Because there were only 2 GP's this week, there will be no Player who made no Bloody Difference either.

Edited by Glen-i
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Before I forget again...

Next League Night: 15th November 8pm


Room 1: @BowserBasher is host






Does this look familiar? Well, if you've been a regular for the past few years, it should. Because it's time for the...

Worst League Night Ever

Everyone's favourite day of crisis is back once again. Only the most awful of combinations will do. Because who needs an actual semblance of control? That's not funny.
So prepare to look like a right noob. And Merry Crappy Christmas!

Sign Up Now!

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Everyone who took part raised their average this week. @RedShell and @viceview51 both broke into double digits for number of 3rd places.

Next League Night: Tonight 8pm


Room 1: @BowserBasher is host






Did you enjoy your Random Task break? Well, I hope so. Because I've got a secret task this week. It's secret because it's dependent on the amount of people who join in tonight. See you then! And bring your crash helmets.

Edited by Glen-i
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1 hour ago, Glen-i said:

Oh, BTW, @RedShell What do you want me to do with your GP2 score? It's 36. Lower than your average.

EDIT: Wait, hang on. Did you actually complete every race? You never came last in any of the races...

The only race I didn’t play was dragon driftway (got disconnected before the race started) I managed to reconnect for mount Wario.

I don’t mind however you do the score. 

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Note: This is before recalculation and doesn't include the Random Task. Speaking of, it's time to reveal that particular aspect.

So yeah, I kinda have to come clean about something.

On 11/15/2018 at 8:05 PM, BowserBasher said:

Who’s supamali?


On 11/15/2018 at 8:10 PM, Glen-i said:

One of the kids from my community centre.



Yeah, not sorry. The secret task this week was called...

That Darn Younger Generation

Every time you beat SUPAMALI, you get 2 points, If he beats you, you lose 2 points.

Yeah, I planned it all along. I asked him to gatecrash the night way back on Sunday when we were playing Smash. He took part in 8 races total, so there's 16 points to potentially win or lose. I never thought of using the Ninty voice chat app to tell him of the tracks to pick. Thanks to @BowserBasher for unwittingly helping me there. In order for the task to be considered completed, you must have a bonus score of 0 or higher. So here they are.


@viceview51 there, getting owned by a 13 year old. What? You would have won more if the setup wasn't so awful? Stop making excuses!


Oh snap! Less than a month to go and the top spot has been nicked. There's no player who made no bloody difference this week. @RedShell breaks into 20 2nd places this week.
I'm gonna take this moment to let you all know that this year's league ends on the 13th of December. In order to get 50% attendance for your score to officially count for this half of the year, you need to take part in at least 36 GP's before the end of the year. Most people have that. The only person who needs to play more to reach that is @Dcubed. Taking part in 3 more nights will get you there.

Next theme will be up soon.

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